T.H.E.Y., those mother WEFers, those Rots-childs, those Black (hearted) Rocks want to buy up all of the Real Estate, and rent it to the captive audience, the world.
"You will own nothing, and you will be happy."
T.H.E.Y. are going to make it difficult to own property.
It is no coincidence that insurance rates are going WAY up in certain areas.
It is no coincicence that inflation of food prices is making life really tight for most people.
It is no coincidence that Governor Nuissance has past legislation that will allow rent control in Komifornia.
The banksters are really playing Monopoly®. T.H.E.Y. want to end up with all of the properties, but do not realize, that when they do, the game is over. People do not continue to follow the rules when they have lost everything.
And what the banksters do not realize is that the game is changing. T.H.E.Y. are still going to try to win Monopoly®, but they cannot see that the very game board is changing. All the paper that they think they own and control, is nothing more than paper.
T.H.E.Y. end up owning nothing. And, i do not feel that T.H.E.Y. are going to be happy.

Restrict Supply - Fail
The game has been to restrict supply. To keep the prices of houses high. To make more money (enslave more people) by constantly making more, and bigger mortgages.
And when prices get too high, the banksters will create a real estate market crash and scoop up houses for cheap. Of course, some small banks will die too, but that is just part of the game.
If you are watching now, you can see obvious parallels to 2008. Unfortunately, T.H.E.Y. have failed to plan for their other plans. The plans to wipe out 9/10s of the population.
Housing inventory cannot be kept tight, when there are a lot less people all of a sudden.
- Boomers are leaving their homes for retirement homes and mortuary plots - 25% of houses.
- VAXXX are dying even more suddenly -25% of houses
- Civil wars and natural disasters. A lot less people, and probably less houses.
This is the outlook for a decade from now.
The demand for houses will be seriously diminished.

Single Family Homes, are Sooooo Last Century
Those who survive will be living with their tribe/family in small communities.
Single family homes are really silly.
You need grandma in the house to help raise kids.
You need kids in the house to help take care of grandma.
Only for a tiny part of our lives can we afford the luxury of living alone. And the boomers, who really took to the single family home lifestyle, are about to reap what they sown.
Further, our community is very important to our mental health. We need to feel like we belong. Thus, living in a single family home, surrounded by people you don't know is very bad.
Our future is much larger houses and small communities of about 100 people.
No one is going to want a suburban house in the future. There will be miles of abandoned housing tracts around forgotten cities.

Real Estate is No Longer An Asset
Individual landlords with a few rental properties are about to be destroyed. Between rising insurance costs, rising costs of money, and the coming rent controls. They will quickly be hemorrhaging money, and soon will find that they can't even sell out of their position.
Like 2008, many people will quickly find themselves underwater on their mortgages.
And this is what the banksters want, so that, like 2008, they get lots of free houses. But unlike 2008, there won't be a recovery this time. (however, there will probably be a false recovery, like a dead cat bounce, when many will jump back into the market)
But, how do you sell a house, when two sit empty for every person who desires a house? (not able to pay for, just desires a house)
How will you sell a house when people realize that they HAVE TO grow their own food. Sure, a lot of food can be grown in a postage stamp lot of your standard housing development, but not near the amount that you need to feed yourself. And there is really not enough room for raising/grazing livestock.
Further, the big blue cities are going to surpass San Francisco. (the red cities are not immune to this) Crime will be rampant. Stores will close, or be turned into concrete block bunkers, where your purchase is past out through a stainless steel one way door.
The suburban McMansion. The height of wasted space and money, with its very high price tag will be the most effected in this collapse. Unless, they are actually a gated community (with fortified walls and guards)
Today's million dollar properties will soon be left empty for anyone who might want to use it (and is brave enough to hold it)
Boomers beware, there are very few people to buy your houses. If you don't sell soon, and at a greatly reduced price, you will never sell. The younger generations can't afford that price tag. And we are talking about ¼ of houses coming to market all very soon. So, the thought of being rich, because you own a house, is a false feeling.
Your house is not an asset.

Everything that supports the real estate market is about to go away. The WHOLE thing. Especially the idea that you own your property.
Banks and mortgages - gone
Property ownership - gone
Jobs in the cities - gone
Living in cramped conditions - gone
Living where you do not know anyone - gone
Basically, everything that makes a house sellable will be no more.
There will no longer be a real estate market.
Especially the part where it is "the kings estate"
So, property taxes - gone