The Future's So Bright, You Need To Wear Shades

in hive-110786 •  last year 


The future is not all doom and gloom. In fact, most of it isn't doom and gloom at all. It is very bright.

Unless you are a narcissistic control freak who needs govern-cement control systems and money printing to maintain your control over humanity, then you will find the future is better in every metric that a caring human desires.

The problem is, all of these big structures are going to collapse. Big Pharma, Big Ag, Big Banking, Big Oil, Big Corporations period. And those collapses will hurt a lot of people. Especially those who cannot change their minds, their hearts, or their positions to get out of the way of falling Big things.

Such as, if you rely solely on the grocery store to get your food, you will find yourself going hungry or eating ze bugs or worse. Those people who embraced moving away from Big Ag will find themselves eating far more nutritious meals, and having a great deal of abundance in food.

Things are going to change quite radically, and for the better.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to keep moving towards better outcomes.

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Some Big Steps Forward in Government

One of the biggest and earliest steps in govern-cements is recognizing narcissists (psychopaths and sociopaths) NEVER have your interest in their minds. They are great at acting like it. But they can easily lie and offer you the world, with no intention of every giving it to you.

Narcissists destroy everything they touch. They have the morals of a 5 year old, and have no limits to their greed, corruption and control they must acquire. They have no empathy, so they will sell out the planet, doom it to destruction, as long as they can live out their lives comfortably. Everything they touch turns to shit.

Once we realize this, then we make tests that weed them out. As part of their running for office, there will be many interview questions that will be almost impossible for a narcissist to pass.

Then, govern-cement starts running better. (and we may have a lack of people wanting to run for office. Most normal people do not want the position, the power nor the responsibility)

I guess, voting for the right person, would change things. However, we have a system that makes sure that we have two corrupted narcissists facing off. So, you vote for the lesser of two evils, if you vote at all.

Removing the narcissists is the beginning of the change.

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Some Huge Changes in Science

Just imagine it: Peer reviewed papers are gone! Science has to stand on its own.

The entire academia, ivory tower, approach to who is important and knows best in science will be gone.

Academia has decided for far too long who is smart + who to listen to (PhDs), which papers are acceptable (peer review). Basically, they are the embodiment of the "appeal to authority" logic fallacy.

Everything in the modern materialistic science text book is wrong, still, it is THE SCIENCE, because all the PhDs say so. And they all say so, because they agree with the book. And the only way to get a PhD is to agree with the book. So, even though it is completely wrong, the "scientific" community says it is correct.

Tomorrow's science will be done on forums. The "paper" of the future will be videos and slide shows about what was done and the results they got. Discussions of meanings of data will be discussed online. The ivory tower's walls are falling.

From this, we will have an explosion in actual science being done. We will completely revolutionize and revamp science as it is now known. Science will actually start helping discover and create inventions that help humanity.

"The future's so bright, i gotta wear shades" ♬

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Some Great Understandings About Human Health

Imagine if you will, that modern materialistic science meant that you ignored 6/7ths of the body.

How would you go about healing the body? For the most part you would be "practicing medicine". Stumbling about blind hoping that you would just make things worse.

Add on top of this, BigPharma that wants treatments, where the "patient" pays, through the nose, for the rest of their lives. People are starting to grok this, and when they do, BigPharma is going to have to defend their existence. "Why should we allow you to exist?" The answer, of course, is that we shouldn't. And then begins the actual search for cures, and actually helping bodies be healthy.

Entire new areas of study will be founded. And the start will be proper nutrition for each person. Not a blanket food pyramid, or diet. Each person will get the tools needed to find out what works best to keep their body in tip-top shape.

The big problem is that the VAXXX was just a warm up, a trial. And i believe that they are going to try more insidious methods of delivery of harmful agents. Like, in your food you buy at the grocery store. Or VAXXX IDs required to enter the grocery stores.

BigPharma will collapse, but it is going to do ugly things as it collapses.

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And i didn't even bring up bitcoin and the destruction of the banksters in this blog.

Things are getting brighter. The Bigs are all collapsing. We really do not have to do much, just stay out of their way. What we do have to do is embrace the better ways of doing things.

Homeschool your kids. Grow your own garden. Get actually involved in your local government. Make your community into a place you want to live. Get rid of the WEF money wherever you find it. Protect your children.

Look into the new ways of doing things that are coming out.

Turn off your TV.

Do the opposite of what govern-cement "experts" tell you to do.

Mostly, just stay flexible. The old Bigs are collapsing. Disconnect yourself as much as you can from them. Then there will be little pain in your life, and lots of better.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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