The Real Conspiracy Has Been Going On For Thousands of Years

in hive-110786 •  last year 


Now, this is all speculation. Based on how you might interpret what is written in our ancient texts. It is all factual. You can go read the Talmud. (this is just an interpretation, might be right?)

All through my childhood, in Sunday School, i was taught that "Elohim" is just another word for God (the creator). But, if this was so, why have two different words? And why would people who wrote these specific stories down, use two words?

Soooo, what if Elohim is a specific word for a specific entity? What if this being was an alien that came down to earth and decided to use humans to do their work?

El - the name of the alien group
o' - an honorific placed before a name. (there is evidence of this in many languages)
Him (heem) - the specific alien.

You can see similarities in the word for greeting "hello" or El-o' (Hello is a weird word without any real lineage in language, it just appeared)

This is the greeting when you meet an El. "El-o'"

Long ago, many groups were ruled over by the El. And it looks like they messed with DNA and stuff.
They are probably the reason for burnt offerings. In the Aztecs and Mayans as well as many other stories like Ba'al (or Ba' El) There are stories of these "gods" getting high off the offerings. They probably were addicted to huffing adrenochrome. There are just too many stories of these happenings.

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The Cone-heads

There is a group of cone-heads. They seem to be the first ones messed with by the El.

Then the "gods" abandoned them, and worked on this other group, which became "Gods chosen people" (later called Israelites)

And ever since then, the cone-heads (which seem to be later called the Khazarians, and later all the rulers of Europe) have never forgotten this insult. They want back into the graces of their god, Elohim. This group really seems to hold grudges for a looooonnnng time.

They hate the Russians and the Persians for forcing them out of Khazaria. (where they were known as the name stealers) This is also the time when they "chose" to follow Judaism. (the Russians demanded they choose a religion to follow, so that they would stop doing bad things.)

And so, we have a group of cone-heads, who seem to have a form of mind-control, who moved into Europe and took over all the royalty.

The cone-heads, the Khazarian mafia and royalty were all very protective of their bloodlines. How many stories of one royal group marrying their daughter to another royal group? Never to the lower classes, although many kings did rape everyone in the lower caste.

It is interesting how the nobility considered themselves a completely different class. The peasants were nothing. Cattle, Goyim.

Also, if you can find pictures of old paintings of the royalty, you will find many cone-heads.

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Modern times

Isn't it interesting that all but one president was blood related to a king of Britain?
This group of cone-heads have been manipulating things all over.


They have been using The US to get revenge on Russia and Persia.

WWII might have been Hitler going against the Rots-children, and thus, everyone else got turned against them. Remember, America did not get involved in the war until Rots-child got a contract saying Palestine would be theirs. And then the propaganda started about Hilter killing joos.

So, now we see all kinds of efforts to bring Iran into war with The US.

A false flag "Hamas" attack on IsReal? (Israel is a very modern word. That was not the name used long ago.) So now, IsReal? is going to attack the last hold out of Palestine, which will probably end in having ever Muslim nation target IsReal?.

And then, the joos move to recently cleared of all men, Ukraine, and The US starts bombing Iran.

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All of this was a plan. Papa Bushee's wars that lead to 9/11 and Baby Bushee's wars. They were all planned. The timing was planned. The propaganda was planned. All of this was planned far in advance.

All done by a group of cone-heads who see themselves as the rightful rulers under their "god" Elohim.

When you put things in this perspective, a lot of history makes a lot more sense. Things line up.

Further, if this is the case (and even if it is not) we have a group of people that we must remove from power, and maybe remove from the world. We must know that there is a group that is intent on controlling the world. And they will do whatever they have to, take as long as they have to, in order to achieve that goal.

This group does not care about humans (not cone-heads) or them living nice lives. They want control, dominance, to be in their rightful place as the ruler of the goyim.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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