Today, after a long time, I organized a meal with my friends

in hive-111300 •  2 years ago  (edited)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Assalamu Alaikum I hope you all are doing well. Today I am here with you with my little diary blog.

I have come to you after a long time with my ID blog. Due to some problems I could not come to you. Today I came to you.

Today I will tell you about what I did throughout the day. I hope you will like my little diary blog.


I woke up this morning and saw dark clouds in the sky. I love seeing dark clouds and rain is one of my favorite things. I feel better when it rains and I like to get wet in the rain. So I went to the roof and took the picture.

Then I finished all morning work and after that morning work I went to office to do online work


Then I finished the online work and after finishing the work I took a picture of the laptop to show you.


sat in office had lunch then offered namaz finished namaz late afternoon had some afternoon tea snack on my way home after tea snack I saw this beautiful view picture and I took that picture


Then came home came home freshened up we all friends arranged some dinner together and we all had dinner together and had a lot of fun when we were sharing the food I took this picture and showed you this picture. We used to eat food in the old way, today we do it on banana leaves. I had a lot of fun playing dinner today.

Link to my introduction post

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