Why Are People Pushing Nuclear So Hard? Brainwashed?

in hive-110786 •  last year 


Nuclear energy is being pushed as the best, least polluting energy.
"If only we had chosen nuclear we would not be having all of these power outages.

We have people on the internetz showing the left half of this chart, like it is the only meaningful metric.


That it lasts 4 million days wowwee, that's a lot. (But, if that were really true, then we would never have to refuel a nuclear power plant.)

These people never discuss how much destruction getting that 1 kg of radioactive matter entails, or how we do not have a way of dealing with that 1 kg after its usefulness has expired.

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The most expensive, most dangerous, most polluting way to boil water

T.H.E.Y. always talk about how safe the new nuclear reactors are, not like the old reactors they say. But there is always something that the engineers didn't think about. Fukashima was a new reactor, but the wall that was supposed to keep all waves out was just not high enough, and there was no power to shut down the reactor, when all the power backup was underwater.

And this is just talking about accidents. What if there is a world war and one side decides to win at any cost? Or what if we have a side that is so evil, they will blow up a reactor in order to blame it on the other side?

There is no such thing as a completely safe nuclear reactor. It is unsafe by design. The name reactor means it is designed to cause a reaction, and then control that reaction. But our ideas of control are wrong and woefully inadequate. (they were developed in a physics that doesn't understand radioactivity)

We push chunks of uranium closer and closer together until the start reacting to eachother. it used to be a game back in physics class. Push the chunks closer and closer with a screwdriver. Daring eachother to push it closer. Deadly, stupid game. And it has been turned into a deadly, stupid way to boil water.

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Horrible pollution, before and after.

Uranium is a pain to dig up and hell to refine
You dig up tons of earth to get a few ounces.


The toxicity around these mines is really quite horrible.
And then the processing of these ores into uranium is even worse.

I don't know why we allow so much destruction for something we are going to burn-out, and then chuck in the disposal pile.

And that disposal pile, it is useless, but still hot. Hot for centuries.
No completely safe way of disposal has been found. We just sorta put the shit in dark places and forget about it. Even when it is visibly leaking.

Still they push this very dangerous way to boil water as perfectly safe.

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Thoughts on why T.H.E.Y. are really pushing nuclear

Something most people do not know about nuclear material and working around a nuclear power plant is that it sucks the life out of you. There is a company who hires out people to do slightly dangerous jobs with slightly radioactive material. And this company has had TONS of sick days. Where the person may not have gotten many rads, but when they are supposed to go back to work the next week, they are just feeling dead. All the life is sucked out of them.

The mother WEFers have been trying to destroy the world. Poisoning places. Dumping toxic chemicals. Spraying the skies with stuff that was supposed to be buried encased in plastic so it can't leach out.

So, the idea of putting more radiation into the world is probably high on their list of things to do.

The really old theory is that they are trying to add radiation to the world so that their alien overlords can live on this planet more easily. It would make sense with what and where they are trying to do things.

But, from an earth loving perspective, digging this stuff up just to burn it is insane.

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What radioactive material can actually do

Here is the worst thing about our nuclear kettle boiling ways... is that it burns up the uranium. Burns it out.

When, if we had real physics knowledge, we would understand that we can just use the radioactive material to directly drive wheels.

However, we think that equal and opposite reactions are all there is, so we do not look at this. And to our detriment we ignore the most useful thing about radioactive material.

I suggest we save our uranium until we rewrite physics.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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