The WEF's Plans Continue On, Full Steam Ahead

in hive-110786 •  12 days ago 


Of course, the plans of those mother WEFers will be their downfall.

What the psychopaths who are currently running the monetary system want is to be in control, and to have no one that can / will challenge them. Meaning, they are kings, and everyone else is a serf.

A serf, a person who is basically cattle, found on a piece of property. They come with the land. And they should no more be in charge of their lives than a cow found on their land.

These serfs are allowed to work for the land owner. What a great boon, the land owner allows them. For, if the land lord wished it, they would just die.

And now that robotics can build everything, all that is needed is a few engineers to keep the robots running. There is no longer a need to allow a middle class to exist.

If you watch with this view point, you will see the large corporations, and WEF controlled countries move in this way. Such as, we will see even more, larger lay-offs. This will be blamed on AI, but these jobs that will be "replaced" by AI, were never important in the first place.

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Narcissists / Psychopaths / Sociopaths


A narcissist is unable to see others as equal to them. Either the person is above them, or they are beneath them. And if they are beneath them, they are no more important than a television.

A narcissist gets their power from being able to lie without remorse. Meaning, they are creatures of the dark. They tell one lie to group A, and another lie to group B and thus get them to fight each other. However, when they are faced with the light, the lie is shown for what it is, and groups A & B turn their anger towards the narcissist.

In the olden times, in a world covered in darkness, the narcissist ruled.
Like the Rots-childs was able to for the Fed by bribery, lies and threatening a President's family.
Now, imagine if all that came out. That the evil the Fed is doing came about from evil being done. The people will not accept it. The Fed's time is over. They are dead and don't even know it.

As more people see the truth, the more the lies become apparent, and the evil will be exposed, and people will turn on it.

The light has been turned on. We, the people, are sharing information, and the lies are quickly being exposed. The narcissist goes from a place of great power in the dark, to a pathetic, worthless excuse for a human in the light.

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The Middle Class will be done away with

We are moving from a world of individuals, to a world of small groups working together.

Imagine a great salesman vs a great janitor. The salesman can make untold wealth vs the janitor. In a world that is monetarily based on consumerism, the salesman is the greatest of the great.

And so, our ranking of humans by worth (yearly salary) comes about. And so, we have the middle class and the lower class.

Unfortunately, in a debt based fiat money system, those who control the money, have all the money in the world. More money than the salesman could ever think of earning. And so, the Upper class, is defined by the oligarchs, the old money. And i don't mean inheriting a lot of money, i mean, OWNING the means of money printing.

Now, with crypto, the oligarchs will lose their place at the top. And, as we move to groups of people, like tribes, we will find we need people to do each task. The janitor and the salesman just do what they do best. Each are essential for the tribe to survive. Of course, the "great hunters" will always have more status, but that will not be a financial step above other tribe members.

So, we will do away with the middle class, but in a completely different way than those mother WEFers are planning.

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Things are not what they seem

Trump is going to do all kinds of things, but they are not the things that seem to be planned.

Like, Trump is planning to raise tariffs to balance trade and bring manufacturing jobs back to America.

And, this will sorta happen, but not that way.

The tariffs will cause supply chain issues. And while things are not available, entrepreneurs will find ways of supplying things. Like, when microwaves stop flowing from China, people will start repairing microwaves. When refrigerators stop flowing, people will start building refrigerators like your grandparent's fridge, that is still running. And, by the time things get worked out, and the big corporations try to step in and save the day, by making LG crap in America, well, they will be too late. We will have distributed manufacturing.

The plan was to move manufacturing plants back to America. (and that is what T.H.E.Y. are doing creating Silicon Valley 2.0 where all those houses burnt down) But, instead of that, Americans will have already fixed the problem, and will forget about large name brand shitty appliances.

So many other things will happen similarly. A change will be "suggested", and then, before T.H.E.Y. can implement their
"solution" actual solutions will come up and be implemented.

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So, one may say that instead of getting rid of the middle class, we will be getting rid of the old money and the serf classes. It will be a classless society, but not because we were forced all into the same class, but because we change into a better way of doing things, where the tribe/community finds all members valuable, and each has pretty much what every other person gets.

And, we will get rid of such horrible, horrifying shows like the Card-ass-ians. Which is just programming to keep poor people poor. Sadly, the poor, when i point this out, cannot see it. They really believe this is how the oligarchs make their money. They believe this is how the lives of the oligarchs are lived.

Fortunately, we will not need to confront that directly, because we will be in a new paradigm where each member of the tribe will work to better the tribe directly. Consumerism dies.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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