"MUUN DONUTS", provides various variants of soft donuts.

in hive-111300 •  20 hours ago 

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Hello everyone, how are you? May you all be well, always given abundant help and blessings. On this occasion, On this occasion I would like to participate in the contest held by @fantvwiki by reviewing a shop that displays donut cakes. First of all, I would like to invite @rumaisha, @chefdanie, and @suryanitj to participate.


Donuts are one of the most popular types of cake among the public. The cake shaped like a ring with a hole in the middle, and also has a chewy and soft texture. Donuts are usually known as cakes that receive various toppings, such as chocolate, tiramisu, vanilla, colorful sprinkles, and so on. The sprinkling/spreading of toppings on top provides deliciousness in the mouth with every bite.

For those of you who like donuts, you can come to this place. You will definitely be tempted by the variety of toppings available. Even the price is very economical and will not drain your wallet, you don't need to worry about that.


Access path to enter the donut shop

➡️ Address

The donut shop is named "MUUN DONUTS" which is located at Jl. Listrik, Tumpok Teungoh, Kec. Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh, more precisely face to face of the mosque "Islamic Center Lhokseumawe", which is very familiar to local residents and from several regions. Or you can also visit it via the following website.


➡️ Facility

This shop has a hygienic place which of course provides fantastic comfort. Tables and chairs are also available here which is very comfortable for hanging out and dating. This means that there is also a service available here that can be eaten directly on the spot. or commonly known as "Dine In". From this term, customers are more free to interact with staff and enjoy the atmosphere in the store.


Comfortable seating

➡️ Menu

As per the shop name (MUUN DONUTS), presenting donuts with various topping variants. The unit price of donuts starts from 6000 rupiah (2,68 steem) to 8,000 rupiah (3,57 steem) depending on the topping/filling you choose.

Due to the availability of "Dine In" service, "MUUN DONUTS" shop also presents various drink variants, this service provides a pleasant experience. Below I have listed some types of drinks available at this shop.

Drink NamePrice Reguler/LargeSteem Conversion
Avocado Aren22k/28k9,78/12,45 steem
Sour Mango20k/25k8,87/11,08 steem
Classic20k/26k8,87/11,52 steem
Tropical Americano22k/28k9,78/12,45 steem
Naya Nika25k11,08 steem
Matcha Ice Blend25k/32k11,08/14,18 steem

Steem prices can change at any time.



various donut variants and toppings


drink menu

➡️ Service

This donut shop provides satisfactory service, the staff are also very friendly. In the case of transactions at this place, the "Closed Bill" method is used or paying after taking/eating the food, which is beneficial for customers to try more menus. The payment process can be done in cash and non-cash. The non-cash payment method here can be done by paying using the QRIS code that is available at the cashier's desk.


cashier desk


That's all, that's a little review of the donut shop in Lhokseumawe city.

all images are my personal property using a Samsung Galaxy A32 Android phone.


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Terimakasih banyak atas undangan nya. Kue donat yang anda bagikan terlihat sangat lezat sekali.
Semoga beruntung.

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