Why do trailer parks in the mid-west and twisters always seem to get together?
Well, if we didn't have Modern Materialistic Physics telling us there is no aether, then we would all know the answer.
To a twister, a trailer park filled with all that steel looks like just the thing it wants. Something to ground out to. Because whirlwinds are an electric phenomena.
One trailer park owner heard of this theory, and went and put grounded metal towers around his park, and no twister has ever come and destroyed the trailers there.
The theory works, so why do we still believe it is about air pressure differences? Oh, rain is an electrical phenomena too.

Imagine if you knew how to modify the weather and steer twisters to where you want them to go. What would you do with this knowledge? Well, i guess it would depend on how much you liked humanity.
- If you loved humanity, you would tell everyone everything, so that people could help mitigate the droughts and the horrible crop destroying storms.
- If you didn't care about humanity, you would probably work out how to get farmers to pay you for rain.
- If you hated humanity, you would probably would make up a science that is completely bogus, and any one who was trained in it, would never see the truth, and then use your power to control the govern-cements of the world.
There was a Canadian administer who gave some excuses for why the govern-cement had to do bad things, and then thanked the world NGOs for allowing the rain to water the crops. (I wish i remembered names, then i would have his name and his actual quote here)

The sun does more than just send out heat and light, it is an electric phenomena.
Why do we have thunderstorms? Electricity. The sun charges the clouds, and the shaded area beneath the clouds gets the opposite charge, due to lack of sun's rays. This difference in potential builds up and then when there is a big enough difference, discharges.
It is also important to note, that we live in a giant capacitor. Between heaven and earth (we do not comprehend either of these two meanings, and until we do, comprehending the weather, who we are, energy, power… will be beyond our grasp) we live. Between two charged plates.
The right hand rule describe the interaction between electricity, magnetism and force. If we live in a giant capacitor, so there is an electric force in one direction, on a planet that has a magnetic field, then there will be a force. Do we have a force on earth? Something that ubiquitously pushes all the time? Something that keeps people on the ground? (yes, you should recognize that ground is an electrical term)
Did you know that in physics class, they teach you about electrical fields, and that how an electron fired into one has its path bent, and if there is a high enough potential, it goes around in circles. So, what else goes around in circles? A weather phenomena, inside a giant capacitor where we are living in an electric field…
If only there wasn't some "Modern Materialistic Physics" telling everyone that they were kept on the ground due to mass. Then we might really understand our standing in the universe, and the whirlwinds we experience in our lives.

Our world, and the phenomena we see upon it is quite simplex. We could notice what was happening, if only we weren't programmed at an early age to believe things that aren't so.
However, most people believe so much that twisters are all based on pressure differentials, that they never look for the causes of those pressure differentials.
And we disbelieve the aether. It doesn't exist to us, and all the theories that were actually describing the world we experience, were all swept aside. If only Michelson-Morley hadn't done Wrong Science and found something, and called it nothing. If only some group didn't take that false experiment and then write all the Modern Materialistic Physics books, then we might be working with our actual reality, and comprehending it.
It is almost impossible for normal people to imagine a group that wanted to mislead all of humanity so much that they would change the science books, change the medicine books, change history. People can't imagine anyone plotting that big.
But, ask yourself this, have you heard of a book, published by hundreds of scientists that called Einstein's theories bunk? That totally eviscerated those theories? You probably never heard of this. And you were never taught that there was any pushback from the scientific community. Most people believe that Einstein was a genius to work out relativity. (not a person who was into relatives and married his YOUNG cousin)