The War Drums For a China-America War Are Being Beaten

in hive-110786 •  2 years ago 


It seems to me that with all the rhetoric going on in the news, The US should be promoting American companies to build up production in America. But they are not.

There are no sweetheart deals and loans to bring manufacturing back, like they had when they were getting manufacturing moved out.

There are no bills in congress to encourage the building of new factories. In fact, there are bills to limit growth and the production of CO2.

What are they really trying to tell us?

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So much have i heard that China is bad, and they are getting ready for war.

I also hear from many alternative sources just how enmeshed and often reliant we are on China.

  • Medicine base components (like all of our penecilin)
  • Much of our new steel
  • rare earth magnets (No american companies in this field)
  • motors and electric distribution parts (only a couple american companies left)
  • bolts and hardware

Basically, all the sub-parts and fasteners are all made in China

We will be in a world of hurt if China stops trading with us.

And the war drums with China are being beaten.
So, where is the national movement to become independent of Chinese parts?

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Is the probable war just an illusion?

Or maybe the force that wants China-america war wants complete destruction?
"Oh look, America can't defend itself. Look at all those wall-martians suffering"

Either way, the only "coming back to America" i see are certain industries that would be called Silicone Valley 2.0 and they are really working on fully automated factories. And they seem to be doing this quite hush hush. You would think in this political environment that there would be an exposé on these companies every week.

But there is nothing. Even the crickets have been silenced.

Or maybe the Build Back Better is all just word play? A politicians hot air.

Maybe MAGA is just a slogan?

My gut is on the mother WEFers want America as unprepared for a war as possible.

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We, in America, have had a few "Made In America" attempts.
And they never seem to go anywhere.

Cheap Chinese products are cheaper than Cheap American products, and so people choose the cheaper product.

The problem is at least two fold. Americans do not really have the in-group preference of most countries.
Price is really important, especially after Nixon took us off the gold standard.
And American goods are not superior.

(Don't get me wrong, there are superior goods out there, and some of them are made in America, but American companies have been cutting all the corners, just like China. Case in point, Craftsman wrenches used to be made in America. They were guaranteed for life, and many people still have and use their grandfather's craftsman tools. Today, they are cheap Chinese knock offs with the only the brand name being the same)

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China and America need each other. If we break off relations, we both really suffer.
Both of our economies are so interconnected that a war will devastate us both.
All our boats will be sunk by modern weapons, and we will just glare at each other from across the Pacific.

Fortunately, America has the raw resources and the farm land, so we can rebuild.
China may collapse into barbarism as so many starve.

Fortunately... but that still comes with much suffering.

Really fortunately many people are joining maker communities and learning to build their own things.
With the advancement in machining and manufacturing, we can truly bring manufacturing down to the individual level.

So Building America Back Great Again may be something that happens... but not because of any politician.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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All our scrap is shipped to China. They pay less than Americans companies pay. Craftsman wrenches were made just south of Denver across the valley from the air force academy (to the east) the Air Force Academy...