T.H.E.Y. are clearing out U-crane so the Ashkenazi Jevvs can move back to the homeland.
In U-crane they are taking any man, young or old, drafting them by grabbing them off the street and forcing them to the front line. Where they just die, or if they are lucky, get captured by the Russians.
This war was never fought to be won. It was fought to clear out U-crane.
T.H.E.Y. wanted Russia to be declared the bad guy and denounced by all the world, and get NATO to go in and crush Russia. However, Putin fought a slow, boring war. And Russia took over area that was Russian area populated by Russian people. And U-crane did a lot of inhumane things to their Russian-Ukrainian citizens. Which really turned off the west's desire to help out.
And so U-crane has been slowly turned to dust. Well, not the infrastructure. Putin has been very strategic in not obliterating the structure. U-crane has done more damage to its structure than Putin, and in very bad ways. Massively hurting its own people to do a little damage to Russia or to cut off Crimea.
So, basically, U-crane has been denuded of all of its low and middle class men. (all that is left is those who have been in hiding or those who fled the country early) If you watch actual reports by Ukrainian men about how the war was being fought, you can only conclude this was all by design.
T.H.E.Y. got Zelenski to set up U-crane for self destruction.
The name stealers
Long ago there was a group, that others called "the name stealers", because they would take in travelling merchants, ply them with drink and food, and learn all about them. Then these merchants would mysteriously die from poison! (gasp! shocking, i know!) And the name stealers would carry on in their position, taking on their name, completing their trade route and going back and setting up shop where these people came from.
So bad did this get, that Russian and Persia came to wipe out Khazaria. They thought that Khazaria was evil because they weren't following a religion, so they gave the name stealers an option to adopt a religion.
Since the Russians were Christian, and the Persians were Muslim, Khazaria decided to take the other religion and decided to take up Judaism. And seeing the writing on the wall, the name stealers moved to all parts of the continent and set up shop, becoming very influential because of their evil ways and their lack of morals let them be evil in business, becoming the money changers of the world.
It is all their in their "holy books", the Jewish Talmud. Here are some of the less offensive passages:
Black Rock is Already Setting Up Funding
Even before negotiations are being entered into, Black Rock and friends are setting up funding / banks to rebuild U-crane. I mean, they are really going all out. Like, chomping at the bit. Getting investors and investments for this failed project.
There is almost nothing to rebuild, unless you are planning to rebuild U-crane into your vision of Khazaria where you will rule the world from the throne you install there.
And that is just the thing. The rots-childs are seemingly doing just that. It is like they are building their new Mecca. Trying to fulfil the Bible prophesies and being the ones to rule "hell on earth".
Think about this logically. Russia took all the economically important areas of U-crane, so what is left to rebuild? Are they going to funnel money into wheat production? Will that pay back the investors? Will that vault U-crane into 1st world status?
U-crane is a sunk ship. It isn't coming back to economical viability for generations. Anyone who analyses U-crane knows this. So, why is the big money people pushing this like it is the next place to invest?
However, if you look at this as the Ashkenazi Jevvs planning to recreate their homeland, all these actions seem to make sense.
They do not want or care for the economic viability of the place, they want their homeland back. They literally have all the money in the world. Everyone will find that their pension is gone. That their money markets and brokerage accounts are wiped clean.
And they want to set up their places of worship to bring about the end times. You can already find detailed plans of this online.
The big problem with these plans is they include destroying Iran and Russia. T.H.E.Y. intend for a world war to destroy these groups, their ancient enemies. And that involves us in their mess. We are the carbon T.H.E.Y. want to reduce.