A portion of our govern-cement has opened up the gates, and let the barbarians in. (with the help of many NGOs) And a portion of our people have cheered it on.
A portion of our govern-cement has sold us out to foreign interests, and left us without manufacturing. (with the helo of many banksters and NGOs) And a portion of our people have cheered it on.
The selling out, and the destruction of America has been in the plans for a long time. It is only because we are nice people, and do not want to kill recklessly, that DC still exists.
Further, we do not know what is going on. We have been lied to so much, that the most intelligent analysis is "i don't know shit". We don't even know the sides in this war.

Those Mother WEFers' Plans
The Khazarian Mafia, the name stealers, were kicked out of their home (Ukraine) long ago (because they were being bad) by the Russians and the Iranians. They still hold a grudge against them, and want to see them destroyed. (The Bolshevik revolution was them getting back at Russia, but that wasn't enough)
The Rots-child families [KM] set up the money system. The Talmud says, do not charge interest on loans, except to goyim.
The [KM] helped start America, and rushed in and wrote the Constitution behind closed doors. Fortunately, the anti-federalists pushed through the bill of rights.
America was to be used to destroy European power. And then America was supposed to collapse. Then China was supposed to be set up as the next great power.
But, this is where things went south.
Russia was supposed to invade Ukraine, and then have NATO stomp them.
And America was supposed to destroy Iran.
But, neither of these are working out as planned.
Nor is the world supporting IsReal? in destroying Gaza. And the world isn't getting into a World War. So, the [KM] can't change the money supply without everyone watching.
Anyway, large parts of these plans are still moving forward. But not according to plan.

The Invaders are already here
A million military aged men have been streamlined across the souther border. This include many military trained men. This includes Chinese, from China (how did they get out of that country,. and into ours???)
Chinese military is amassing in Canada above Seattle.
Someone has let the barbarians in through the front gate.
Already things are happening. The Cocain Import Agency used two guys, in trucks, to perform a "terrorist" act. (why would a trained, military special ops person use gasoline as an explosive? He had access to much better, and wouldn't be stupid enough to choose "that" truck, and do a "suicide mission". The whole thing was staged, and i do not know by who, or what their goal was. Except that it is by the Anti-American [KM] and it is to sow fear and confusion.
Expect more things will happen.
Until they go a step too far, then us good-ole-boys are going to take our long range hole punchers and run them for the border.

Washington (and Oregon) Leave the Union
Seattle, leaves the union. Maybe, instead of leaving America, (because Trump was elected) the Seattleans decide, they and their city will leave. And, soon after, we see blue helmets on the streets "keeping the peace". Portland may go with them. (I use the names of the cities, because the people in the Eastern part of the states will not go with them.)
If this is going to happen, it was already planned. You can't get the politcos to agree on anything. Unless orders comes down from above. It will be sold as if this is just happenstance. But, like the CHAZ, this will be "let to happen".
I do not know if we should stop this from happening. If we just leave them alone, the Wokeians will self destruct, and the land will just be available for any who will claim it. But, really, it will just be a bunch of suburban houses that no one wants.
The problem is China and the CCP. They will do whatever they can to start a colony there and keep it. And the Chinese probably REALLY want the eastern part of the state for the farm lands.
But, anyway, govern-cements are going to fall apart all over the world. So, it is best to just get out of the way. Do not fight dying dinosaurs as they flop around.

Drones? Are they drones?
Things are happening. And we have all kinds of video evidence. And we have NO CLUE what is going on.
Except, that things do not add up. Some are coming up out of the water, and spraying something to be carried along by the fog.
Some are playing with military bases.
Some are putting on light shows for people.
Some are staying in the air for much longer than battery powered drones, that we know of, can.
We have tons of questions, and very few answers.
A large majority of the people think it is just a hoax. Some think it is a military operation. Some think it is aliens visiting.
And, i am 90% certain that we will not be given a real story about what these were.

We are in a war, that has gone to melee.
A lot of the govern-cement is going to fail/fall apart. (no money to pay them)
We don't know who are the bad guys.
So, i suggest, unless you know what is going on (like sending dem migrants packin) stay out of the way, and away from bullets flying.
Do your best to become self sufficient. Don't be caught in cities where lockdowns or gangs run rampant. And take care of your health. Especially your mental health. People weren't meant to be under this much stress. Make sure you eat well, and get a good night's sleep.
Keep your head on a swivel.