Will the Bitcoin Bubble Pop?

in hive-110786 •  10 months ago 


It seems like just last week bitcoin was tooling along at $20k, now it is over $43k.

And soon, i am sure i will hear every V-tuber saying one of two things:

  1. Bitcoin is going to a million dollars
  2. Bitcoin is in a bubble

And then, when bitcoin does crash (pullback) the will be saying

  1. Bitcoin will snap right back
  2. See, bitcoin was in a bubble

There is one big problem. Things are not following the old script.
The price is moving much too early, and much too quickly.

This price enthusiasm might burn out before we get to the halvening.

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Are things different this time?

Many corporations and even governments are actually, openly talking about buying bitcoin.

A bunch of bitcoin ETFs are… about to??? be approved? The sec is dragging their feet. And Black Rock is getting antsy. (is that all a show, or is there really a big battle going on behind the scenes?

Either way, institutional money is leaking into bitcoin, and soon, it will be gushing into bitcoin.

Cracks are really starting to show in the old financial system. We here have been talking about the financial collapse for so long, we are almost oblivious to it actually happening.

Historically, when people see monetary collapses coming, they would run to physical assets (like gold and silver) or trade their currency for a more stable foreign currency.

Money is leaving the old system hand over fist, but it isn't really being noticed, or being reported on. The coin shops are saying they are seeing more sales than ever. So much so that people are expecting the gold and silver supply to run dry. But, it is still just trickling in.

Countries are actually mining bitcoin.
The US admits they are holding bitcoin.

El Salvador has switched to bitcoin for a local currency, and mining using volcano energy.

A whole lot of focus is moving to bitcoin.

Makes you wonder why the price is still so low?

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Price predictions???

Max Kaiser is still saying we are on target for $300k bitcoin this bullrun.

Clif High is still firm on the $100k bitcoin parties during holiday times.

There are people saying the one million dollar bitcoin is coming. Others saying that bitcoin will be outlawed in The US. And still others saying there isn't any bitcoin left on exchanges to buy.

My prediction is that bitcoin becomes unobtanium. No one will trade bitcoin for dollars on any exchanges. (my only concern is it this halvening, or the next halvening?)

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Slowly at first, and then all at once

This fiat currency scam collapse has been coming for so long, that many people perceive it a ways off into the future. 2030 maybe.

The problem comes in, in that, when it starts going, it will collapse really fast. And none of us are very good at picking out what things are really driving this. Like, what was the thing that caused hyperinflation of the German Mark? (and Hitler may have had a good reason for locking up a Rots-child, like that bankster family causing the hyperinflation)

The only thing i know is that when bitcoin does hit a million dollars, i will wish i had bought more at sub $50k. (everyone wishes they had bought more of the big winners)

Things are really changing.
Be sure to stock up on food, because although you may be crypto rich, people at the grocery store may not have learned to accept bitcoin.

And, there is always the outside chance that bitcoin goes up this time, and never comes down.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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I hope you own at least five or ten BTC because you will be a millionaire in only a several months time

Nope, not me.

Me either.