The End of the Fed

in hive-110786 •  2 years ago 

There are bank failures and rumors of bank failures... and banks that were told they failed, while being completely solvent...

Jim Crammer even told us to buy stock in SVB. Everything is good. There is no problems with the banks.
And then, blam, all the banks are failing.

Everyone who learned the lessons in 2008 have been screaming about the writing on the wall. And the writing says, get your money out of the banks.

But, there is one really big problem... there isn't enough money.

The Fed increased the money supply 5x since President Brandon took office.

source: Fed of Saint Louis website

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“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.” - Thomas Jefferson

So, the central bank printed a lot of money (inflation)
and then they raised interest rates really fast (deflation)

and deprived all the people, and the small banks, of all their property.

This is what appears to be happening now.

A planned take down of all the small banks and the middle class of America (and probably the world)

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If conspiracy theorists are correct, and it becomes truer every day, this was all a plan by the central banks, especially the Fed working to bring about a "New World Order".

They are destroying the old system, and will usher in their new system

And we should no longer look at the Fed as a bunch of idiots, but as a group who held a long plan to destroy humanity.

We are seeing the results of that now more than ever.
A plan that Thomas Jefferson said would happen.

We will see a slow destruction of all small banks, while they are bailed out or bought up by larger banks.
Trying not to spook the people too much, but also putting fear into everyone.
Dread that their money could be gone at any day.
Then, when things are bleak enough, ride in on their horse to save the day with their new FedNow

FedNow logo

source: Fed of Saint Louis website

While the Fed is doing their propaganda, we need to be doing our own anti-propaganda.
We must point out that this destruction is because of the Fed.
And this new system is not to help us, but to enslave us and make us poorer.

Just putting the thought into people's minds that these bank failures are not by accident is often enough to get people to see what is going on right in plain sight.

Evil needs to be called out as evil. And then left to die of exposure.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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The fed should end but not with CBDC replacing it.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss

... but now, with more surveillance!