We Will Look Back and Think, That Was An Asset?

in hive-110786 •  11 months ago 


We live in a world where things are valuable only because we created artificial scarcity.

The biggest example is diamonds. De Beers controls and limits the worlds diamond supply. They use their money and power to destroy any competition. They are not above intimidation, bribery or murder to keep them in control. And diamonds are so common that De Beers is now burning them, in big piles, to keep them off the street. Artificial scarcity.

So many of the things we think of as important and valuable are like this. Cars, Housing, Electricity, Bonds, Stocks, Cash, even Food, is kept scarce to keep the perceived value high.

Everything is a rich man's game. The game is to create artificial scarcity. Go to the govern-cement and get them to make you a legal monopoly. (yes, we have many of those, like electrical providers) Go to the govern-cement to place sanctions on foreign competitors. Go to the govern-cement to enact zoning laws and regulations

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All the BIG Are Making Your Life More Expensive

The lies are coming out.

One of the biggest lies is that govern-cement is just incompetent. This is a lie, govern-cement always votes the way the "rich" want it to go. If it was incompetence, it would be 50/50, with some laws going for the people, some laws going against. But it is over 90% against the people.

These rules and regulations turned into laws are usually written by the BIG corporation to eliminate competition. They put into law what they are doing, but everyone else has to scramble to comply.

The BIG power companies are given a monopoly in a certain area. They say it is to prevent bunches of extra power lines creating lots of waste. But what it creates is a lazy, wasteful, power company bureaucracy, that does things to purposefully keep prices high, and higher. These power companies have not built new power plants to make sure they can keep up with demand. In fact, they are frighteningly against it. (and higher green-peace to protest against it)

BIG Pharma has kept out those pesky "Grandmother's remedies". In fact, they have spent so much money to indoctrinate everyone into thinking that these remedies are just "old wives tales" and not stuff that actually worked.

BIG Ag gets encoded into law the poisoning of food. Now, all the farmers have to poison the land. And then, all the farmers have to sell where and when the govern-cement tells them to. And if you have extra crop, you have to burn it. Only the correct amount of food can created. Not more. Because when you have too much produce, the price just drops and drops.

Only a few of the many ways BIG corporations and people like Rots-child change things so that you are paying through the nose for things that could be quite abundant and inexpensive.

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All the BIG Are Dying

Lets say that some kind of decentralized, cryptographically locked, digital cash came into being (i know, hard to imagine) then what happens to the BIG banks? Those BIG banks who have been stealing money from you in the form of mortgages and inflation. Well, their days would be numbered.

Why would you pay money to a corporation to keep your money safe? When bitcoin can do that for nothing.

The lock that the central banks had over currency is gone, broken. The monopoly that they had by fiat is now gone. The cash that cost you up front, and during and after you borrowed will be no more. People no longer have to stay in a destructive system.

Lets say that some kind of green, renewable energy source was created that could continually power a small community forever was created. (it really is coming) then what happens to BIG power? All of a sudden, that leach that continues to raise and raise and raise the prices of essential energy just loses everything. Their control over power evaporates.

What was once a limited and therefore high priced resource is now in the control of a community, and once initial costs are paid, is basically free (except maintenance). The control from the monopoly is gone. What was once very high priced, because of that monopoly is now quite inexpensive.

And this will happen with all the BIGs.
All the (artificial) monopolies will go away.

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What we consider an asset will complete change.

Most of the BIG corporations only exists because competition has been blocked.

Look at Tucker vs the BIG auto manufacturers. They shut him down, because, in their words, "He would cost them millions in development costs to keep up"

Now think of the stock market. Made up of many artificial monopolies. Almost everything in the S&P500 will soon be gone, as their monopolies are burst. Most stocks will become worthless.

New companies that provide these things will be so integral to the community, that no "shares" will ever be sold from it. It is run by the community, it is owned by the community. It is not for sale at any price. There won't be a stock market, because there will be no corporations. Who would allow people to buy, trade, speculate on their lives/livelihoods?

As each monopoly gets burst, what was once "valuable" will become commonplace. Along with this, we will recognize a certain class of people who want to turn abundance into scarcity, and we will stop them from affecting our lives.

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Better ways are just a small change in thinking.

Real Estate and mortgages are something we should never have allowed to happen.

Basically, we took something that was in abundance, parcelled it up, and sold it. This wasn't so bad, except that the future generations would have nothing. Someone already owns it all. So the latest generation has to bid more than all the previous generations to get a place to live.

How dare us have children if this is the structure? We should not bring children into the world where they will not have a place in the world. How horrible are we?

The Amish get together and build their new generation a house/barn. The older generation, with all their skill and know how get together and build the new barn. And the only expense is the debt you owe to your community. You aren't hooked into paying a mortgage; paying multiple times for a building, to a group of people who put nothing into the building, for money they pulled out of thin air (robbed from everyone)

As you can see, just a little change in how we view property and a making sure we have a roof over each person's head changes the world from one where you have to work yourself to death to be able to sleep indoors, to a place where each person has a place (and no monetary debt)

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  • Stocks - gone. They will be corporations that should never have been allowed to exist, or so valuable that they would never be sold.
  • Real Estate - It is no longer the kings estate. The land will be owned by those who care for it. Investing in Real Estate will no longer be a thing.
  • Bonds - Why would anyone buy something that was made out of thin air? Just moving money around, and that gives you a payment each quarter? The whole concept is disgusting.
  • Retirement Accounts / Social inSecurity - Why do these exist? A person should have a place to live, and a plot to grow their own food. Their needs are met, why do we need to steal a ¼ or everyone's pay check to provide the essentials that should have already been paid for?
  • Gold - an almost useless metal, that the world has been duped into calling precious. Without all the banksters coveting it, we probably have enough mined that we will never have to pick up a pick for centuries, while providing jewellery to all women.
  • Fiat Currency - How are we paying before, during and after, for printed paper? This is the largest scam perpetrated on the human race. That we allow central banks to continue this abomination is beyond me. People who insist on debt-based fiat currency should be hung like horse thieves.

So, basically, everything we call an asset right now, will not be in the future.
These things created by greedy men, making artificial scarcity, to indebt our children and our children's children are abhorrent, and we should never have allowed them. We will learn, and we will kick them out.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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