Stones and Curses

in hive-111300 •  4 months ago 

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Bahasa Indonesia

Batu dan Kutukan

Di suatu tempat hiduplah satu keluarga yang miskin, kesulitan ekonomi membuat sang Ayah pergi merantau. Sekian lama sang Ayah tidak pulang, Malin Kundang dan ibunya hidup dalam kesusahan. Setelah dewasa, Malin Kundang merantau seperti ayahnya.

Malin Kundang bekerja dengan giat di rantau, dia pun menikah dengan seorang gadis anak seorang kaya raya. Dia dikenal sebagai raja atau saudagar kaya. Beberapa lama menikah, istri malin mengajak mengunjungi kampung halamannya, disana berada rumah dan ibu kandungnya malin. Setelah sampai di kampung halamannya, si ibu mendapat kabar bahwa Malin telah pulang, betapa senang hati.

Namun sangat di sayangkan, Malin merasa malu untuk mengakui itu adalah ibu kandungnya. Si ibu pun menangis dan akhirnya murka, si Ibu meminta kepada Tuhan untuk memberikan hukuman kepada anaknya. Kutukan tersebut membuat Malin Kundang berserta Istri dan awak kapal hingga kapal berubah menjadi Batu.


mage Source : The Curse Of Malin Kundang


Stones and Curses

Somewhere there lived a poor family, and economic difficulties made the father go abroad. For a long time, the father did not come home, and Malin Kundang and his mother lived in distress. After growing up, Malin Kundang wandered like his father.

Malin Kundang worked hard in the region, he was married to a rich girl. He was known as a king or a rich merchant. Some time married, the man's wife invited him to visit his hometown, there was a house and his biological mother Malin. After arriving in her hometown, the mother got the news that Malin had returned home, how happy.

But very dear, Malin was embarrassed to admit it was her biological mother. The mother was crying and finally angry, the mother asked God to give punishment to her son. The curse made Malin Kundang along with his wife and crew until the ship turned into stone.


mage Source : The Curse Of Malin Kundang

Story Description

Malin Kundang is one of the characters in popular folklore from Indonesia, precisely located in West Sumatra (Padang). The character of Maling is portrayed as a brave and mischievous man as a child and polite, honest and humble in his teens.

In his story, Malin Kundang changed from a polite, honest and humble child. Become a child who disobeyed his mother after succeeding in becoming a rich man as well as a great merchant overseas. When he returned to his hometown with his wife and his men, he was reunited with his mother. But because of shame about the origin of his family, Malin Kundang did not want to admit his mother who already looks old renta. In the situation he insulted the mother in front of the crowd, including his wife. So on the way back from her hometown, Malin Kundang's mother cursed Malin Kundang to stone.

Meaning behind the story

This story contains a moral message to remain and must respect both parents, because of all the success and success, there are prayers and sacrifices from parents.

Today stones that are still in The Shape of People as well as some parts of ships that are still in shape but have become Stones, remain in the area. This place is a famous tourist destination in West Sumatra (Padang), Indonesia.

Thanks for the organizers: @joslud and @solperez

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Tarea 1: Escribe una microhistoria

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b. Bueno
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Desarrollar un conflicto o situación interesante
El conflicto está bien logrado: el hombre pobre que se vuelve rico reniega de sus orígenes y recibe una maldición de parte de su madre [0.45]
Final inesperado
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Acá tengo que hacerte una pregunta: ¿En qué se diferencia este final del texto original? Creo que el desenlace es el mismo tanto en la leyenda como en tu texto, dime si me equivoco, por favor:"Malin Kundang, su familia y acompañantes se convierten en piedra" [0.3]
Reflexiones posteriores
La reflexión aporta aspectos culturales relevantes.
El mensaje cultural es interesante. Nadie debería sentir vergüenza de su madre y de sus orígenes familiares. [0.35]

Nota: Si no estás de acuerdo con algunas de mis observaciones, por favor, házmelo saber. Saludos.

Total: 2.25 de 3

Thank you, this is amazing. I get information that makes me grow better, best regards to all the teaching team.

Tu mensaje de aceptación con respecto a los comentarios que hemos hecho nos motivan a seguir. Un abrazo.

halo pak @fantvwiki, cerita Malin kundang memang sudah sangat terkenal dan melegenda, lokasi nya di sumatra barat juga sangat mirip dengan kondisi asli manusia yang sujud minta ampun.

jika bisa di ceritakan dengan konflik barangkali kisah ini jadi menarik dan membuat orang lain jadi penasaran dan ingin membacanya. namun karena di buat mengalir seperti yang terjadi, orang sudah tahu cerita nya dan sudah paham sehingga tidak begitu tertarik. oke pantvwiki, semoga anda sukses.


Excelente comentario que apunta hacia la autosuficiencia del discurso. Gracias por estar. Un abrazo.

Tarea 3: Comunidad de escritores de microrrelatos:

Tarea 3: 2 puntos
Usando la etiqueta #microwrite:
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Ofrezca sugerencias constructivas y útiles
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Segundo comentario

@tipu curate

Your story in format
You can share it on your social networks.

@fantvwiki in.png

@fantvwiki en.png

Thank you.

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Que duro desenlace el de esas personas. Sabes que acá en Venezuela hay una historia un tanto similar a la que reseñas solo que, en la de aquí solo dicen que esa maldición llevó a la mujer a vagar por los llanos llorando.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you my friend, I'm glad you said hello and read this post.

  ·  4 months ago (edited)

Hi @fantvwiki, I really enjoyed reading your essay. You have clearly highlighted how Malin's success, despite all his brilliance, becomes his tragedy by neglecting his mother, thus adding an emotional dimension to the story. By describing the symbolic stones of Sumatra, you strengthen the link between myth and reality, allowing readers to fully feel the impact of this legend. Congratulations for this beautiful tribute to a story rich in meaning! Thank you for sharing , wish you all the best in the contest! #microwrite

Thanks for the compliment and Sir, nice to hear those words from you.

This story is a legend that continues to be told in each generation, the goal is for the next generation to remain respectful to parents, as a form of affection and the highest respect for their sacrifice.

Good luck to you too, sir.

Tarea 3: Comunidad de escritores de microrrelatos:

Tarea 3: 2 puntos
Usando la etiqueta #microwrite:
Usa la etiqueta, pero NO menciona al equipo docente en todos los comentarios
Muestra respeto en todas tus interacciones
Sí [0.4]
Expresa opiniones con claridad y respeto
Sí [0.4]
Ofrezca sugerencias constructivas y útiles
Sí [0.4]
Número de comentarios
Cumple con creces el requisito de más de 4 comentarios.
Tercer comentario

Hi fantvwiki,

Your retelling of the Malin Kundang legend in "Stones and Curses" is engaging and captures the story's essence well, making it accessible for a wide audience. One suggestion, if I may give, is to add a bit about how Malin might have felt inside, which could make his choice even more powerful for readers. Also, describing the place a little more could help people picture the story better, especially those who don’t know much about Indonesia. Overall, it’s a meaningful piece, and these small changes could make it even stronger.

Overall, your work is impressive :)


cc: @joslud @solperez