Where Are Our Free Energy Devices?

in hive-110786 •  last year 


Many people think that free energy devices cannot exist. Obviously the laws of thermodynamics says they cannot exist. If they could exist, someone would have invented it by now. Just look at how many patents there are for "free energy devices" or "perpetual motion machines". So many that the patent office has stopped taking applications for them.

Many people think that the govern-cements have them hidden in deep underground basis in Antarctica. They have them buried in the Nevada desert. They are using them; they have infinite power.

The truth is actually very weird. Weird like Schrödinger's Cat.

The truth is we cannot have free energy devices on earth until no one will even think of using them for war.

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What humans can think of is actually quite limited.

No, really, your brain cannot think of certain ideas. It is really hard for me to explain, and i can only show certain people, who are quite intelligent, and good at meditation. Then, after i get them into a certain meditative state, i tell them to go "there", and all of them will get this brain pain and find themselves "rejected" from that thought space.

An easier explanation is manned craft flight. Or, the airplane.
People pondered flight for 1000s of years. They looked at birds, made diagrams of wings. Built kites. Built wings you couls strap on your back. Da Vinci even made several sketches that would have flown, if only he had strong and light enough materials. All this work and nothing.
Then finally, Kitty Hawk. But, did you know that they beat a French guy doing much the same thing by only a week? And there were other, lesser known and almost unknown people all working on the same technology at the same time.

There is something more to this then just technological advancement. There is a timing. As in, "when the time is right". There is an allowance by everyone on the planet.

It is weird. Thinking in these areas messes up your mind.

But, i will say this. Flying saucers are really, really simple devices. Just like free-energy devices. And we will all collectively smack our foreheads when we finally build one.

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Fortunately for us humans, there are several electricity creating devices that are coming out right now, and we really should put our energy into developing them.

  • Wave Energy
  • Geothermal Energy
  • Magnetic motors
  • Real Solar Energy

Wave Energy

LA, SF and Seattle could go green tomorrow.
All they need to do is build Ferris Wheel sized paddle wheel to harness wave's energy coming in. It is really simple. All that is hard is making it strong enough and inexpensive enough to survive storms and be cost effective. LA could get rid of the miles of cable that brings them power through the desert.

The reason we don't have them right now is that BigOil and their "Climate activist groups" have made sure that no one "damages" the pristine view of the ocean. They have gotten rid of offshore drilling, but have allowed giant, ugly windmills to be built out in the water.

Geothermal Energy

We could drill a hole in the earth 3 miles down, and power a small community for centuries.
Pretty much it is the same as drilling an oil well. But instead of burning oil for heat, we just pump the heat up and use it. Free heating and electricity for the community, forever.

Again, the study of geothermal energy is controlled heavily by govern-cement. All the good sites to try out geo-thermal upon are all guarded by the govern-cement. You have to get approved, and then turn over your device to a college who is in charge of that area. You cannot go and run tests yourself. I mean, El Salvador is producing electricity with volcanoes, why can't we?

Magnetic motors

Yes, these things exist. Yes, they spin and continue to spin. It is just that, currently, these devices do not have much torque. So you can't just hook them up to a regular genset. We have them, now we just need to put a lot of engineering into making them better.

Magnetic motors, in the future, will be in everything. Cordless drills. Cordless everything else. They can be made quite small. They can be made quite large with electromagnets. It is hard to paint a picture of the future, because some engineer is just going to tweak one of these a little and then, almost over night, they will be everywhere and in everything.

Real Solar Energy

This one is harder to explain. We are all familiar with photovoltaic panels, and think of that as solar energy. But it used to not be. There are a lot of technologies that produce more electricity with less expense, but they require a mechanic to keep them working. Photovoltaic panels are great for, you just put them up, and forget them. However, photovoltaic panels are expensive, require a lot of precious metals, and energy to produce. By some metrics, they never pay for themselves. The energy into them is more than the energy out over their lifetime.

Here in America we had a govern-cement program to develop solar power in the 50s. They did, and were disbanded. They did the same in the 70s, and just before they could implement it, the funding disappeared. In the 90s we build Solar1 and Solar2. Like a billion dollars building them… and only used them for testing. They worked, we never turned them on, and later tore them down.

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As you might have recognized, govern-cement does not want clean, continuous energy. All kinds of underhanded dealings have stopped these things from being created.

Instead, govern-cement want polluting and hazardous solutions that require continuous inputs so they can tell everyone that it is limited and thus expensive. They don't care how many grandmas they have to kill by freezing them to death. They care that you stay controlled and in a poverty-mindset.

The latest push is for nuclear reactors. The most environmentally destructive, most dangerous steam kettle we have ever thought up. Heaven knows what their real agenda is, but they keep stock piling uranium.

Fortunately (and unfortunately) govern-cements around the world are going to be collapsing. During that time, we will develop all kinds of alternative energy sources.

I am looking forward to it, but it will also mean a lot of hardships at the same time.

The future is going to be bright.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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