The origin of the expression "no tail, no scales" and how to respond to it

in hive-111293 •  3 years ago 


Peaceful sky to all.

As everyone knows, fishermen wish, "no tail, no scales." But few people know the origin of this expression. In addition, there is another popular expression. This: "neither fluff nor feather." Oddly enough, but these expressions have the same historical roots.

Origin of expression: "no tail, no scales"


In ancient times, people believed in various gods. They believed that the lives of ordinary people are controlled by the gods. There were quite a few of them. Accordingly, before going fishing, it was necessary to appease the gods of water, or deceive them. There is nothing surprising in the fact that a simple person wanted to show that he does not go fishing and he does not care about the catch. In this regard, they wished him neither a tail, nor scales. Thus, showing that the catch, as such, the fisherman is not interested in a person.

The expression has the same meaning: "neither fluff nor feather". True, it refers directly to the hunters. If a person goes hunting, he needs to wish for the absence of Down and feather. That is, by doing so, a person shows that he does not go hunting, but is going to take a walk in the forest.

How to correctly answer these expressions


Here again we recall the mythology. Who belongs to the gods of the water element? Correctly. Water. Who belongs to the Forest element? Correctly. Goblin. Accordingly, when answering the above expressions, you need to say: go to the goblin or the water.

Gradually both expressions were combined into one. But, in a meaningful way. In this regard, when answering, a certain unification took place. Since the water and goblin refers to evil spirits, when answering, both expressions can be replaced with an ordinary trait. Accordingly, when answering the expression "no tail, no scales", you need to answer "Go to hell."

A bit of modernity


Now almost all the fishermen of the post-Soviet space are trying to wish each other no tail, no scales. Especially, it concerns the Odessa region and Odessa. Among the fishermen of our region, there are stories about how visitors wish us good luck, success, big fish, a full cage, and so on. But we do not answer these wishes, from the word at all. The fact is that the wishes of success and good luck for the fisherman is not essential. If you pay attention to the old beliefs, then it turns out that having wished us success and good luck, a person strives to ensure that we do not catch anything. He, as it were, shows the ancient gods that we are going fishing and our goal is to catch as many fish as possible. In this regard, the gods will do everything to prevent us from achieving the desired result in fishing.

Thus, we can confidently state that almost all sayings, proverbs and popular expressions have ancient roots. They carry a deep meaning and do not neglect the advice and recommendations of the ancestors. We must live according to the precepts of our grandfathers and fathers. All Peaceful sky above your head.

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Рыбки… В детстве обожала рыбачить, нравился процесс, но в то же время мне было жутко жаль рыбок. Но кушать рыбу любила.

Первое фото - просто чудо! Такое умиротворение, покой, красота первозданная. Вот бы такое было по всей земле... Мой отец был заядлый рыбак-любитель, каждое лето вывозил нас, т.е. всю семью, на берег реки, на рыбные места, на целый месяц. Жили в палатках, еду готовили на костре, молоко покупали в деревушке на другом берегу... Таких судаков, щук, лещей ловили - мечта! и стерлядь потихоньку таскали, её тогда много было в нашей реке. И я любила с удочкой на лаве посидеть. Эх, времена были!
Кстати, не припомню, чтобы мы какие-то пожелания друг другу говорили, но вот однажды в Абхазии я пожелала рыбаку удачи и рыбацкого счастья и... пожалела об этом ))) Какими словами он меня погнал с берега моря, не буду тут уточнять ))) с тех пор молчу при рыбаках ))

Мне в этом году везёт. Я на рыбалке по 3 - 4 раза в неделю

Это счастье - бывать на рыбалке часто. Я по жизни не очень терпелива, мне всё куда-то бежать надо, но с удочкой могу сидеть долго )) даже когда не клюёт.

Озеро в 5 минутах ходьбы от дома =)

ЗдОрово! Это мечта любого рыбака-любителя )

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