A good Samaritan is one who willingly helps people without keeping scores and expecting a favor in return. The image of a good Samaritan that flashes into my head is the one in the Bible. I suspect that most people feel the same as well. The good Samaritan in the Bible was taught to so many of us growing up in Sunday School. In the story or parable, recited by Jesus, a traveler was beaten half to death, robbed of his possessions, and left to die by the roadside. Two people rode past him on their horses or camels, one was a priest and the other a Levite. They did not help him, for self-conceited reasons. A Samaritan, who was considered an outsider, helped him. He clothed him, fed him, and helped in whatever ways he could without asking for a penny in return. We were taught as children to mimic this behavior.
by BibleArt Library on istockphoto.com
Everyday, I help people, and people help me everyday as well. Recently, the only interactions I have had are with family, friends, and church members. I try to carry along with the air of camaraderie, helping people with the best of my ability. It can be as simple as lending my little sister money, helping with homework, assisting with projects, and so on. I do not keep count.
by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash.com
I help because I like to. It is good character and it brings you closer to God and closer to people around you. It costs nothing to be a good Samaritan.
by Sebastian Leon Prado on Unsplash.com
From another person, benefits are unasked for on my side. But the unspoken benefits are a good reputation and improved relationship. That is a fair bargain, if you ask me. From God, the benefits are recognition and acceptance. To me, the benefits from God are the most important.