#Club75 || Visit to Sabang Island

in hive-111293 •  3 years ago 

Hello Friends of #Steem-Travelers!


Of course, the closest starting point is Banda Aceh. After arriving at the airport, you can take DAMRI, rent a car or motorbike rickshaw to go to Ulee Lheu Harbor.

At Ulee Lheu Harbor, this is the crossing point to Sabang. There are two ways to get to Pulau Weh from Banda Aceh, namely by fast boat and ferry.



My friends and I stayed at Iboih Inn. The place is nice with a beautiful view. Each bungalow has a hammock for relaxing. The rooms are clean and comfortable. You can hang out also near the pier. Sometimes there is a herd of monkeys running up the tree. The breakfast is also delicious.


In total, my group and I spent 3 days 2 nights for this Sabang or Pulau Weh trip. Please read the itinerary maybe it can be an example.


We crossed to Rubiah Island. It only took 5 minutes to arrive. At that time the weather immediately changed 180 degrees! Suddenly the sun came out and it was very bright. It feels so good.


I immediately plunged into the water and swam around the pier. It's just that I didn't see much coral. Maybe the snorkeling spot is wrong or maybe if you go to Pulau Weh it is better to dive.

After a cool snorkel, we cleaned up and had lunch. This is my story in Sabang is very fun and will be a very beautiful memory.

@willeusz ADMIN Admin | 500 SP Delegator
@papi.mati Admin Admin | Delegate 7000 SP

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Amazing place, great work. Thank you for sharing such interesting content with us.

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Checked by @willeusz

Wow amazing place and nice photography.


Sabang merupakan salah satu tempat destinasi wisata yang sangat bernilai bagi aceh. Mengapa tidak ? jika pemerintah setempat benar-benar peduli dan serius dalam mengelola tempat ini, mungkin bisa menarik perhatian para wisatawan baik domestik maupun manca negara.

Pulau sabang atau pulau Rubiah memiliki pesona pemandangan laut yang sungguh luar biasa. Disertai dengan pesona bawah laut yang masih asri dan penuh dengan berbagai biota makhluk hidup. Tentu tidak kalah dengan pulau raja ampat yang ada di papua.

Saya pernah berkungjung ke sana tahun 2013. saya juga pernah menyelam di laut pulau rubiah dengan memakai pelampung, alat bantu pernapasan dan juga kaki bebek. Seperti yang anda katakan diatas, tempat menyelam yang bagus adalah tempat yang banyak akan karangnya.

Karena di sana terdapat banyak sekali ikan-ikan kecil berwarna-warni (saya tidak tau namanya) seperti yang ditampilkan di film Finding Nemo. Disana juga terdapat bulu babi dan bintang laut.

#travelers-say #onepercent

Wao amiga qué lugar tan hermoso me encantaron las fotos de tu viaje, se ve que pasaste un día increíble, con el sol estupendo.Saludos y bendiciones.🤗