The gold / silver ration has historically been about 12. between 15:1 and 10:1.
This was about the rate at which silver and gold came out of the ground.
Today, the ratio of mined silver to gold is about 9:1
Then why is it over 75:1 ???
The price of silver today should be about $200 per ounce instead of its current $20/ounce.

The price of silver should be much higher!
Especially considering all the gold mined in the world is mostly in vaults, and most of the silver has been used up in manufacturing (and coins and jewellery)
So, if you took the amount of mined gold in bars and coins that could be used, vs the amount of silver ready for use, we might find there is 10x or 100x the amount of gold as silver. (It is at least 1:1)
And, manufacturing-wise, silver is much more valuable than gold.
More valuable, and less of it, so how on earth is it trading at 75:1?

What is the actual value?
Since the price of silver is controlled by the COMEX and big players there are controlling its price. (and yes, it was shown, smoking gun, to the SEC. Look up GATA for more details)
And silver isn't allowed to move out of rock bottom prices. Many speculate that if silver was allowed to find its true price, that it would destroy the financial structure, and so these people, behind the scenes are making sure that doesn't happen.
The other side of the coin is that there are other markets with other prices.
Such as, if you are a billionaire and you want gold, you do not get to buy it at $2000 an ounce. Banks and large buyers pay a far different price. Rumors are between 2x and 10x the spot value. (and it is rumors because anyone dealing here has to keep it quiet, or else)
On the other side, you see people who use silver, going straight to the miners to get their needed amount of silver each month. And who knows what they are really paying.
(Getting silver off the COMEX is tricky. You have to mark your contract for delivery, and often they will buy it off you. Meaning you will get extra cash, but no silver. And don't do this too often, they keep track. And if you do get it, delivery from the COMEX is a bit tricky, and a bit expensive.)

Expect the control to end
At some point, the price riggers will lose control, and then gold and silver will find their real market value.
Meaning, there will be a lot of people in Komiforia panning for gold to buy food.
And people who stacked silver will be planning what to do with this wealth to last for 3 generations.
And govern-cement will be declaring PMs a strategic resource, especially silver, making the stuff even more pricey.
Hurray for gold and silver stackers!...
Except, the meaning of the price riggers failing will probably mean that the financial system failed.
At first, you will see silver on the COMEX for $9 and when you go to the coin shop, you will pay $109 to get your hand on some physical. And you will, because next week you will be paying $209.
Then there will be a time where you can't sell gold or silver, but there will be a lot of people looking to trade for it.
A little later most grocery stores will have someone to assay metals to trade for food.
Or maybe some kind of local chit / store credit. Like, you are entitled to a rib-eye roast (whenever it comes in).
I would imagine at this time retailers will also be accepting crypto. And if not, then there will be someone who does money changing.
Where Wells Far Gone once was in grocery stores,
will be a concrete bunker with a person who exchanges money, assays PMs, takes cryptos, and provides store chits, or something.
Things will get real different, real quick.
But at least we will be on our way to real money.

I expect the price of silver to go up and up and up.
First at a dollar per day, then five dollars per day.
The first big milestone will be $500, then we will know that we are there.
Gold will probably spike in price to, just not as rapidly.
Then, at some point, when the actual users of silver are desperate, we will see silver closing the gap with gold.
Many people have speculated on a 1:1 gold/silver price. And since silver is much rarer now than gold (above ground) there may be some truth in this. It is really hard to imagine, but the numbers really do suggest 1:1.