Why You Have To Move Out To the Country Now - and Not Wait for SHTF

in hive-110786 •  2 years ago 


So many movies, and the doomsday preppers believe they can go into a hole in the ground and come out in a year having survived the "whatever". Unfortunately, what we are facing is not something you can hide from. You can't hide long enough, and spiritually speaking, this decision time for humanity. And those decisions are made in the form of actions taken. Going into a hole is pretty much abstaining from your vote for how the world will be in the future.

Further, this isn't a single event that you just have to survive. This is many events and many changes. This is a complete restructuring of the world. All the bigs are going to collapse. (BigPharma, BigAg, BigBanks...) And each of these will have a SHTF episode accompanied with it.

Fortunately, although our systems are fragile, there are a lot of people that want to see them succeed... have a vested interest in them succeeding.

So, what do i feel you should do?

  • Have at least month of food stored (buy what you eat, store what you buy)
  • Find a community where you fit in.
  • Move to that community. Get a place that has room for a greenhouse and a garden.

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Community is the most important

Finding your community. Finding the group of people that you get along with. That think like you. This is one of the most important things to do in the next years.

This is the start of the great migration. This is something that will happen all over the world.
Borders will be moved / redrawn.

Groups that have been apart will come back together.
You can see this in the Donbass area. That has been Russian all its life, but got put into U-crane because of administrative shifting. The Russian people are now back together. This will happen in many other places.

So, your task over these next years is to find your group, your family.

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Community takes time

It takes time to get to know people in the area you move to.
These kinds of areas are always suspicious of outsiders walking through / showing up. They take time accepting a new person. And this is appropriate.

So, if you are planning to move out to some property you have never really visited once the shit goes down... well, that will be a bad idea. You need to get to know your neighbors as early as possible.

You need to start building a community or integrating yourself into a community.
This is what will save your life.

You can learn to garden by watching UTube videos. But you can't get people that will watch your back that way.

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This sheep, that is hitting the fan, is not something you can survive on rations.


It is good to have stored food. However, this change is going take at least half a century before there is anything close to a new normal. It is hard to store 50 years of food. You are going to have to grow more.

With new technology you can grow a garden with fairly minimal work per week (except at canning time). You can grow chicken with only a few minutes a day. This will be the new 10 hour work week.

Everyone will be part farmer.

It is the only way you will survive, because the food at the stores will get worse and worse. More bugs and more empty shelves. No meat in some cities. Meat with the VAXXX injected in it in others.

If you didn't grow it yourself, then you had better know, and trust the farmer you are getting your food from.

And i mean, really trust them.

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So, go out and find your community.
Find a place where your community can grow.

Don't worry about electric wires, locally created power is a thing, and will get radically better.

Worry about geography. Worry about winter temperatures (they are about to get much worse)

Make note of the new weather conditions. Where rain normally falls is changing.
Desserts will become green, forests will burn down... all kinds of changes are coming.

Be prepared to deal with the unexpected. Just stay loose.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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