The Rationale for COVID VAxx Mandates is Fraudulent

in hive-110786 •  2 months ago 

Risk of Myocarditis and other AESI > Risk of COVID Hospitalizations (Part 22)

While modRNA shills were quick to claim victory in 2021, yet only three years of safety and VE data has not borne out their premature conclusions. Each additional dose has only become less effective against SARS-2 for a shorter duration than the last. The risk and benefits of modRNA therapies have only become more stacked on the risk side especially for young, immunocompetent cohorts who have already developed natural immunity from infection and thus the rationale for mandates have only grown more spurious over the past three years.

A nationwide, population-based cohort study conducted in South Korea (n = 9.25 million) compared the almost entirely vaxxed population to a historical control cohort that existed 2 years prior to the first modRNA dose which was administered December 31, 2020, found that the vaxxed cohort had a severely elevated risk of developing a host of autoimmune disorders including myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain–Barre syndrome, bullous pemphigoid (2.67x higher in vaxxed females), and lupus. The first booster dose resulted in an elevated risk of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis compared to not taking the booster.

For the positive control outcomes, the risk of myocarditis (aHR, 7.20; 99% CI, 4.37–11.86), pericarditis (aHR, 2.75; 99% CI, 1.95–3.88), and Guillain–Barre syndrome (aHR, 1.62; 99% CI, 1.16–2.25) were considerably higher in the vaccination cohort than in the historical control cohort

As I pointed out last year in (Part 4), adolescent males in South Korea between the ages of 12-17 years had the highest documented rate of myocarditis following the vaxx suffering 1 case for every 18,678 recipients.

A systematic review of studies evaluating VE and safety for recipients in this age group encompassing 6 RCTs, 8 case control studies and 8 cohort observational studies found a low certainty of evidence for its benefit to this cohort after Pfizer’s and Moderna’s initial clinical trials with most studies finding the outcomes for modRNA administration to adolescents are either inconclusive or harmful.

A study of Vaccine efficacy among vaccinated children 5–11 years of age within New York (n = 365,502 ) found that VE against infection drops from around 45–55% to about 11% VE within a few weeks. The incidence rate ratio for infection compared to unvaccinated children 5–11 years of age fell from 3.1 on December 13, 2021 to 1.1 (statistical insignificance). by January 24, 2022 (42 days). VE against infection for Children 12–17 years of age dropped from 76% to 46% within the same 42 day time period.

A test-negative, case-control analysis, published in the Journal of American Medical Association, found that the VE of the primary series dropped to zero against omicron three months after it was administered to children and adolescents. The analysis examined 43,209 negative test controls and 30,999 positive test cases for children 5–11 years of age (n = 74, 208) as well as 25,471 negative test controls and 22,273 positive test cases for adolescents between 12–15 years of age (n = 47,744) from 6,879 test sites across the U.S. between December 2021 and February 2022. VE against symptomatic omicron infection was estimated at 60.1% for 5–11-year-olds and 59.5% for 12–15-year-olds 2–4 weeks after the second dose of the Pfizer primary series. VE rapidly declined to 28.9% for 5–11-year-olds and 16.6% after 2 months and dropped to almost 0 VE 3 months after the second dose for both cohorts. A different analysis from the same test platform reported VE of 42% against symptomatic omicron infection 2–4 weeks after the second Pfizer dose which dropped to 0 three months after the second Pfizer dose.

The CDC’s latest PR observational study attempt to save the VE narrative, which has been restricted to severe disease and hospitalization reduction, incidentally confirms that “robust protection” of modRNA therapy advertised against hospitalization has about a 4 month lifespan if that. Mean VE against hospitalization for recipients under 18 year is estimated at 25% between 4 months to 364 days out with the lower limit at - 9%. The anytime within the previous year stipulation seemed to improve the mean VE against hospitalization to 38% with a lower limit of 15% which to an immunocompetent child or adolescent with no comorbidities, sufficient Vitamin D serum levels and/or nucleocapsid antibodies and memory cells from prior omicron infection(s) is completely meaningless and not worth the several fold higher relative risk of cardiomyopathy.

Repeated doses have also been shown to cause immune imprinting for the wildtype variant they were originally made for. For instance the last booster was found to elicit a several fold higher antibody response against the Wuhan variant than the XBB1.5 in serological research. Fewer than half of recipients formed memory B cells that don’t recognize the Wuhan receptor binding domain with XBB1.5 specific memory cells remaining rare. Repeated boosters also increase the risk of developing immune tolerance to the spike protein 6 months after the last booster which is why we find negative VE in observational data.

This is still very relevant despite it not being the current thing. There are public schools and colleges that still have booster mandates well into 2024. Louisiana schools were just forced to end their’s this month by the state legislature.

Louisiana Ends COVID19 Vaccine Mandates for Students on August 1st

48 colleges and universities still have booster mandates in 2024.

The claim that it would stop students from spreading the virus was completely fabricated. The rationale that it prevents COVID19 disease, as stated on the package insert, is completely fraudulent. As I summarized above children, adolescents and young adults forced to take it to attend school have the highest risk of suffering any cardiac related SAE, the lowest risk of being hospitalized with COVID19 or developing severe disease, and the least clinical benefit if any.

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