The Cost of Govern-cement Jobs

in hive-110786 •  4 months ago 


The US govern-cement employees a LOT of people. And there is a sector of people that think this is a really good thing. And that the govern-cement should hire more people.

Lots of people think that having a govern-cement job is great, because it is very stable. They do not have to worry about being laid off. Many do not have to worry about being fired because they are with the union.

Others like govern-cement jobs because of the power over others that it gives them.

But, what almost all people, never think about, is how much govern-cement jobs cost us.

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Lets assume a 50% tax

Lets say the average person made $100,000 (this is just to make math easy looking), the butcher, the baker and the clerk at the business bureau.

Two people need to be fully employed and taxed for a govern-cement worker to be paid.
½ of two people's salary = a full govern-cement employee's salary.

What we do not see here, is that that tax, cost everyone a lot of jobs.

The butcher is making a net $50,000. If the butcher could keep all their money, they could hire another person at their same level of spending. $50,000 + $50,000 = $100,000

So, instead of one govern-cement employee, the butcher and the baker could hire two more people with the same money.

And further, the govern-cement is very inefficient. So, they hire even less people.

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It would be nice if they JUST took our money

Unfortunately these govern-cement workers don't just do things that are beneficial, almost all of them are there to make your life miserable. They get up in your business, and cost you time and frustration.

Most govern-cement workers are not very bright, motivated, or of really high IQ. If they were, they would be at better jobs in the commercial market, making much more money. And these people, who couldn't do your job (from lack of experience, or lack of IQ) are telling you, with "authority", how to do your job.

The inspectors job is to find everything you are doing wrong, and write you up for it. Not to make sure everything is going well and teach what is actually important code. No, they are usually out to find that one crumb you overlooked.

The police officer's job is not to see that you are mostly following the law, they are there to search your car and find that one pill your friend dropped between the seats and impound your car (money) and write you a citation (more money) and hopefully bust you and get you put in the clink (got to keep with quotas).

So, the money we pay, that the govern-cement uses to hire people, comes back to bite us and rarely does any real good.

And most of the people in govern-cement are just there to file paperwork that the govern-cement requires businesses to file. Nothing important comes from this paperwork. It just needs to be filed for CYA reasons. So, not only are you paying for a govern-cement worker, you are also paying for a worker in your business. To create paperwork that will just be filed and left to rot.

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The monster grows!

Administrators hire more administrators.
The mission of a bureau is to grow and defend its life. Its actual job/task is not important at all.

Look at the Federal EndTable of Intimidation. They removed the "fight crime" from their mission statement. You know, like that part wasn't important.

Not only is the govern-cement costing real jobs in the real market, they cost more and more over time. And then they start to believe they are the market. You, the actual producer, are just ancillary to process.

The world is turned upside down. Reality gets replaced by illusion.

This gets worse and worse until the govern-cement gets too big (and the real market too small) and collapses on itself, under its own weight.

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So, remember this when you have bureaucrats saying they need more money for schools and roads. They really mean, they want more money for more bureaucrats.

For every job the govern-cement creates, two jobs in the real market get extinguished. And what is left has to deal with more regulation, more harassment.

And i haven't even started talking about how a govern-cement packages a new bureau so nicely, with good words, that have nothing to do with what they will actually do. Such as the Notso Safety Administration was set up for one thing. Wanna guess what that is? It was not for protecting the "homeland". Well, maybe it is. We Americans do not have a "homeland", but the elite do. (Research the Khazarian Mafia/Ashkenazi Jevvs) This organization is going to swoop into "dangerous" (to the state) people's homes and find they have more than two weeks worth of food, or a stack of precious metals, or more than two guns, and declare them "terrorists" and seize all of that. (this is already law)

Govern-cement hurts a lot more than most think. Just by existing.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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