Gold bugs have been shouting that gold will go way up for decades now.
G.A.T.A. (Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee) has shown that the price of gold is manipulated, and that the Comex doesn't have all the gold that they should have. The SEC remains silent.
We know the price is manipulated, suppressed, kept down. And sometime soon it will spring up, with all that released tension, to new record highs. Some people estimate $10,000 gold prices, or higher.
Silver has been manipulated down even worse. Many manufacturers who use silver have gone around the Comex to get the supply they need. By all accounts, we need more mining to cover the demand that we have today. Where is extra silver coming from?
And so, people who are watching silver are saying that the price will shoot way, way up. The need for silver will demand a price where the silver needed will be provided, whether the comex reflects this price or not.

Silver is used in everything
Soldering copper pipes? You now use silver solder.
Soldering computer chips? You are now using silver solder.
Need the best thermo or conductive properties of any metal? You are using silver.
Need anti-microbial? You are using silver.
Silver is the 2nd most used industrial commodity after oil.
And then you add in jewellery, silverware, and bullion and you have a highly demanded commodity.

Silver demand is inelastic.
The computer components that need silver, NEED SILVER. There isn't an alternative for it. And it is used in such small amounts, that the electronic components will just absorb the cost. If a computer needs ⅒ ounce of silver, and the price of silver goes to $1000, then the computer's price will go up by $100.
We may not have silverware and jewellery, but we will pay more for TVs, phones and computers.

Does silver's value have to go up at all?
With inflation hitting the dollar so hard, silver will just have to stay put in value, and its price will be over $100 and ounce.
Right now silver's price is pretty much staying stagnant as inflation effects the price of everything else.
This means you should go out and stock up on any amount you can get.
At some point, the devaluation of the dollar will cause silver price to go way up.

New inventions that NEED silver
There are inventions coming that will need silver, and people will want them so bad they will pay anything for the silver.
There will be people standing out in front of stores passing out flyers for people to come to your house and buy silver. There will be lines at coin stores. These new industries will go completely around the financial institutions to get silver.
There will be two prices, the comex spot price, and the real price.

Overall, silver will break free from its manipulation, and will be so valuable that people who have silver will be looking at providing for generations of their family.
$1000 an ounce silver will be inevitable. The question will be, how much is $1000 worth? What will $1000 buy you at the grocery store? 10 loaves of bread? 1 medium turkey?
Anyway, buy silver now while it is on sale.
And look for ways to trade silver for what you want. Trade it for a car, a house, or what you want.
Trade it to the people that are making flying cars and need silver to make those flying cars.
It will be an "interesting" time.