Good News!!! COVID-19 Stats

in hive-110786 •  5 years ago  (edited)

As of July 20, 2020 the world wide recovery rate is 93 percent.

The rate of serious/critical cases is 1% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

World Stats 2.jpg

World Stats.jpg

As of July 20, 2020

Case in point, here's a look at Illinois as of July 19th from that state's department of health...

Illinois July 19.jpg

State of Illinois as of July, 19 2020

See. Like I have been saying. Need more testing available to see what's going on. Lots of positive cases but fewer critical cases. Imagine the folks who recover and never get tested. By not testing anyone who isn't critical, they skewed the statistics. This is why you are being frightened by the CASE numbers and not the CRITICAL or DEATH numbers. Now, finally, testing is as available as a flu test as we discover lots of cases but a much lower mortality rate. Now, if the hospitals would get on board with treating their patients for hyperimmunity responses to the virus, which autopsies have shown are the actual cause of most COVID-19 deaths, we would all be on the same page and wouldn't have to argue or be frightened anymore.

Catch me on:


Question cropped 2.png

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Flue stats tend to be unreliable for 6 month — you can barely believe the January and February stat yet. Swine Flue stats took two years to finalise.

Indeed however, I doubt the final stats will be so overwhelmingly different. The Swine Flu was hyped to high heaven and I thankfully was smart enough to know better. I never received the vaccine and everyone I have ever known in my life was fine. This virus can kill, true but it is not this devastatingly fatal virus we have been led to believe it is. If it was the news wouldn't need to fake lines at a testing center, calling every death regardless of cause (if they tested positive) as a COVID death, games with testing, and so on. We would all know we are in trouble because people all around us would be sick and dying. The final stats 5 years from now will surely show all this was a huge production.

Yes. BTW: For me the swine flue was something that happened elsewhere. I mostly ignored it.

Here is a page at the US CDC that shows excess mortality week by week. The data takes a while to settle down (or in this case, get collected and stop rising), but it looks like this disease is bad.

The excess deaths are not attributed to COVID-19 but to the related comorbidities.

You can also narrow down the data to look at states and NYC.

I will look it over and see if it is valuable or more numbers/data games. Too much cooking going on with info. I understand real time info is not reality and I expect a degree of error due to this is an ongoing situation. Thanks for the link.