in hive-111300 •  8 months ago 


A very good day to you and a very Happy New Month to you all,welcome to my article.I have found Great pleasure participating in this contest. I know that for sure my bestie would really be amazed to see me talking about how much I cherish the relationship we share together and for sure its also one of the best gift for my bestie to receive this new month .



A best friend or bestie is a person outside the family relation who for certain reasons you and the person finds a reason to be close to each other due to the quality or value each of you shows out.A person can be attracted to you for many reasons so as you can be attracted to others too for reasons depending on what value the person posseses. You wan to become a persons friend for the value he or she has. Some of these values that draws people closer to each other can be because of the good reputation and character the person have or the person is intelligent and you can benefit from that by being close to the person so as the person must have something he or she likes in you that would make them attracted to you too this closeness can results relationship which started off beacuse of the love you both have on each other .


Everyone has different and personal reasons for which the consider before the consider another person a best friend.

As for me I bring things in consideration before I accept a person to be my best friend, surely there must be a positive value the person is adding to me and my life as well same as I add to in their life too, because I love forwardness so I would only attract and make friends who wants to upgrade and attain a higher hight too. And these type of friends are in some way rare so my character, way of life my intelligence and many other things I do which the person likes would make us closer then we establish a relationship of Best Friendship.
You can't establish a good bestie/best friend relationship without any reason or impact to be created .You both must have things in common before the relationship can hold well beacuse one of the main reasons for friendship is to exchange values,have fun time and also they both parties must have same goals or do the same type of thing so while doing that each other finds themselves to be friends beacuse there is what each other seeks in them both .
I enjoy being best friends with people who I have same goals with.People who has a good reputation in the society for doing good. I prefer people who are same age with me or a little older who has quality values to pass on to me so I could also balance in that aspect. These are what I find most important in considering a bestie/best friend


I have many people who I am close with and I find them wanting beacuse of the value they add to me and can't just stay off them because they are really nice people .

First of them is MATTHEW


Matthew has been my very close friend since y secondary school days he has always been the best and closets out of all and he lives around than others too.Matthew is my age mate and I learn alot from him too. He love education and in every possible way he is always outstanding in all he does in his academics. I started following him and tried getting close to him so I could learn more beacuse I wasn't as bright as him so I needed him by me too because I know he would add more value to me. Making Matthew my friend wasn't easy at all because I wasn't the only one who wanted to there we're so many people who also wished to . With time he got to find me wanting to so we became more close and have been best of friends too since then

I also have a friend called Joy


Joy is a very close friend of mine and has so many values that had me attracted to her . Joy is my colleague in my place of work,she is always neat and early she doesn't talk too much and have respect at its peak .I got attracted to her because of her way of thinking and judging situations she does her things so well that no one gets angry, pissed off or annoyed by her words. Joy is very sensible and sensitive too she is not a lazy girl and does things she wants to do she is very hard working and doesn't like being a burden to anyone. Joy is just the best of her kind

Also I would like you all to meet Nelson


Nelson is my very good friend who is understanding, intelligent and of most he is thinks only of ways possible for upgrades to attain a higher place too.Nelson is never lazy or being reminded of things ,he even risks his things to try ouy new things .I love nelson so much beacuse he doesn't believe in failure.


Once in a very long while I do have some misunderstanding with my besties/best friends .But out of all there are more records of me having some misunderstanding with nelson because most times he is playful and always wants a playmate all the time not knowing if I am in the mood to play.

There was this day I was reading for my jamb exams during the evening beacuse I wasn't around during the day time because of my work I had to make sure I read in the evening so I could cover mote topics for the jamb exam so few munits into the first topic a knock came on the gate I went for it and behold nelson who came alongside with his puppy so the puppy could play with mine as well. I told him that I was reading and they puppies are going to create noise and spoil things due to their evening play. He begged me so I could allow beacuse he has already come with the puppy and can't just go back . Beacuse of our friendship I allowed him in and released my puppy out too. At first the kept a bit calm in their plays unlike before so I was just not worried and I continued reading in the balcony.At a point later on the noise begun to disturb me ,they puppies were now at this stage barking at children playing outside the gate due to the noise I just went in to help my mom hold up a bowl of water for some munits, before I could come back the both puppies have entered the balcony and torn the book I was reading a half way and spoiled most of the pages with sliver from their mouth with anger I called nelson who was outside the gate playing with children when he came in I was just too angry I shouted at him blaming him and his puppy and as well I told him to go home immediately.
Within munits after he left o felt bad the way I treated him,at night I called him and apologized to him he was still angry with me because of my attitude to him and not letting him to talk . I took the blame and the next day I went over to his house to plead with him and also have some fun together because he love plays and that is the only way he can get joyed again. I still so much love nelson .


Of course I do have hope on my bestie and I would never like to be part of not making it happen.

I hope and believe that one day we would get to a level were we all dreamed and have always pursued to be and in that level we would be remembering the past days of our struggle.

I hope one day we would be important people who order respect where ever we find ourselves in the society

I hope we would be close in the future and not to loose each other to far distances so we could always learn and also hang out together as before

I hope we both learn values that would definitely bring balance to our life's


This is I and joy


This is I and Matthew


This is I and nelson



The relationship I share with my best friends are really top notch and I'm the most happiest person writing about them in this great community. I appreciate everyone who spent time here with me reading my article, a big thank you . I also invite my friends @goodybest @ngoenyi @richy20 you all can participate too in this contest

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I appreciate you
