Pretty soon the central banksters will start talking seriously about a gold standard.
Just a couple days ago, the downgraded the dollar and other paper.
These used to be the top rated asset that ALL central banks HAD TO own.
Just a few years ago, they (re)upgraded gold to be a top tier asset.
All of these are games that their playing. All you had to do is watch what the central banksters were actually doing. Buying gold. (and shipping massive amounts of gold to the east. Recasting the bars in Switzerland, and then moved to China (and India and Russia)
My feelings is that the next step is revaluing gold and/or taking the controls off of the comex and just letting gold find its real price.
The future timeline of gold:
The banksters revalue gold
The banksters try to issue a gold backed currency (after their digital fiat is rejected)
Gold is found to be far less useful than bitcoin (and other cryptos)
The rots-children are found to be paying their guards (full private military) in gold. At this point rots-children are seen as evil, and the world wants nothing to do with them. Many people stop accepting gold as payment, since most of it comes from rots-children
Vibrational mining is discovered, and you can basically vibrate the gold out of stones. You can just pick up as much as you want for hours of work.
Sorry, i have no dates for these. And they are all happening much slower than i ever thought could happen.
Getting rich from gold?
At some point, gold will break free from the COMEX price.
One can say that it is already breaking free, as the premiums charged by the coin industry keep going up. (it is not just the coin dealers gouging. It is at every step. The smelter needs more than spot to buy the metal. The minter needs more than spot++ to get blanks… the coin shop needs to charge spot+++ to just get a little profit.
What is certain is that the price is being kept down (else everyone would know how bad the dollar is crashing) but at some point, the banksters are going to need to have gold at a high price to do their market shenanigans when they issue a gold backed currency.
At this point, gold will spike in price.
And some time after that point, gold becomes worthless. (well, there is still jewellery.)
So, be sure to sell your gold, or trade it for other things that are important (like a homestead and a greenhouse)
The downfall of gold
I see two big things happening that basically make gold worth less.
1st, the gold bugs are old. The newer generations have been told that gold is a barbaric relic. The newer generation has no love of gold (well, at least not here in the west). And, the newer generation will find bitcoin/crypto far better, easier, more valuable than gold could ever be. And so, as the old generation dies off, the idea of gold as money dies off.
2nd, the rots-children will be exposed. And i do not mean that people point out the Georgia Guide Stones say that they want to kill off 12/13ths of the planet's population.
I mean, we are going to find out that they are behind the wars, the genocides, the covaids, the falsifying of science, history, and english. That they are truly out to control, and failing that, kill us.
That they practice ritual torture and sacrifice of children and they will do anything to obtain complete world domination.
And this will be for starters. (they are indeed much more evil)
Then it will be show the rots-children's love for gold. And their huge gold holdings.
And since their power from behind the scenes will be diminishing, they will start hiring their own military. And this military will not just be used for defense, they will use it to insist that their will is paramount in the surrounding areas.
No one will want to deal with these people.
And since they have all this gold, and they use that "money" to bribe people and officials to work for them, then a majority of the people (who really don't have any gold) start to see gold as "the devils money", and won't touch it.
And then, the vibrational mining comes along, and gold is as plentiful as you want. And, if you don't just want to hide tons of it in a vault, what use is it? It is just a pretty, shiny, yellow metal. Useful for electrical connections, but you need so very little of it for that. It is useful for making jewellery. (most of the women agree) And it is useful for making non-stick, hypo-allergenic cookware.
What we will find is that we have so much gold just sitting there, that we will probably not need to mine any more for a hundred years.
So, there will be a time the price of gold goes way up, and shortly after that, the price of gold starts dropping off to near zero. Be sure to sell / trade your gold in between those times.
The only other possibility is that the world goes all Mad Max. It really isn't going to happen. Even if it does, humanity will quickly rebuild, even if the rots-children turn off all the power and the internet. There will only be a tiny time, where gold may actually be used in exchange/barter.
Silver, on the other hand is going to become very valuable. Want a hoverboard? Well, it just costs 1 ounce of silver. (used to build it)