The Grand Unified Theory Has Been Elusive - Because Modern Molecular Science Is Wrong

in hive-110786 •  10 months ago 


Imagine being so stuck on a theory that everything else that came after it has had to suffer. That everything "scientific" had to include it. Even when it is shown, over and over that it should be abandoned, discarded, thrown in the dust bin.

Many people say that science moves forward one death at a time.
But some pieces are centuries old. And although they have never been proven, (but seem like they have) are used as the basis for all physics.

Physicists have been looking for the GUT (Grand Unified Theory) for over a century. This is supposedly what Einstein worked on for the remainder of his life, getting no where.

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The Four Forces

  1. Gravity
  2. Electromagnetism
  3. Strong nuclear force
  4. Weak nuclear force

These are the four fundamental forces defined by physics today.

Everyone (with a degree / who is peer reviewed) agrees with this. No one doubts it (or they will be blackballed)

The nuclear forces describe the interactions in atoms (and quarks, gluons…) Or very small scale interactions.

Gravity and electromagnetism describes human scale interactions. (why is electricity and magnetism put together? The strong and weak forces aren't)

Gravity is supposed to be what holds galaxies together, (but there isn't enough of it seen, and not enough of it spread out to account for what we see through our telescopes. Thus, we have added dark matter.)

So, this is pretty much the bedrock of physics today. But, what if these are wrong?

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Gravity is not a force


Gravity was defined by Newton as the attraction between two masses. And supposedly measured by Cavendish.

And, if you didn't know our world, it would be really strange thinking that a mass would attract a mass. We accept it because we see it happening all the time here on Earth. We drop something and it falls down. In fact, that is definition of which way down is.

(it is weird because we have defined a bunch of billiard balls that fly around impacting on others. So, imagine playing pool, and you are lining up the shot, but the 3 balls is slowly being pulled towards the 8 ball? That makes no sense. That isn't part of the game of pool. But, that is what Modern Materialistic Science does. Mixes metaphors)

Gravity is based on mass only by definition of Newton's laws. The reality is quite different.

We can defy gravity with hot air (buoyancy) or by wings creating a pressure differential (lift) or a magnet holding your children's artwork to the fridge. But, we ignore that. Those don't just discount gravity.

However, we have found that if you spin gyroscopes really fast, clockwise, they lose weight. This is how the Nazi Bell supposedly flew. We have charged capacitors to high voltages and found they lose weight, and when cranked higher, float. (now you can make a "lifter" at home and defy gravity)

If gravity is a separate force, then how do these other forces nullify it?

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Gravity and the galaxy

So, we have encountered two REALLY BIG problems with gravity (as the force that holds galaxies together) by looking at galaxies and the movement of their stars.

It was found that the stars move too fast for gravity to hold it together.
And Vera Rubins discovered that all the stars in a galaxy move as if they are glued to a plate.

Gravity was in jeopardy!

(Remember that the term "black hole" was laughed at when it was introduced. Most physicists did not agree with that theoretical object. Until Rock-e-person got people hired as college professors, that agreed with black-hole-ism.)

So, the black hole wasn't massive enough to hold the galaxies together, and provide the force(s) needed to create the motions seen. Thus, to preserve the church of Newton, physicists came up with "dark matter" to explain where all the extra gravity must come from. (this is sounding like a dark cult. "black holes", "dark matter", "dark energy"…)

They had to hold onto "gravity" so badly, that they created this really weird physics that is so convoluted, that the theory of relativity is basic child's stuff.

Instead of dropping gravity, they have held onto it like their college tenure depended on it. Instead of allowing in alternative theories, they have kept the door tightly shut.

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We will find that there are 6 forces (easy to see when we drop gravity, and see that the universe is a push-pull dynamic) Three pairs of push-pull forces

  1. Strong and weak galactic force
  2. Strong and weak electrical force
  3. Strong and weak nuclear force

If you were designing this system, you would want a force that pushes everything outward to grow and become more. But you also do not want things to just fly apart. So, you need a force that pushes and a force that pulls. In very intimate balance.

(This intimate balance is so fine, that people use its existence to say that this universe was created. The opposition says that trillions of universe were created that then went kablooey, or Krunch, and we are the one that survived.)

So, we have a pair of forces that work on a quantum level. A pair of forces that work on a human level. And a pair of forces that work on a galactic level. Which is really interesting that humans are the size they are. Almost exactly in the middle between the very large and the very small.

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We could easily test for these forces and find that they hold true / explain what we see happening in our surroundings.

However, we have to give up gravity (being the result of mass) or we just continue to make a mess of things.

Isn't it fascinating that the ultimate in thought is "to think outside the box", but in our most mental challenging institutions, thinking outside the box is rigidly defined? I do not know if this is just because of intellectuals wanting to maintain their "empire", or if there are evil forces making sure we do not understand the world around us. Or that evil force has made learning into "schooling" where you memorize everything by rote, and actually never learn to think.

We must answer this question. And we must remake our sciences to be more suited for humans and growth of our thinking.

Sadly, i believe that our modern university tenured professors will be the largest obstacle to the growth of scientific knowledge in our current era.

I do know that gravity is the lynch pin. And we really need to break free from it and everything that was built up around the concept that gravity is a result of mass. I know this will be very hard, because unlearning something is 1000x harder than learning it. But we must.

Flying cars hang in the balance! We do want flying cars, right?

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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