Something that i see too often on the media, and repeated on social media, today is a mis-portrayal of what a psychopath / sociopath is, and how they think.
I saw this on twatter not too long ago:
This person has no clue about psychopaths.
To us normal people, who have empathy, we think about the abhorrence of a death come to early. We have people so opposed to death that they forsake eating meat. We do not like death.
So, most people see what the psychopaths in the WEF do, see the Georgia Guide stones, and think, "these people love killing."
Actually, they do not. Killing is messy, and such a pain. And then you have to clean up. They don't think anything about death, except in how it might impact them. Like a television going on the fritz. And like that television, they will dispose of people without any emotional concern.

They Want Control
What they concern themselves with is control.
Power over others makes them feel safer. But you can never be safe enough, so more power is desired. Always more power.
They will do anything to get into positions of power. And once there, they will do all they can to expand their power.
And what have we seen in congress critters and the presidency? Every one of them has worked to increase the powers of govern-cement, and specifically their office.
It is also the reason that we need stop producing positions of power in a pyramidal form, and in any such position, screen for people that have empathy, and thus screening out people who are psychopaths. And no, a psychopath can't even imitate genuine empathy. It is actually an area where you might tell if someone in your life is a narcissist/psychopath/sociopath. They will often make a mistake in saying condolences when someone passed away, and in many other traumatic situations. Their response will seem to be a non-sequiter.

Killing people
Psychopaths do not care about killing people. If their deaths will help him more than harm him, than he will do it.
Such as the 9/11 event. They didn't care about the people in the buildings, what they cared about is getting the Homeland Security Act passed through congress. What they cared about is getting all the gold under those buildings. What they cared about is being able to move the bonds without oversight.
All those people who died? They do not care at all. All those first responders who died from asbestos? They do not care at all.
Some killing they do care about. Showing someone that they have power over them. "You have been a thorn in my side too long, now you will die".
And sex with minors (often to death) is an ultimate sick and twisted way to show themselves who has power.

The Do Not Care About the World
But, many of you might say, "Don't they care about the world? They live on it too!" And the answer is, no they don't. They do not care about the next generation. They only care about their pleasures in this lifetime.
If some company offered to cremate the world, while they cremated their body, there would be a lot of takers. The problem would be too many stupid, useless eaters, who had all these "emotions" would put a stop to it. And thus, it would be a huge waste of money. "What a pain. Can't they just mind their own business? Why are they so concerned with their meaningless lives?"
So, you see it all the time. If the time frame is in the future enough, they will destroy all kinds of stuff. Turn a river orange so that their bureau can get more funding and power. Lie about the effects of lead and cigarettes for years.
They care how other people will view them, not about the consequences. They will be dead, and they are the only person that matters, so what of it?

We, the human race, needs to learn about narcissists and their more evil brethren, sociopaths and psychopaths.
We need to keep them out of positions of power. We need to keep them out of controlling our lives.
We also need to stop calling people online "narcissists" because they ghosted them, or were trolling, or acting like a jerk. A narcissist is not another name for jerk. We need to understand what they are, and make sure they are not hurting people.
Now you can understand why these psychopaths in congress keep doing strange, often seen as stupid things. They do not think like us. They do not care about what we care about. They will never care about the people. They will never represent us. In fact, if they know the people want something, they will dangle it in front of them forever, never letting them have it.