In today's world, so much of what we consider normal is backwards, upside down from what it aught to be. And it has been this way for so long that we just think it is normal.
No place is this worse than housing.
What kind of a society tells their children who are just starting out to go out and pay more that all the people who have come before you, to be able to have a comfortable place to sleep?
We ask the least capable in our society, to do more than anyone else in society, for a place to sleep???!!!
And we think of this as normal.
And our entire economy is based on this inversion.
Inheriting the family farm??
We think of / talk about inheriting property from your father. The family farm brings to mind this dynamic.
Let us really analyze this:
When people had short lives, the farmer's son would carry on the work of his father and continue to support the family.
Father married at 20, so he is 50 with one foot in the grave when his son is 30. So, his son has been helping with the farm for 15 years before it becomes all his. And he is probably just having kids who could help him out on the farm.
Go to today when people can easily live 70-90 years.
You would be inheriting your father's house when you are in your 50s. When you are looking retirement square in the face. For most, what the bleep do you need the house for? You either made it, and have a house of your own. Or you are really on the outs, and your father was too (like father like son) and so, there is no house to inherit.
(add to this, reverse mortgages, and the family won't be inheriting anything. The bank gets the house.)
One OF, the great grandchildren might inherit a house. Which one? Would they actually be inheriting a functional house? It was probably old, and the great grandparents haven't been keeping it up, so they inherit something that really needs to be torn down.
This is not a system that works anymore. It only worked because of short lives and in a world that was much less populated.
The suburban blight, its life story
The baby boomers bought up everything. And then their kids grew up and had to spread out into suburbs, that often grew out into the next town over. (Los Angles is a "city" that really is (way over) a dozen cities that all grew into each other)
Because of our constant population growth, people have made larger and larger cities, with smaller and smaller yards, using up every inch of land that could possibly be used.
So, we grew and grew, into this horror of a living condition we call the modern sprawl.
And the latest generation has no where to live. There really isn't any affordable houses for them to buy. They have been permanently priced out of the market.
This was always the plan. It is the way mortgages work. It is the way fiat money works. Inflates more and more until you cannot afford anything, then it gets reset.
However, this time is different. The boomers are moving out of their homes. (to grave yards or care facilities) and there will soon be such a glut of houses on the market, that empty houses will be everywhere.
And no one will want them.
Suburbs, and all the mean, will fall apart
It will become very apparent that we are entering an ice-age. While it also becomes very apparent that you need to grow your own food.
The suburban house provides nothing that will be useful in the future. There will be no jobs. There will be failing infrastructure. There will be colder weather (meaning you need passive solar heating and good insulation, which few suburban houses have) There will be few stores open. Food stores will be scarce. Crime will be rampant…
Everyone who can, will move away from suburbs.
They will move to homesteads where the normal will be multi-generation multi-family community structures.
Everyone will be a part time farmer. Growing almost everything you eat.
Every community will manufacture something that they trade with other communities.
The land, the buildings will be considered to be owned by the community. Not by the elder, or grandpa, or the one there first.
In fact, it may be seen as being owned by the children.
The entire idea of having a suburban house will begin and die with the boomers.
So much wasted money. (just paid to the banksters, who provided nothing)
So much wasted effort.
But, at last, this horrible idea has run its course.
And now we will transition to a much better, more economically sound system.
Where we do not throw the youngest, and least capable out into the cold to fend for themselves.
Where we don't have the newest home owners pay half of their income to the banksters.
(The landlords get a mortgage, and rent for just a little bit more, and so almost all of the rent just goes to pay banksters. The homes/apartments are never paid off. They are just refinanced. Either by selling, or getting a new loan to pull out equity. So, all that money just keeps going to the banksters)
I will be glad when we get rid of this corrupt, and inhumane system.