What Is Happening At CERN? Not What Anyone Is Expecting.

in hive-110786 •  2 years ago 

CERN 666 searching for the GOD particle?

Imagine having the keys to the universe, but were eternally blocked off from using them.

This is what T.H.E.Y., the "Elite", the Illuminati, those Mother WEFers, are facing.

T.H.E.Y. are psychopaths who ritually break/fracture their children's minds to turn them into psychopaths too. Because in the age of Pisces, where we all learn to swim together, to school, and large institutions are created, then being a psychopath means you can get to the top by any means you feel will work, without having that pesky conscience keeping you awake at night. Thus, being a psychopath is a great advantage.

Except the psychopath has shut themselves off from the outside emotional world.
The place where muses and inventions are.
Where those feelings of empathy come in from.
Permanently shut off from the voice of God.

So, psychopaths have simultaneously got themselves to the top of the pyramid, while denying themselves the ability to go further.

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Imagine keeping all the teachings of the great spiritual masters, and then never being able to use them.
This is what the Illuminati did.

But instead of trying to experience the beyond, the broken minds of the psychopaths twist all they read into a power play.

Imagine reading the Bible and instead of coming away with good parables about how to be a moral person, you see, here is how to rule mankind. As in, God is coming back, and the chosen people will be above everyone else, so we better be the chosen people. And we will do this by editing the Bible, so that all those goyim, will be doing the wrong thing. Completely missing the story the Bible was trying to convey.

They are literally collecting all the gold in the world figuring that gold is what God wants. And they will be the ones with the biggest offerings.

Missing the true spirituality; taking the word literally.

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T.H.E.Y. feel that it is important to tell the world what T.H.E.Y. are doing.
T.H.E.Y. feel that if T.H.E.Y. tell us, and we do not stop them, then it is our fault for allowing it.
And T.H.E.Y. also feel we are too stupid to recognize it.

So, have you seen anything from CERN recently?
Look they are going to open a portal.
And they are going to bring "God" back to earth, so that they get to be the rulers prophesied in the Bible and Talmud.

Unfortunately, what T.H.E.Y. seem to be doing is trying to bring a demon out of the spiritual world into the physical world.

And T.H.E.Y. will probably think they succeeded, and worship the thing, not even realizing it isn't even "Satan", no where near God. And not the "god" that was foretold would come back.

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It is very sad that what T.H.E.Y. do to themselves as children forever locks them out of the greater spiritual existence.

When you have never experienced the presence of God, or have had an OBE, or a near death experience,
AND you have all of these ancient texts describing these experiences, well, you can only misinterpret them.

"When i was on the other side, i felt overwhelming sense of being loved"
This, to a person who doesn't know the feeling of love, gets translated to some kind of "power" a force T.H.E.Y. can use to manipulate people.

T.H.E.Y. may even equate love to electricity or magnetism.
... and CERN is the largest magnet we have built.

So, you see, T.H.E.Y. are about to make a mess of things, and get a result T.H.E.Y. could never expect...

... and CERN will be the largest, most expensive "sciency" tourist trap complete with souvenir shop.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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