Yesterday i had a response that i was being too depressing.
So, today, i am going to try to write about the bright future we are moving towards.
And i will probably fail, and write a lot about the destruction of the old systems that are in between now and the future.
It is important to know that good has won. Measurements were taken during 2012, and our planet's vibration was high enough to continue. If not, mankind would have been wiped out by meteors (or something similar) And this time, there will have been no arks saving a few humans to start over.
The next step after winning is to clean up all the evil that WE allowed into the planet. And that requires US to see all the evil that is happening. This is the age of Aquarius. The knowledge bringer brings knowledge, not good times, happy stories, kumbaya's. It shows us the depravity of all of our systems. From top to bottom. Inside ourselves, and out in the world.

All the Evil will be exposed.
This is great! What do you mean it is scary and depressing?
If you believe those mother WEFers are sick, satan worshipping, paedos and baby sacrificers, who are out for complete control and domination of the entire earth. A group that is not above poisoning the entire world and seeing who survives. A group that "grows" and traffics children for their "church" plans and jollies. A group that would wilfully open up holes in space (portals) to bring demons into the world… If you believe all this, then you have a portion of the evil that will be brought forward, and you will probably have a hard time with the enormity of it all.
Fortunately, this is a small group, and all we have to do is learn to recognize them. Recognize them, and realize that no matter how good their intentions are (what they say) that whatever these sociopaths do will create more harm, then we make plans and structures to keep them out of positions of power.
All we have to do is test each candidate for compassion. We do not allow anyone without a full measure of compassion into any position, no matter how good their rhetoric is. Then, our governing system will start to work in a way that will benefit humanity.
And then we have to clean up the demons, dark entities and the bad aliens from out system.
And THE WORST! We will have to go inside and face our inner demons. Each and every one of us. (i actually think this is great! But, it is a lot of work. A lot of hard work. And i do not wish the pain and hardship on anyone)

All the BIGs crumble
We really do not need to do anything. The energy of this planet no longer supports all the old BIGs. BigPharma, BigBanks, BigAg, BigBoxStores, BigGov, BigMilitaryIndustry, all collapse. They just fall over, burn down and turn to dust.
Like, if one corporation chooses to not stop polluting, that company will be buycotted out of existence. And not like before where it is just a short term, maybe choosing the different (but same) brand a the store. This will be an entire movement of people creating alternatives. And the old BigCorp will just find itself without customers, none, nada. Further, there will probably be people with pitch forks and torches, and lawsuits, and supply issues.
I doubt that any of the Bigs can change enough and fast enough to stay in existence. Imagine ALL of BigAg shifting to regenerative permaculture. Forget simple organic farming, they need to go to very advanced soil rebuilding methodologies that incorporate ruminants and ground water management. And then stop picking things while they are green, and chemically ripening them… as you see, BigAg would have to completely rework itself. It would have to give up its predatory and controlling practices.
I doubt that any Big can change that much. And i believe in all the new designs and processes that make the old Bigs obsolete. (like permaculture, once they get a foothold, the old ways are toast)

People learn to negotiate.
Today, we see "capitalism" as two people trying to make a deal, where they get wring the other party for as much as they can, while giving as little as possible. People think this is the way. Even those who do not like it, do not know of better ways.
What we learn is that cooperation works FAR better. (as long as govern-cement doesn't prevent it, like they do now)
War (theft) 1 + 1 = 0
Capitalism 1 + 1 = 2
Win-win 1 + 1 = 4
Right now, many people think that stealing, theft, war, is the cheapest way to get what they want. Why make it yourself, just take it from someone else by force. But, what most people sorta understand, but not really, not yet, is that when you take something, the other person stops making it. If you are a communist country, and the govern-cement just takes all the wheat you grow, you have every incentive to not grow wheat anymore. So, in the end, everyone starves.
This happens on large, and small scales.
Capitalism, as most people think of it, is where you negotiate as hard as you can. Wallymart tells their suppliers what price they will pay, and the quantity they demand. This has caused several business to leave the market. This kind of thought, about getting everything you can, is still better than war (theft) but it is not the best we can do.
Win-win solutions will be what is practiced in the future, MINIMUM! In this way, you get two people (groups) that work together and enjoy working together, and both better off from working together.
It is hard to comprehend the multiplication of output this provides. The entire system works better. The parts made are better. Everyone is happier and richer. EVERYONE.
Once people are trained to see the results of their actions, and the better systems of negotiation, a win-win solution will be the minimum that anyone will tolerate. (and yes, there are better solutions, but i do not know how to put them into words well yet)

The difficult thing is letting go of the old. All the BIGs are collapsing, and people believe that, are programmed to think that this is really bad. Change is scary. And when your source of food/stuff is threatened, most people go immediately into fear.
Even when people are offered better and cheaper, they have a tendency to not move into it. They hold onto the old.
And there are lots of old programming to overcome. Like, commercials have used "new and improved" so often, that we believe that it means they changed the box. And they probably made the contents worse, somehow. We have seen this cycle repeat umpteen times during our lives.
Even today, "organic" food is not that much better than everything else in the grocery store. Yes, it has less poisons in/on it, but it still does not compare to home grown garden fresh vegetables. So, we have that hesitancy within us to not move to the new, because the new, really isn't much better. Even if it is a LOT Better.
The olds are collapsing
The news are coming
And you need to survive between those times.
So, have a stock pile of food. At least a month. Better to have a year.
Have cash (not in the bank), silver and crypto.
The future really looks bright. (cough, cough. EEEeeek. Look at all those changes coming! I stay here under the bed and hide…)

I voted you up and it was zero...AI chumps.
It likes you're right again.
The removal of the administrative and deep state shall occur or we will be in the United States II.
There are articles that talk about the next generation younger and the one after that and how they hate what's going on from the banks to the loss of freedom.
That's good. We will triumph. And I am happy about that too because I spotted what was happening a long time ago and it could have, should have killed me.
Thanks be to God. I made an sdkmesh of DirectX 12 finally with maze of Marble Maze. That's the marble and the maze. I am getting close.
Because of it I will be able to load multiple obj files into to my software suite like I used to be able to do way back when...
Let's make U.S. history video games, starting with the Revolution! Soon. Ever so soon.
Thanks be to God
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Your 100% vote should be near 1.9¢. Don't give up. Every little bit helps.
I hope you get your game history thingy going.
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I getting it I have the marble and the maze there.
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