The Laws of Thermodynamics Are To Keep You From Free Energy

in hive-110786 •  6 months ago 


"The laws of thermodynamics have been tested lots of times, and is always shown to be correct, that is why they are called laws", the science teachers say. But, really, they are only repeating the same lines over and over.

Unfortunately, this is really just a story. It sounds really good. But there is no evidence to support it, and lots of evidence against it.

So, why would science continue to tell us a story?

For two reasons:

  1. Science must deny the existence of God
  2. Science must deny the existence of free energy

From a viewpoint of these reasons, Modern Molecular Science sounds evil.
But, science is supposed to be all scientific! The scientists are supposed to go where the data/reality leads them.

"Believe the science" - the statement shouted when they were trying to get everyone to take an illegal, experimental, highly dangerous, injection.

No, science today is a mind control psyop for the intelligent people. To close their minds and make any research useless for humanity. (but great for thinking up bigger and better bombs to kill more people with)

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The laws of thermodynamics (pure evil)

Here is a condensed version of the "laws" of thermodynamics:

  1. No matter how you rearrange the energy, it is the same. You can't create more energy.
  2. Entropy is always increasing
  3. The universe is winding down to zero.

Or said in a easy way to understand, as a game theory.

You are playing a game:

  1. You can't win
  2. You can't break even
  3. You can't even get out of the game.

Notice that these basically state that humans are powerless, and they are just going to be wiped out in the end. The end is coming, and there is nothing you can do about it.

  1. You can't have free energy devices
  2. You are trapped on a treadmill
  3. In the end, what you did didn't matter

From this vantage point, we see that modern molecular science is truly evil. But this is what people who do not believe in God tend to do. We die and become nothing, they say. So, from their viewpoint, everything we do is inevitably worthless. And they want you to join into their malaise and nihilism.

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The Laws of Thermodynamics debunked

The story is that scientists have done lots of test that show the energy of a system before, is the same or greater then the energy of a system afterwards.

The reality is, whenever scientists try to measure all of the energy in a system, they always are failing. There is some energy that is unaccounted for. Things never balance. At best, the laws are a guideline, or "in a laboratory" energy doesn't tend to spontaneously come into existence.

However, look at a tree. A simple growing plant. There is more material and energy there then its inputs. The tests have been done, and scientists are baffled. (there is also structure there. A growing structure. When everything is supposed to obey entropy and becoming more chaotic.)

There are lots of devices that are over 100% efficient. Things like the "water hammer" water heater. It makes hot water by a rotating disc with holes drilled into it. It makes more hot water than a water heater with the same inputs. In other words, it breaks the laws of thermodynamics.

A steam engine is over 100% efficient. Expanding water into a gas takes a certain amount of heat energy, but creates a larger amount of pressure energy. There was a scientist who postulated that we could make the steam engine efficient enough, that we could make it a perpetual motion machine. But, we don't talk about that in science class.

And then there is zero point energy. When a substance is taken to zero degrees kelvin, all the energy is supposed to be removed from the substance. It should stop vibrating. But several substances don't. At absolute zero, they are still vibrating. Where is that energy coming from.

All of these say the Laws of Thermodynamics are disproven. Any one of them should have been enough to seriously question these "laws"

(this is not a complete list of law breaking things, there are many more)

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The truth is this universe is constantly being created. And, yes that is a lot of energy. The universe is created, and then destroyed and then recreated in the next instance. And so we have the illusion of movement and time.

Science has already found this out, but Modern Materialistic Physics does their best to hide this fact. Because, it means that their hold over people will crash.

And then free energy devices come out.

There are magnet motors that spin continuously. (at least until the parts break down)

All we have to do is start putting engineering minds on these things to make them more powerful and useful for actual work. Right now, they are just toys that spin.

And further in the future, we will learn about the energy that is creating the universe, and we can tap into that. But that comes after no one on earth will consider using that energy for war.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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