Antarctica and Sahara Desert Soil Samples, a game changer in the Climate Change Debates, We Still Have to Help the Earth though

in hive-110786 •  4 years ago  (edited)


Antarctica, ahh the great south, and also who doesn't love to hear an update as it has been in the news a lot. Way more coverage than like ever before lately. The threads pulling away from our coldest continent aren't about the ice breaking away, which is also alarming. Today scientists are also providing quite a pivot into new territory in the whole global warming/change thing and since everyone has heard of this concept, we haven't quit arguing about it.


Apparently, the story told in the first article regards a secret military base back in the 60's where drilling also took place and how scientists took some really deep soil samples. In keeping with the theme of an Indiana Jones movie, of how findings were just locked away of in a warehouse and forgotten, for decades . The samples were later found and are still able to tell their story as they were able to preserve the past perfectly. Not only was there a lush ecosystem with twigs moss and grass but they also show how the planet has a built in global change mechanism, this could change things.

Another massive global marker where we have also recently seen a disclosure of findings which push to a brand new take on the history we have held with us so long. Back in 2019, a similar change in our understanding of the Earth and its climate preferences has shown to now be a confirmation of the findings in the Antarctic Circle thanks again to the work of building secret underground military bases, keyword being secret, a la 'Project Iceworm'.


We can argue for decades about the topic of the climate, and how it changes, as that talk is always all the rage. As it continues to catalyze further research and discovery, even into the past, at least we can add the new information to the debates. Previous Ice age cycles were thought to be much, much different and this new factor is working the science further as of now we know it is the Earths' own axis and sunlight cycles that are the real culprit for the climate and weather patterns to show changes. Until the mystery or conspiracy is further solved, the strides ahead are always welcome, even if they force me to update my own understanding, and that is ok with me.

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Help the earth? The earth would seriously laugh in your face if it was alive to understand the stupidity of your title.

Let me know when man wants to drop a bomb on the core. Then you have a real problem.