Covid Police State: When Injustice Becomes Law, Resistance Becomes Duty

in hive-110786 •  5 years ago 


Who thought that the day would ever arrive in this country, let alone in 2020, that simply taking a sunset stroll on the beach or in a local park or surfing would be an act of resistance, and simply starting a small campfire or cooking a backcountry meal on a wood stove would make one an outlaw, and simply attending church would be considered a criminal act punishable with a fine and/or mandatory 14-day quarantine?

This is the ‘new normal’ here in America, once known as the land of free and home of the brave, whee now the mask has been pulled off this police state, with ever increasingly tyrannical laws, codes, executive orders and requirements being implemented every day.

Many among the masses are cheering on this martial law style shutdown, shaming those who dare go on with their lives in a normal fashion, and some going so far to beg for even further restrictions and shutdowns, as both freedom and middle class America dies with thunderous applause.

But not all are cheering. Some are resisting. Some are standing up and saying enough is enough. Some can see through the charade and don’t mind becoming outlaws, because they realize the simple truth that, when freedom is outlawed only outlaws will be free. And after all, we humans were born to be free, it is in our nature, it is our essence, and there are only so many who are willing to give up that freedom for the false promise of some temporary safety.

I am now an outlaw, simply for using a wood stove in my canvas tent on the so-called ‘public’ lands high in the forests of New Mexico. They are not truly public at all, or none of this nonsense could ever apply without the approval of public who uses those lands, but rather government land, the King’s land; and don’t you dare think you can live free on the King’s land, or use the King’s land without his permission in the form of a government permit!

But just as in Robin Hood’s day, the peasants don’t much care for the edicts of the King on what truly should be public and not government land for all to freely share and responsibly use and recreate upon.

And much to my surprise, as I went about an evening walk with my pup Dakota, I quickly realized I was not the only outlaw in these parts of Northern New Mexico! As I walked by the most recently setup campsite further up the beautiful canyon I’m currently camping in, in the Santa Fe National Forest, I noticed this fellow had a small campfire going, I saw the ‘dangerous’ flames of that small fire, flames that we have all been told will surely start some wildfire, but instead of danger I saw the flames of freedom, and realized that it can be no other than outlaws who light the brush fires of freedom in the hearts of men in times when freedom has been outlawed.

They say the fire danger is high around these parts, and that likelihood of starting a wildfire is high, but there was no wind last night, and there was a light rain all evening, so I doubt that was the case. They say outlaws like myself are putting potential future covid19 patients in danger by the wildfire risk we pose, because if a wildfire were to start, then firefighters wouldn’t be able to help those potential covid19 patients that may never materialize. They say people like me are now dangerous criminals posing a threat to public safety, who can be punished by up to a $5,000 fine and/or 6 months imprisonment, but I don’t much care what they say, and I say today is a good day to live free.

They say a lot of things these days that just last year would have been deemed insane. They say things like this is the ‘new normal’, and that we should get used to it, because most of it is here to stay, like social distancing and the like. It’s for our safety, they say, because they care about us so much, as they shut down our businesses, put us out of work, ban our religious gatherings and outlaw our way of life.

They say that we should just stay home to help save lives - lives, as in plural lives - “Stay Home. Shop Alone. Save Lives.” The massive billboards lining the highways and byways all say, paid for with your tax dollars of course. But that is a lie. Staying home does not save lives - plural lives - because by going out the only life one puts at risk is his or her own! One life, singular, not plural, is being put at risk when you choose to leave your home, because nobody is forcing anyone to leave their homes, and the only person being put at risk are those voluntarily going out into the public.

They say a lot of things these days, that no one would have dreamed of taking seriously a few months back, but today it is the ‘new normal’, and tomorrow there will be an even newer normal, with even fewer freedoms, and bigger fines, and bigger dangers to ‘public safety’ posed by anyone who dares resist this new and tyrannical normal, or even those who simply question it.

They say that most small businesses are ‘nonessential’, that mom and pop bakeries and local restaurants and shoe stores are ‘nonessential’, but that Walmart, and Costco, and all the corporate fast food chains and other big corporate chain stores are deemed ‘essential’, so go do your shopping there, and don’t complain, they say.

They say that all of this is necessary, to ‘flatten the curve’, and that things will eventually go back to normal, but if you read between the lines and listen closely, you can also hear them say that things will never go back to normal, because this is the new normal.

They say that all of this tyranny and medical martial law and destruction of the middle class and looting of the peasantry by the elite banking and political class is working successfully to flatten the curve, but that if things ever do go back to normal, the curve will unflatten, and all hell will break loose. They say more ‘waves’ will come, and so this shutdown must last at least another month, if not two, or maybe three or four. If you listen to Bill Gates, he says it will last until his vaccines are developed and approved, and have been injected in your veins - maybe by this fall, maybe not til’ next spring.

They say that if you point out the hypocrisy of it all, or show evidence, in the form of their very own official numbers and admissions, that this ‘pandemic’ is in reality a massive planned scamdemic, then you are ‘conspiracy theorist’ and also a danger to society. They say that freedom of speech is a danger to society, and that we should all just be good little slaves, and then this will all be over.

But it won’t be, if they have their way, because they also say it will never be over, because this is the new normal, and you better get used to it, because it’s here to stay. They say to ignore the proven cures and stay locked down in fear, because Bill Gates is working on a vaccine, and soon they’ll have you covered and things will be able to ‘partially reopen’, whatever that means. Just wait, they say, and quietly comply, because the government and corporate America will save you, they say, as they continue destroying everything you hold dear.

They say a lot of things these days, things that would have been deemed insane just last year, the reason being because they are insane. They say a lot of things these days, but if you listen closely and you look at who’s doing the talking, you’ll soon realize they are career liars and political hypocrites, greedy corporate psychopaths who don’t care about you or me or anyone’s health or safety, but just growing their control and increasing their profit line.

They can keep on saying whatever they want to say, but as for me, I will live free today, tomorrow and the next day.

I know a lot of others are beginning to see things the same. People are beginning to rise up, protests are forming across the country, and resistance is spreading. Not violent resistance but peaceful noncompliance with tyrannical and unjust laws, codes and orders. The kind of resistance that brings about real change, in the style of Ghandi and Martin Luther King Junior. Many individuals are engaging in silent acts of resistance all across the country, fearlessly ignoring the insane political edicts signed with the pen of the king, and they are choosing to live free. How many outlaws, we may never know, because the revolution will not be televised, but rest assured more outlaws are being born each and every day as the mask continues to be ripped off of this tyrannical charade.

Is this the day that freedom dies, once and for all, to the sound of thunderous applause; or is it the day that true freedom is finally born, as people stand up to the tyrants, cast off all fear, and united declare that we will live free? The choice is ours. I hope enough of us choose love and freedom over the chains of slavery, bound by our fears. Fear is the tyrant’s greatest tool, without the people in fear they have nothing but lies and threat of force, and we have all the power.

Lyrics from a song over a decade ago by a fellow truther couldn’t have summed it up better.

Can’t be scared when it goes down,
Stand for freedom here and now.
The only thing that’s on my mind,
Is who’s gonna free this town tonight?
The New World Order’s going down...
Death’s their game and it’s not fair,
They make the rules and you don’t care.
You just blindly sell your soul,
Hypnotized, they’re in control.
Indoctrinated by their psalm,
In a trance you go along.
The only thing that’s on my mind,
Is who’s gonna free this town tonight?
The New World Order’s Got to die!

  • Chris Geo, Who’s Gonna Run This Town Remix
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" The kind of resistance that brings about real change, in the style of Ghandi and Martin Luther King Junior"

You were just asked to stay home you fucking retard. You are not a hero for spreading a virus. Nor is a fucking fire ban an affront to your freedom.
I suggest you kill yourself, I will donate money to your family

And MLK was asked to be segregated and ride in the back of the bus but he refused. I hope you realize that continually wishing death upon those you disagree with is of the hateful violent thought patterns that lead to murder and genocide. Your attempt to shroud your hatred by appealing to public safety does not hide it.

I doubt you would say the same if you met me in the street, but if you would then you are full of more ignorant hatred than I imagined. you should be careful what you wish for, we all reap what we sow. Karma’s a bitch my friend.

Also, Government Telling me to stay home is an attempted infringement upon my right to travel, a fire ban is most certainly an infringement upon my freedom, or does it somehow not threaten my freedom to use fire?

I am also not spreading a virus as it is impossible to spread something you don’t have, and besides no one ever said fire spreads the virus!

I hope you learn that compassion and tolerance, not hate and death wishes against fellow peaceful humans is the path to ultimate peace and healing.

Also, I am well aware you want me to kill myself, you don’t have to keep repeating your calls for my suicide, it’s not going to work. It is quite revealing of your true character however, try overcoming your fears instead of wishing death on a stranger.