Trump Is Now President? Will He Save Us?

in hive-110786 •  2 months ago 


Now that Trump is president, will he save us?

This is a weird question, and one that cannot be answered straight on.

Like, the biggest thing that Trump has done is make the MSmockingbirdM lose tons of credibility. Can we even say that Trump did that? Was there a plan to do that? Could a plan that resulted in what happened be formulated?

We are in the age of Aquarius, the Bringer of Truth. Try as we might. Try as those mother WEFers will with all their might, the truth will come out.

The Earth and the stars is set for the destruction of evil. And the way you defeat evil, is you allow the truth to spread.

Fraudchi, who is now pardoned, would never have gotten so far if all the truth was out. Sure, there was a lot of truth that came out shortly after the masking up, and there was truth before then that showed this was coming, but you had to dig for that stuff. The next Fraudchi will be met with tons of resistance. The next, next will be met with so much truth that they will just be booed off stage.

So, in this way, Trump is an excellent person to bring to light so many things. The guy can't help it. And so, he may save us, not even meaning to.

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Trump Will At Least Negotiate

So many presidents before have just given away the keys to the kingdom.

Of course it was according to the WEF's plans, but they just gave them away. Not making a real deal. No tit for tat.

Trump is good at negotiation. Read "The Art of the Deal", it is full of information. Trump like to win in this way. So, the negotiations with China, with Russia, with Iran and IsReal? will at least get America something.

This almost seems to be a first in American history.

Just the act of negotiating for a good deal will drastically change America. The America that just rolled over and took it will be gone. And this will change the people of America. It will be, as if, all at once, voters started demanding true and verifiable elections.

Like, what if polls where actually taken across everyone who cared to weigh in, was not made up of weasel worded questions, was not limited to certain demographics. If these were quick, accurate and verifiable, we could accurately find out what people actually thought. Instead of the news telling us what we thought, we could accurately know.

Then maybe we would find we were all on the same side of many issues, and just implement those.

This is the kind of thing that will happen when people can actually negotiate for what they want.

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Trump doesn't matter

The future will come about whether Trump exists or not.
However, the Universe makes use of what is there, and that is Trump.

And Trump will cause things to happen, that he may not even be aware of.

The future is about truth. And, as we start uncovering what has always been hidden, we start to comprehend the system that we are in. And when we see what is happening, we can change it.

I really do not know if Trump will actually do anything that is important for the future. But, just his being there, and stirring things up will bring about a better future. Although, it may be very tumultuous.

Such as, what would happen if all the Americans learned what their tax dollars were spent on. And like 90% of it went to black budgets, to line bureaucrat's pockets, AND DESTROYING THE ENVIRONMENT, AND POISONING PEOPLE… Would you stop paying taxes?

What if you knew that the Infernal Revolting Syndicate was a foreign corporation. Your tax dollars aren't even going to America.

Trump is just the kind of person to let all of this information spill out.
And so, Trump may save us, unbeknownst to him.

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The Future is Distributed Manufacturing

Trump is talking up tariffs. Which means we just pay our taxes at the store instead of as income tax.

However, it opens a gap, where entrepreneurs can enter the market and make money by locally manufacturing things.

The gap may be opened because of the new higher prices on goods, that allow enough profit margin to allow business minded people to attempt competition.

Further, the gap may come in the form of many goods just not being available anymore. Wallymart could end up with barren shelves if China decides to retaliate by stopping the flow of goods to America.

So, the future is distributed manufacturing. The "fun" part is watching how that unfolds.

And it looks like Trump is going to stick his big hands into this pot and give it a mighty stir.
So, again, Trump might save us, unbeknownst to him.

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I really wish Trump and the team behind him where good guys, and they intend to take out the bad guys, and expose them, on national television, or ThemTube videos. "The Life and Crimes of Hiterly Clintonian," coming up next after these messages.

But, we all know that the Rots-childs are way above his level. I doubt that Trump will go against them. But, i do believe that the truth behind who owns the Fed will come out, and the truth behind fractional reserve created, debt based, fiat currency and its destructive nature will become well known.

And so, if Trump doesn't do it, there will be many people around the world who will. Millions of people never giving the oligarchs any chance to rest. Being recognized and shouted at everywhere they go.

This will end with evil people being dug up out of their bunkers.

But, will Trump do this? Maybe.
He will start it, unbeknownst to him, or not.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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