There Exists Evil, and It Is Not a Necessary Evil

in hive-110786 •  11 months ago 


We really need to understand psychopathy.

A group of people got together and had it removed from the latest DSM. (The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) Now, psychopaths and Sociopaths are lumped in with narcissists.

And now, "narcissist" has become the internet buzzword, and is a pejorative used to classify anyone that argues against them, acts like a jerk, seems selfish, ghosts them…

This is not what a narcissist is, these are narcissistic traits, but it really has more to do with the social media world we find ourselves in. A narcissist is something quite different. Very much more evil. What a narcissist is, is someone who lacks warm empathy. Someone who has had their self so shattered, that now they have a false self to protect the non-existent self inside. This façade must be protected at all times. There is no one real there. They can lie, manipulate, triangulate, love-bomb and destroy people without any feelings of remorse or guilt. That part of them died.

They now consider living people as valuable as a television. If either stops working for them, they are discarded. (even if they were their lover / wife / husband)

As a politician, all they care about is the power. They care not at all for the people.
And this is the problem. If they do not care for the people, then there is never any good that can come from them being a senator, mayor, governor. If they have a choice of more power (war) or protect the people (peace) they will ALWAYS choose war.

We must remove these psychopaths from positions of power.

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Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

I have spoken of the Khazarian Mafia [KM], the mother WEFers, the banksters, these are all people who belong to a super secret cabal, they are all a group of psychopaths. And as such, they are all on the same page. No agreements have to be reached, every one of them will vote for more power.

99% of the people in positions of power in Washington D.C. are narcissists. They are the type that seeks power. They will trade their life for that power. Sign deals with the devil for that power. And they do. You do not get to be part of the Asses or the Phants without first proving you will play ball. That you will do dirty things, vote for stuff that will make the people suffer. Few are the people that get through the selection process that have a conscience.

This is why we have sayings like "Absolute power corrupts absolutely". It doesn't, but we only elect the corrupted. Only get to choose between corrupted party A and corrupted party B.

The psychopath wants power. All the psychopaths want power, so everything they do is to bring them more power, to bring the position more power. And so, this group, even if they never spoke to each other, are all on the same page. All going the same direction. And that direction is things that are bad for humanity. (by definition)

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So, we end up with a govern-cement ruled by psychopaths that only give lips service to their constituents. And they only give lip service because their largest power is the carrot they are dangling in front of the people. If the people want something, then the thing to do is tell them that you will get it for them if only you are elected. Then you have to do some magic tricks and make it look like you are working in that direction, but never, ever, under any circumstance give it to them. (well, if they are coming for you with torches and pitchforks, you may give in, but just as likely fleeing is a good option)

If you look at a chart showing how much the average person wants a law and whether that law gets passed, there is almost an inverse correlation. The only laws that get passed, that the average person says they want, are one where a lot of propaganda has been utilized to get the people to see bad as good, and so demand the new law.

Problem - Reaction - Solution

Like after 9-11, the Patriot Act was rushed through without much resistance.

And this was after years of movies and TV shows building up the spectre of "Islamic Terrorist", so that when the mother WEFers did 9-11 and they blamed it on that group, no one blinked.

So, this group of psychopaths (even if they are not knowingly a group) are quite capable of doing horrible things. Kill thousands of people, just to push through some legislation, and start a war(s), and move a ton of securities (bonds) with no oversight, and steal tons of gold, and they feel no remorse for doing this.

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This is the group we allow to rule over us.

We need to get rid of the psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists from all positions of power..

This will require changing the way we vote. The way we count votes. The entire system is corrupt. The stuff that came out in the last Trump election should have had people swinging from the gallows. THE STUFF THAT CAME OUT! Not the stuff that we assume could have happened. That stuff means a complete reworking of the system is in order.

After we get voting done at least partially correctly, then we need to work on vetting candidates.
We need to ask them questions that confirm compassion.
The narcissist can only mimic compassion. So, put them on the spot and they will mess up. And if people are trained about what a psychopath is, then they will know to never vote for them.

And After that, the really hard part, getting normal people with lots of compassion to run for office. The person who doesn't want the position is the one we need in that position.

Of course, we probably need to change the structure of govern-cement.
The pyramid structure that we use right now is really quite bad.

So, remember, psychopaths only see most of humanity as cattle… only while they are not getting uppity. If you threaten the positions of power, you are seen in equal standing as a broken television. Something that needs to be gotten rid of.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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