Wouldn't it be nice if you were just given a comfortable place to stay?
Wouldn't it be nice if you were fed any time you felt hungry?
Wouldn't it be nice if you had all your needs met?
Those sound good, right?
Well, they might sound good if they came with no strings attached. However, they have all kinds of strings attached. Even if mother nature provides you food on a tropical island
You might be expecting this blog to go towards Capitalism vs Communism.
And, on any other day, you would be right. But today, i want to get at something deeper.

Today, we live under a fascio-communist oligarchy wanna be dictators.
With a façade of allowing free markets and small businesses.
And that is really the problem.
How it manifests is that everything is too expensive.
This is created by debt based, fractional reserve lent, fiat currency.
They have made it so there will NEVER be enough money.
And the system keeps getting cranked up, harder and harder, until it breaks. (by design)
We can never pay off all the loans. Again, by design.
$1 was created. But you owe $1.10 because of interest.
The only way to get that 10¢ is to borrow more money.
and it goes on and on in an every increasing cycle.
So, we are near the end of this cycle, so people are feeling that things are really hard. And banksters are working out how they are going to reset it. (with them still being in control, and not hung on pikes for all to see)
One of the ways to get a reset is to get the people to have a "revolution" and start a communism. (the banksters just revolve from one group, to the next group, of the same people, but now with different costumes)
Another way is what Catherine Austin Fitts calls "The Going Direct, Reset". Where instead of all the little banks making all the loans, the central bank just takes over and everyone uses fiat that the central banks create themselves. (or, your dollar dies, and they give you new FedNow tokens)

Knowing this information doesn't help us, except for identifying the bad guys, and the direction they want you to go in.
What we need to work on is Food, shelter and clothing.
As an advanced civilization, we should be able to solve these easily.
But, actually, we have not even accepted the premises that are the backbone of finding a solution.
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone could easily provide for themselves?
Well, babies, children and people with sub 80 IQ can't.
So, on one hand, we need to help out, or do it for them.
On the other hand, if we take away people's feeling of having earned their food, built their house, then they do not respect the food, or the house, nor the time people might have put into making those things.
When the govern-cement provides things for free, it usually costs (at least) twice as much. We really can't afford this anymore. We never could afford it in the first place.
And we are making it more and more expensive, thus making the problem worse.

We really need to focus on food, shelter and clothing.
When we focus on money, to get these, we end up with everything just costing more.
Section 8 housing. Taking an ok house and turning it into a pigsty. (Literally have had to shovel shit out of them, to rehab for the next tenant)
We end up with "renters" who have no respect for what they are getting. And they also get entitled. This is not good. We need to get rid of this, or keep such places to a minimum. The other way is to make them into hardened concrete and steel structures, or prisons. Money doesn't fix the problem, it makes it worse.
We need people to feel ownership of their sleeping place. And along with that a desire to maintain it. We would like to engender a sense of pride in its upkeep. These are the things that maintain a house. They are also exactly opposite of Satan Klaus and the WEF prescribe.
The ultimate would be helping someone build their house. When you build it yourself, you have an even greater feeling of ownership in your dwelling.
The Amish get together to help each other build barns. And maybe this is the solution.
You now have a building free for labor costs. No mortgage to the banks. But you do have a sense of obligation to the community. Not only did you build a structure, you built a community.

In the same way, we should be growing gardens. Each person growing most of the food they eat. The food that you grow is the tastiest.
The interesting thing about growing a garden is you almost always have too much food. More zucchini than you can use yourself. You have tons to share. When you rely on a factory farm for your food, they try to estimate exactly how much they will be able to sell. And then work backward to how much should they plant, assuming so much rain… So, a factory farm only has excess by accident. Meaning, you may be going hungry, by an accident.
Our idea of specializing has lead us down a path where we have put our lives in the hands of people who want to see us dead. I feel it is now, really important to start growing our own food. Each of us. And for those who can't, or for those who tried and failed, we will have lots extra.
In the end, it is not really about Capitalism or Communism, it is about community. And a way of seeing the world that isn't a prison for the mind.
Think about it, everyone has been taught that houses are to be saved up for and purchased. Only the purveyors of money would advocate such a horrifying system.