With Much Talk of Ending the Fed, How About the IRS?

in hive-110786 •  4 months ago 


Most people say that they pay their money to the IRS and this money goes to run the govern-cement.

However, this is completely wrong.
The infernal Revolting Syndicate is an evil organization that allows an even worse entity to exist.

The money they collect goes onto the pyre to be burnt as offering to the god of money, so that their fake money loop doesn't implode on itself.

That is correct, they collect your blood, sweat and tears, to keep their evil, world destructive, soul devouring, printing presses going.

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What IS the Infernal Revolting Syndicate?

They are a corporation (not a govern-cement agency) formed on one those islands in the Caribbean. Even though they are not a govern-cement agency, each of their agents has full legal powers of an Federal End-Table of Intimidation officer. They can carry a gun, kill you with impunity, and search through all your data / bank records where the law is not allowed to legally go.

You could say, that this group is above the law.

And the entire reason this entity exist is for their to be a reason for you to collect Federal Reserve Notes.

You have to pay your extortion fee in FRNs. Thus, you will do whatever you have to, to collect FRNs. Then FRNs will be valuable, will have value, because people need them.

The other reason the Infernal Revolting Syndicate exists is to collect all those FRNs, now soaked with your blood, sweat and tears, and place it on the pyre, and offer it up to the god of money. Each year, the old FRNs are retired (burnt up) and all new FRNs are printed. This has to happen, or the fiat currency goes foop. Back to where it spawned from, nothing.

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The loop of fiat currency

Currency is not money. It has to keep moving, for as soon as it stops, it disappears.

The first FRN is borrowed into existence. $1, and by the next year, you owe $1.05. But, there only exists $1.00. So, you need to borrow another dollar to pay the principal and interest of the loan from the previous year.

Every year, you need to collect the FRNs and pay the debt, at least the interest. If this doesn't happen, all the FRNs disappear.

And you need an organization, with scary powers/authority, to force that collection. (and yes, it has to be forced, because this is a life-sucking pattern. The loop is evil)

Each year, we owe more and more FRNs until we just can't take it anymore. The owed amount gets to big for people to compute. And the inflation gets too out of hand, and the whole system implodes. It is the only outcome of this system.

The Infernal Revolting Syndicate is here to slow down this process by burning money.

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The Infernal Revolting Syndicate and their partner the Fed

These two entities came into being in the same year. They are partners in crime. One cannot exist without the other.

The only reason the Infernal Revolting Syndicate is separate is that no one would believe the Fed's police force had national police powers. People would see through it, see through the scam.

And the most important thing discussed while forming the plans for a central bank is what to name it. Name it in such a way as to make it seem like a govern-cement agency, giving it power that it never had.

It is as Federal as Federal Express
It has no reserves. All that money is made up out of less than thin air.
And it is not a bank. It would probably best be called a banking-cartel.


Henry Ford knew about this, but it has taken nearly a century for us to start catching on. A century of them sucking our soul.

The Fed said they would stop the booms and the busts and the bank runs, but it appears to me, that they have done just the opposite.

And the IRS said they collect money to run the govern-cement, but it appear to me, that they have done just the opposite. They have stolen money just for themselves. And they are a group who can be used to punish anyone within their reach, with absolute impunity. Their power should not exist. And we have let them run abuse on the people for far too long.

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It is all a scam. The entire fiat money system.

We pay with our blood, sweat and tears. They respond with pieces of worthless paper.

Blood sucking vampires would be better than these parasites.

It is a shame that we are soooo hooked on their system, that we can't just disengage from it. Even those who want to only use crypto/bitcoin find it hard to completely be out of the system. However, we will get out of this system, because the banking system is going to implode upon itself.

The fiat money system is a loop, that will eat itself. There is no escaping this fate.

Wall street is a house of cards.

The trillions of dollars in derivatives is a bunch of smoke and mirrors.

Every piece of this debt and death paradigm is going to fall over, burn to the ground and turn to dust.

We do not have to end the Fed. We do not have to fight the Infernal Revolting Syndicate. They are already dead.

Our task is to move to the new system(s) as quickly as possible. We are the ones who will blaze the trail for the rest of humanity to follow on the path to freedom.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.

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Well, perfect post, but I do believe after watching the "Blade" movie and TV series that the people you said were like vampires, actually are.
look at all the blood banks and...

There is a lot to indicate that T.H.E.Y. ARE the creatures that vampires were based off of.

But, you have to untangle a lot of the meanings.

Like, they drank blood for the iron, that was deficient in their blood. And also because they liked the ritual of feeling powerful.

Yeah, when I was a the was this guy Bob Wilkins who host on __ Creature Features __ which was on KTVU 2, Oakland, CA.

Like Art Bell, on coasttocoastam.com

Bob gave interviews of people during the breaks of whatever horror show he hosted. And one day, a real vampire showed for the interview.

Years later, the wife and I were in San Francisco for the day. Some kind of festival, I think. We came across this fellow. His aura was pure evil. He wanted to talk to us for whatever reason and we reported him.

He turned out to the High Priest of the temple of Set in good ole S.F..

He'd done some very bad things. And turned out that along with his wife was arrested who was indeed an actual vampire. The HIV had started and was full tilt. But then it's California...