The Mother WEFers Are Trying To Poison Us, and the FDA Is Approving It!

in hive-110786 •  last year 


I should modify this picture. For right now, it should say

In the Near Future You Will Grow Your Own Food
In Your Own Greenhouse

Or You Will Eat Ze Bugs AND You Will Eat the mRNA VAXXX Meat

The starving part will come a bit later

It is no longer a conspiracy, nor a theory…
The FDA and USDA are out to kill you.

They have given their stamp of approval to mRNA VAXXXines, and will not look at the mountain of evidence that this is causing heart failure, brain problems, strokes and super-fast cancer.

Now they have even approved the mRNA to be injected into meat you would buy at the store.
They are approving bug meals to be included into many products.

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People with shellfish allergies probably will have the same reaction to insects. Very similar chemical compounds. So, be aware, tell all your shellfish allergic friends, to be careful / aware of what they eat.

Further, the mRNA VAXXX seems to have done one really big thing that is overlooked…
When you inject proteins directly into the blood stream, the body often develops anti-bodies against it. Therefor, people who have had the jibby-jab may find themselves allergic to nRNA of similar types however they consume them.

This is also why many did fine with one jab, but the second jab they got very sick.

So, really, the FDA and USDA are conspiring to kill people.

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Beer (about Roundup®)

Roundup® (Glyphosate) is used as an herbicide on many crops in The US. AND it is used to dry out grain crops before harvest.

When a plant knows it is dying, it puts its last energy into pushing all the nutrients it can into the seeds. So, you spray glyphosate on a field near harvest and you get a bigger yield than if you didn't. It also makes all the stalks brown and dried out so they do not gum up the combines machinery.

Both good things, but the price we pay is that glyphosate is in everything that we eat. So, we are continually eating more poison.

Currently the levels are so high that beer brewers are switching to organic grains. They are doing this because there is too much glyphosate, and it is killing off the yeasts during brewing.

Glyphosate has been banned in many countries, but not The US. We still have Roundup® prominently displayed at Homey Despot as you walk in.

The US has become a country where we give kids cold cereals for breakfast. Little do we suspect how much we are poisoning them.

The thing about glyphosate is that it doesn't just go away between harvests. It sticks around and each crop is slightly more poisonous than the last.

Again, the FDA keeps this poison approved for use.

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Sodium Fluoride (Rat Poison)

So many places, especially The US, approves rat poison to be put in the water supply.

They say it is good for teeth, but water spends so little time near the teeth and most of its time in the body. Further, it is Strenuous Fluoride that is show to aid enamel regrowth, not Sodium Fluoride.

But Sodium Fluoride doesn't have that awful taste, and it is a poisonous by-product of making aluminum and needs to be gotten rid of.

The used Sodium Fluoride on the people in concentration camps, in Germany WWII, because it pacified the confined. (or so the rumor goes.) It does make people dumb and docile. That is the way humans are when they are not feeling so well… because they are being poisoned.

The FDA knows all this, and continue to allow the stuff to be placed into water supplies.

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But all this is old news. The thing is, those mother WEFers are trying to push more poisons and dietary adjustments. And they are being very underhanded and trying to get it onto markets with names that are not known, and no one is looking out for.

They truly want you dead.

Did you know there are quite a few things that the FDA has stated does not have to be on ingredient labels? These are considered "ubiquitous" to the product and so, do not have to be labelled. Even if they are purposefully added.

An example is ketchup does not have to have "insects" on the ingredients label. As long as it is under 3% by volume or some such (unsure of the number allowed today), but you could easily see the FDA increasing the percentage allowed, and Heinz adding 5% bug-meal and no one every knowing.

"Pure Honey" is actually a percentage thing. It does not mean that it is only honey with maybe some impurities in it. The FDA again states it as a percentage. So, if the percentage is 5% other stuff, they can add 5% HFCS, and it is still called "Pure Honey". I have heard the number is 50%. But i have not been able to confirm this.

All of this is just to say that they have many ways to hide the adulteration of our food in stores.
Add this to the fact that the mother WEFers are trying to poison us, then we will need to be more vigilant in the future.

Probably so vigilant that if you do not know who grew it personally, you might not want to eat it.
And as long as the WEF and the FDA / USDA continue to exist as they are today, than we need to be planning to get out of the grocery stores.

The poisons are coming.
They want us dead.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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