‘Bombshell’ study finds natural immunity superior to vaccination

in hive-110786 •  3 years ago 


A major study conducted by Israeli researchers into natural immunity has found that immunity acquired via infection from Covid-19 is superior to immunity from the Pfizer vaccine.

Researchers at Maccabi Healthcare and Tel Aviv University compared the outcomes of over 76,000 Israelis in three groups: the doubly vaccinated (with the Pfizer vaccine), the previously infected but unvaccinated, and the previously infected with only a single vaccine dose.

This is why we don't need to be forcing this shot down people throats because everyone has an immune system and apparently this study is showing it works for the covid virus too.

This probably isn't news to most of you that have common sense and can read studies on other vaccines like polio or the flu but anyone on the fence thinking about getting the shot should read this before they decide to get the shot or not. It could save their life.

They found that fully vaccinated but uninfected people were significantly more likely to have a “breakthrough” Covid infection than people who had previously been infected and recovered from the disease.

This to me says the shot is complete garbage and they're lying to us about the effectiveness and the chances of having a breakthrough case. All lies about how your immune system doesn't know how to fight the virus after a few months and how effective these shots are at protecting you against covid. I know someone that was a breakthrough case and I know others that got super sick less than 24hrs after getting their first shot. One of them was even hospitalized because of it. Of course they never link it back to the shot but anyone with a brain can look at the possible side effects and conclude it was the shot.


I for one will never get this shot. Crazy time we live in. Stay safe out there everyone!

Source: https://unherd.com/thepost/bombshell-study-finds-natural-immunity-superior-to-vaccination/

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