There is evil in this world.
“The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”—Charles Baudelaire
Today we have many neo-liberals proselytizing that there is no good or evil. Its all shades of grey. That there is no situation that is just evil.
... but there is.
And we must learn to recognize evil and root it out of our society.
The Name Stealers
There was this group of people who lived in the area we know call Ukraine (previously Khazaria), who, to any travelling person or group, were very friendly. They would take you in, ask you about your whole life story, feed you and put you up for the night.
And then, you would die. (usually of being poisoned, remember the nice food?)
These "nice" people would then take on your name, and continue on with your trading expedition in your place.
These people became known as the "Name Stealers".
Further, these people would go back to the home country of the person, who's name was stolen and set up shop. They were quite proficient in making inroads in all power structures. And because they would do anything, nefarious or not, they would make their way into aristocracy.
Russia and Turkey Threatening:
The surrounding "countries" (they weren't really countries at this time in history) had figured out who was doing all this, and they had had enough. They attacked the Name Stealers from all sides.
They believed the Name Stealers were so bad because they didn't have a religion that they followed. Being good religious people, those surrounding the Name Stealers put to them to choose a religion.
Ashkenazi Jews
The Name Stealers chose not to be either of their neighbors religions (Christianity or Muslim), because that would obviously put them in conflict with them, so they elected to be Jewish.
And thus, the Ashkenazi Jews were created.
They are in no way Jewish (based on what Jewish means to the Jews). They were not born of a Jewish mother. They have no lineage. They have no pact with God.
From then on, they have been doing nefarious things, always hiding behind their borrowed religion.
You could say that the entire WWII was because of these people.
Hitler, the only person to ever arrest a Rots-child (of the Name Stealers) probably correctly figured out it was the jews who were the problem... but not that it was specifically the Ashkenazi Jews. The Name Stealers were probably already out of the way and urged Hitler to continue his holocaust.
While, at the same time, on the other side of the Atlantic, the Name Stealers were supplying the other side with arms and munitions. And, when they had negotiated to have Israel given to them, they got America involved in WWII.
So now, the Ashkenazi Jews have their center in the "Holy Land" and are wiping out their hated foe, the Muslims.
The Name Stealers really do not have a name.
Even Rots-child came from calling themselves red-shield which hung outside their door.
- Name Stealers
- Khazarians
- Ashkenazi Jews
And my favorites, from Clif High the "Khazarian Mafia", also a large part of those Mother WEFers.
The Khazarian Mafia wants to rule the world. That is their main goal.
Wiping out Russia and Muslims is a sub-goal on the road to their main goal.
These people do not forget the slightest slight to them.
And, they use other people to fight their wars.
Usually pitting one side they control against another side they manipulated.
Everything good about the Khazarian Mafia is a fabrication, propaganda.
And it has come out, time and time again, that this group's intentions is to rule the world.
That they intend to kill off 90% of the people (to make ruling easier) Especially white Europeans/Americans.
Nobody believes, (or wants to believe) even after seeing lots of evidence, that there is a group of people who are out to get everyone. These people would have to be inhuman to do the things they have done.
One of the greatest disbeliefs of 9-11 as an inside job, is that no one would be that evil, to have killed so many people, and for what?
But, there are people that are that evil. And we must learn to recognize evil, and pull it out by its roots.