The Coming Greater Depression

in hive-110786 •  11 months ago 


Joey (sleepy) Biden is faking all the numbers, and even changing the definition to avoid saying that we are in a recession.

So, Kamala (awful) Harris is going to come out and say that we are in a depression, after Sleepy Joe sleeps forever, and before Chump gets into office.

It is going to be a crazy election (not the race, the vote casting and counting), and all of the stunts will be pulled, and lots more cameras will be on point to catch that. And there will be many people who say that they were doing the right thing! Counting boxes of votes for Biden, while Biden is pushing daisies.

But, it won't really matter who/what wins the election. We will be in a depression.

You know "Make America Great Again"?
Well, now we will experience the Greater Depression.

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What does a depression even mean these days?

With the central banks (The Fed) messing with the money supply so much, we don't know what a real recession even feels like any more. All the signals are messed up. Sometimes money is cheap and easy, while jobs are no where to be found, and of course the opposite.

Case in point, many people weren't working during the Beer Bug and VAXXX scandal. And so, purchases should have gone way down. Savings should have gone down. Lots of people should have been kicked out of their houses. Instead, savings (especially of the poor) increased, the landlords had to take it in the shorts, and purchases (at the big box stores that were allowed to stay open) stay fairly steady.

And this messed with everything. Especially shipment of goods, and now… we have an over abundance of "stuff", cars, TVs, appliances, of which few are buying. And a shortage of things we really need, like butter, chicken, bread, gasoline. So, stuff buying is going even further down, and that is putting "depression" into the whole system.

So, what does that mean? What will a depression feel like? All the signals have been broken. We don't know where this economy is going.

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What will a depression feel like to us?

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

A depression doesn't effect all people equally.

The person who works for a big corporation who is 5 years from retirement may have their lives completely destroyed.

If you are a person who is working on selling microgreens for cryptos, it may be the best times of your life.

In fact, if you have any cryptos at all, you might be considered bloody well off.
If you have a whole bitcoin, you will be among the 21 million richest people in the world. That puts you in the top 2%. (and that is just simple math, not at all accurate on distribution.)

If you rely on a govern-cement check, you may be SOL. As the checks may stop coming, but even worse, the checks may continue, but not keep up with inflation. Many will really have to choose between house and food.

If you are, in any way, an alternative supplier to the big box stores, you may find you are doing all the business you can handle. Even if all you are doing is taking parts from one toaster to fix another.

When in doubt, look for the new ways, and abstain from the old ways. The old ways are dying.

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This will not be a depression

The problem is, we will not have a currency by which the depression can be measured by. We will not really know where it began and where it ended. We will not be able to say things like, it took 20 years for the stock market to recover.

The US dollar is dying, it will be replaced. Its replacement may never be accepted.

Bitcoin may become the world reserve currency, but until then, how do you measure anything? The price of gold? The price of hamburger? After this is over, there will be many attempts by many people to normalize prices in order to say when and where we were in a depression and when we got out of it.

The thing is, this is a time of change. And everything will be revalued. So much of what we consider valuable today will no longer hold any value. And things that we considered useless yesterday, may be the most important thing tomorrow.

That high paid middle executive at a big corporation may have had a McMansion, lots of stock options, a fancy car, and all of that will be worthless tomorrow. What is a McMansion worth in terms of garden area? What is a McMansion worth when costs to heat it are more than you make? What good are stock options when there are no stock markets?

And the lowly farmer's market farmer, who has an old truck, and a large garden. How does their life look in the future? Well, they are able to eat. And are now the owners of one of the most valuable things ever. A large garden. This person continues to have better and better income. Not only are they not crashing / out of a job, they are living better than ever.

Those who hold crypto will find it easier and easier to transact with their crypto. Making their life easier. And they will probably have more wealth than they ever thought possible. These people will need to train everyone to use crypto. But, for this, they will be extremely rich. Their wealth, and where they choose to spend it will, decide much of the course of the new world.

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There will be lots to be afraid of. Everything is changing! There will be many wars, and rumours of wars.

There will be lots to get excited about! Everything is changing! And we will see an end of all the soul destroying "Big" structures.

Try to let go of the olds. The suburban mansion. The fancy car. These will all be worthless.

Good friends that have your back and will aid in self defense will be the most valuable thing ever.

And, you all being in crypto this early will make you all wealthy in many ways.

These will be trying times. Keep your spirits up.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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"Keep your spirits up."

I'll go buy some tomorrow as I am sure I'll want to sit this one out drunk. (lol) (I know you weren't talking about those kinds of spirits, lol, shouldn't take much though for me to get drunk, I rarely if ever drink, sure I can manage to stay in a stupor for quite some time, lol)

But, this is also the best of times. We will be moving into SciFi world we have been promised for 50 years.

However, spirits is one of the best places to invest money during down times.