Why You Should Be Moving Toward the Homestead Lifestyle

in hive-110786 •  8 months ago  (edited)


Homesteading, permaculture, home-schooling, guerilla gardening, etc. have been becoming much more popular. There are many reasons for this. Both internal and external.

In the near future, there will be the haves and the have-nots. Those who have a homestead and are growing their own food, and those who dont. The ones living in the cities eating whatever the NWO ships to them, like Crispy bug coated factory made "chicken" nuggets.

The mother WEFers are designing a future, where people will live in 15 minute cages, and eat ze bug. Own nothing. And they had better be happy, at least on social media, because living requires you to keep a high social credit score.

The alternative future is leaving that system completely. Get together with like minded people and start a homesteading community. Where you have friends you can rely on. People that you can split the work load with, and provide redundancy in the system. You don't always have a good harvest. But if we are all growing, then enough of us will have extra.

It is coming, a time when you will have to decide which side of the fence you are going to be on. You are going to have to make a choice of:

  • City, night life, fast food, 9-5 job, in a debt and death paradigm, leading to you living in corporation housing (15 minute city)
  • Rural, slow life, good, healthy food, no debt, creating abundance, leading to a freer existence with friends and community

I am sorry, there really will not be any nice middle ground.

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Mother WEFer closing in

The mother WEFers do not "try something" and then just give up because nobody wants it.
They have not given up on growing bugs and getting people to eat them.

They are just working on better advertising and marketing. But they know you will eat ze bugs, because when you are hungry enough, you will eat anything. And they are planning on making you hungry enough.

The mother WEFers are trying to buy up everything, and leave you with nothing.

The banks are going to close, the stock market is going to fail, real estate is going to crash. And the mother WEFers' plans are to buy it all up with whatever new money they create. (probably some kind of CBDC) It is all part of their plan.

Even the food prices rising. The gas prices rising. Rent becoming unaffordable. Big layoffs in all the big corporations. It is not just happenstance, these things are happening on a schedule.

The mother WEFers are pushing people into despair, where they can come in and offer a solution. Just join our open air prison, and you will get food and housing.

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The homesteader is breaking out

It is so freeing to know that your basic needs are provided for. Because the food is in your pantry.

You are not stuck in a race to pay for your car, to go to work, so you can afford a house, so you can sleep to… Your wealth accumulates. Each year your home gets better. Each year you have to work less. (if you are working with the ideas of permaculture)

When you grow your own food, you know where it comes from and what is in it. (You will not get that from the grocery store.) This will become more and more essential.

You get grounded. You are no longer so concerned with outdoing the Joneses. The "lavish" lifestyle has little meaning to you. You feel connected to the land.

Your children will grow up in a place where they can see reality. It is right there in front of them. Instead of being indoctrinated in a school that is as far as one can get from reality. (they are claiming that male/female does not exist)

When the mother WEFers start tightening down on rations, you will be relieved that you have no need for their system. You have a years worth of food that you grew and stored yourself.

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The two economies diverge

The cities will become more and more hell holes.
The homesteads will become more and more abundant.

But what is really interesting is that the people homesteading will be creating their own economy. It will probably be so different that the two will be completely separate. Like one list of websites for the city, another list of websites for the homesteaders. Imagine going to google homesteading, and getting no matches. Amazon sells cheap crap. Homesteadizon sells well crafted goods from other homesteaders.

The differences will be stark. Blatant marketing of garbage to the city, and like an encyclopedia of information on how to use the product on the homestead sites (like 1000 uses for Comfrey).

And of course, the two economies will have different money.
The homesteaders will probably use bitcoin, the city people CBDCs.
But, what will be really unusual is that most food will not be sold for money, nor bitcoin. Food won't be sold, but traded, as in, if you grow food, people will give you food.

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The sooner you make a break from the debt and death paradigm that the banksters have set up to trap everyone, the easier it will be.

Civil war is coming, and i am unsure what kind of war it will be. It may be as simple as all the conservatives move away from the shores… and the neo-liberals realize that they have no one left to maintain the infrastructure or grow food. Or it could become a bloody mess. With roving mobs getting lost out in the wilderness of rural America. Power grids getting cut by sleeper cells. Death everywhere, while the neo-libs deny the country goods from China, and the neo-cons denying the country food from the heartland.

The big thing is that moving will become much more difficult during this time. Choose which side of the fence you want to stay on, and get there.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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