One of the tiniest things, with the hugest consequences...
Modern Materialistic Science states that everything is made up of atoms. And that these atoms are all the same, interchangeable. That our world is a collection of haphazard interactions. It's all random. The universe is a clock... that is running down to oblivion.
Scientism demands that every piece of science has to be completely deterministic. "There is only physics!" Meaning metaphysics doesn't exist. Its all woo woo. And has no place in science. Life is just an accident. Everything is ultimately meaningless.
However, the universe shows everything but this.
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Water Drop Memory
Dr. Masaru Emoto water drop memory
Dr. Masaru Emoto has been freezing water droplets and taking picture of them. And if you believe atoms are just atoms, then what has been captured in pictures makes that highly unlikely. There is a lot more going on here.
The water drop seems to have a memory.
Further, you can do things like set the water near a word like "love", "war", "peace" and it changes the water and the crystal it forms.
You can pray for the water, and it changes.
You can play music for the water and it changes.
These are not simple molecules made from simple atoms that are all the same. There is something much more going on here.
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Zero Point Energy
So, zero degrees kelvin is defined as the temperature at which all things stop moving.
Vibration is defined as energy. (the energy all energy degrades to)
But, when scientists cooled certain elements to 0° kelvin, they found that some of them continue to vibrate.
All the energy was removed from the system, how are they still vibrating?
The laws of thermodynamics state that energy just doesn't spontaneously appear.
But, these little atoms tell otherwise.
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Double Slit Experiment
One of the most infamous experiments.
![Single and double slit patterns](
From Wikipedia
When you shoot a stream of things through two slits, the two things cause a wave interference pattern.
Here is where things go horribly wrong for the Scienism crowd.
When you shoot a single atom... shoot an electron... shoot a photon at a double slit it creates an interference pattern. Yes, that is right, the single thingy, goes through both slits and interferes with itself. How is that possible?
Now, for even worse!!!
If you put some kind of a detector on the slits to tell which one the thingy went through, it stops making an interference pattern and goes to looking like the single slit image.
So, watching a thingy will change its behavior.
These are supposed to be non-living, every one is identical, unaware matter... but it changes when it is watched.
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Modern Materialistic Science has done things like make up matter that can't be seen, make up energy that can't be measured, make up matter that when it hits something, instead of knocking it further away, draws it closer.
Sciencism has tied themselves in knots trying to keep everything in their little box.
If you try to talk about stuff like this in universities you get black balled.
Imagine that, scientists ignoring reality.
But, there is a lot more going on in the tiny tiny world then we have even imagined.
And if this happens on the small scale, what happens on the larger scale?
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