We pay our taxes. We believe this is used to run the govern-cement. And that is important, else chaos will ensue, or something.
We think the govern-cement does many important things. But, most of that is really just propaganda. J Edgar Hoover made sure that Hollywood always showed the FBI in a good light. Basically, he had veto power on most Hollywood movies. And so, the brave FBI officers find the bad guys and apprehend them, bringing them to justice. But, in reality, they rarely do that.
And, that is one, very well known bureau. We have dozens, if not hundreds of bureaus that do next to nothing for the people. Such as the SEC. Suing all the crypto groups they could find, and threatening them. And, never once did they provide direction, or real, regulations (useful or not). And they definitely didn't protect the investors.
I am going to paint a horrible picture. And if you believe me, you will agree that 90% of govern-cement can just be gotten rid of. However, i am probably not aware of how bad things really are. And so, getting rid of 99% of govern-cement may be important for humanity. I am really unsure of that last 1%. Maybe anarchy is completely correct.

Cocain Import Agency
This bureau has no oversight that i know of. It answers to a select few congress people, and i am pretty sure that they do not get the full story.
Did you know Vietnam was run by this agency? It was not an American war.
If Pres. Trump decided to close down this agency tomorrow. Cuts all their funding. Fires their top guy. Nothing would happen to it.
The Cocain Import Agency imports Cocain, well , they don't do that anymore. They are now working with China to import "pain medicine". This business makes a LOT of money.
They have armies all over the world. They have as much munitions as any other military branch.
They work for themselves. The people higher up in the organization are "made men". They had to pop a cap in someone to prove their loyalty and ability. It is a group of sociopaths that overthrows smaller govern-cements.

Federal Endtable of Intimidation
Long ago, back when Mohammed Ali was fighting, a group of young people broke into one of this group's offices and made off with lots of boxes of papers. And, they found that most of, 90%+, what this "Intelligence" bureau does is keep dirt on politicians, judges and other important people.
Less than 10% is used to "fight crime". Only because Hoover made sure that Hollywood never allowed a movie that showed what they were really like, do we see them in any kind of good light.
They helped the ATF destroy a group in WACO Texas. And probably set them up in the first place. Burned the children, after poisoning them with cyanide.
Ruby Ridge was another thing that they set up, and then went to "catch the criminal". They shot his wife and child. Then tormented him for days. The guy they went after was tried and found innocent.
Today, they still set up people to do terror type activities and then "catch" them. The list is long, and they should have been disbanded after the first one. But, of course they have dirt on everyone who could do anything.

Infernal Revolting Syndicate
This actually isn't a govern-cement agency. Surprise! It is a corporation out of some island in the Bahamas.
However, their agents have police powers in all jurisdictions of The US. Actually, they are more like James Bond in their powers.
They can take your money and lock you up, but they really do not have any powers to collect money, or imprison you. They do work for the banks, so the banks work with them, and if they say you owe them money, they just take it out of your bank account.
Your money is used for illicit activities and money laundering, until proven innocent.
The income tax is shown to be illegal and unconstitutional, but the courts ignore that. You can read Larken Rose's book on his attempt to do prove them wrong. But, what happened is that they just said "we don't know" and the jury still found him guilty.
Their boss, the notFederal noReserves notaBank is not an govern-cement entity either.

Bureau of making up Labor Statistics
If you, or i, did a job, where we doing accounting, and came to the boss every month, to adjust last month's numbers, we would be fired. But not this bureau.
They get everything wrong, every time.
Further, they obfuscate the important information by hiding it, or just not counting it. Such as, people who have not had a job recently, are not part of the unemployment numbers. And energy, medical… are not included in the C.P.I. although they are the big part of a household's expenses.
You may consider this bureau to just be a propaganda wing of the govern-cement

Why do we suffer such ineptitude? Especially when they charge us so much for it? Probably because the govern-cement threatens us with stopping welfare (which too many are addicted to) whenever we even bring this up for discussion.
We should reign in congress by telling them that all laws need to be in one book, no bigger than the bible, and in common language that all high school graduates can read. Then, they would have to get rid of old laws if they want to make new laws. And, since everyone can read them, the congress critters might read the bills before passing them.
However, if you watched any of the approval inquiries, such as Sanders interrogating RFK jr. over onesies, then you might just assume that they are a bunch of grade schoolers having a food fight. And, as such, do we need them there at all? Maybe we don't, and just need a way of easily voting on each bill ourselves. Why do we need representatives when we can click yes/no ourselves?
The problems will come about when we show that much of govern-cement is against the people. Not ambivalent. Not neutral. But out to see that your life is as short and painful as possible.