The MSM is Still Telling People It Is a Good Time To Buy a House

in hive-110786 •  10 months ago 


The story is that house prices are still going up.

And if you look at the listings, there are still high prices.
But what they are not telling you is that no one is buying.

The MSM is trying to get the last few people to sign away their lives before everything crashes.

The govern-cement is offering deals for poor POC to get a loan to be used as a down payment on a house.

Just like in 2008, they lured in the stupid money right at the end of the bull run.
They are doing it again.

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The barely remaining, high house prices

The prices remain high because there is so little inventory.

Unfortunately, there are even less buyers able to pay the high price AND the high interest fees.

All this house of cards needs to fall over is a breeze, a slight shake, anything.

And a flood of inventory is about to hit the market:

  • Boomers are going to be leaving their houses for care facilities or mortuary plots. That is ¼ of the houses!
  • Foreclosures are going up and expected to go WAY up. Banks are hiring anyone who can handle these.
  • All Causes Mortality is still rising. We've passed a once in a 400 year event.
  • The mother WEFers are "hinting" at another plague.
  • People are losing jobs, and the reason to stay in a high priced house.

I expect more than ½ of the suburban homes will be up for sale in the next decade.
No market survives that.

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The Mother WEFers plan

Bankster sells the farmer a farm
Bankster has the farmer sign a mortgage
Bankster waits until the farmer has one bad year (it is inevitable, and if not, cause one)
Bankster takes back the farm

This is what the banksters have done forever. It is their modus operandi, with everything.

Now, they are trying to crash the housing market and buy it up for cheap, and make everyone renters.
Which leads into the 15 minute cities.

They did this in 2008. They did this with farms all along the 1900s.
They are doing it again today.

But, it isn't going to work this time, because there isn't the population to buy up the excess inventory, and they have pushed people too far. People are just going to move into empty houses. And you can get the police to do something about one person, but when the majority of people are doing so, the police…. will try brute force, to make an example, and when that fails, give up.

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Now is not the time to buy

Now is the time to get out of the cities.
Sell, but realize you will probably be cutting the price in half to get the house to sell.

And, if you want to buy a suburban house, gather up cash, silver and crypto, and wait till the Fed starts lowering interest rates again. About that time, there will be a lot of people selling houses cheap.

Look at 2008 and see where it was a good time to buy into the market, and do that.

However, i feel the housing prices in cities/suburbs will keep dropping to zero.
Watch out for crime, riots and military on the street.
Once you start seeing signs of those, the housing market there is not coming back.

Now is the time to buy homesteads.
Or, wait a little while, and they will be a bit cheaper.
But get on a homestead as early as possible.
Get growing your own food.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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