Pharaonic obelisks puzzle!

in hive-111300 •  2 years ago 

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What is the secret of those towering Egyptian obelisks that rise to the highest heights in many parts of the first world, from London to Rome, and from Paris to Washington? Is it a testimony to the history of Pharaonic Egypt? Or is there something more mysterious about it and is closely related to the stories and legends about the relationship of the ancient Egyptians with aliens on the one hand, and the hidden world groups, such as “Freemasonry” in particular, on the other? Here, someone might say, “What is new that calls for this question mark?” In fact, the matter is really exciting, as it relates to the series of novels written by the American author "Dan Brown", which Hollywood translates through its silver screen into films that conquer the world, so none of us can forget the movie "The Da Vinci Code", or "Angels and Demons", and his last movie was "Inferno" His historical story, derived from the epic "Divine Comedy" by the Italian poet "Dante Allegre", is the motive for writing these lines... Why? The investigative viewer notes that Brown uses in his films and novels the “Egyptian Obelisks” as a historical code to solve many instantaneous mysteries, which undoubtedly intersect with the beliefs of Freemasonry, that secret group that has been talked about a lot, hundreds of books have been written around it and its secret is still a mystery, and it has not been probed No one blew it. Where does the story of the obelisks begin? Is it really more than historical evidence, and today there are people like “Brown” who are trying to wipe the dust from it? Or is the whole matter nothing more than an attempt to falsify history and attach accusations to the history of Pharaonic Egypt, on which no real scientific evidence and proofs are based, by manipulating words and images on the screens of the entire world, not just Hollywood? The historical origin of the obelisks The historical rooting of the obelisk requires books in itself and not a few lines, but the matter is brief and undisturbed, and as one of the great contemporary archaeologists says, who has left our world recently, Dr. “Abdul Halim Nour al-Din,” and had held the position of Minister of Antiquities in Egypt: The obelisk is a prominent sign of the Egyptian civilization. If the pyramid - for example - is considered an engineering and architectural achievement, the obelisk is also considered a distinct innovation, when we remember that it is one piece of pink granite stone or others, and when we think about how it was cut, transported and erected. Some of them are still standing tall, facing all natural and human conditions. The obelisk was known in the ancient Egyptian texts as “Takhn” and in the Greek texts as “Obelisk.” The Europeans called it “Needle” and the Arabs called it “obelisk.” The “obelisk” is the large needle that is used to weave thick cloth (such as boat sail cloth and others). The word “obelisk” came to express that its top was pointed like the ancient Egyptian obelisk. The obelisk is an architectural element with four sides, ending with a pyramidal top that rests on an independent base on which a text may be recorded. It is decorated with statues of monkeys cheering the sun’s rays, and the sides of the obelisk are engraved The four are with scenes and texts related to the king, their owner, and the god to whom the obelisk was dedicated. What is the purpose of building it? For a few thousand years, the hieroglyphic language was a great mystery and an even bigger talisman, until the French scientist Jean-François Champollion was able to decipher the Rosetta Stone through the approach between Greek and Demotic letters, until he reached the hieroglyphic letters with their full meanings and premises. The evidence is that it was believed for a long time in Europe that the inscriptions engraved on obelisks contained philosophical meditations, religious mysteries and secrets of esoteric science, or at least lessons in astronomy, until a Jesuit monk who worked to decipher the obelisks of Rome in the first half of the seventh century Ten, to develop a hidden theory of Egyptian thought that linked mummification and reincarnation. When Jean-Francois Champollion deciphered the ambiguity of the hieroglyphic signs, he concluded that the texts of the obelisks are only texts dedicated to the pharaoh who ordered their construction, or to a second or third pharaoh who put their signs. “The obelisks are basically historical monuments placed in front of temples and palaces to tell their inscriptions the reasons for establishing such buildings and their purpose, and dedicating them to one or more of the gods of this country,” says Champollion Vijac, the older brother, Jean-François, who deciphered the codes and was in turn fond of Egypt. accompanied by the name of the king who built it.” Is there any other aspect of the obelisk? Religious dimensions Witness that in addition to the fact that the obelisk is an aesthetic architectural element located to the right and left of the entrance to the temple, and appears to float in the space linking heaven and earth, there is a religious and theological dimension that is not hidden from the eyes behind this monument known as obelisks, the ancient Egyptians began to establish them for the god «Ra » In Heliopolis in the form of a simple column linking them with this god, then this shape evolved to take the shape of the four-sided body, which ends with a pyramidal summit known as “Ben Ben.” While others saw that the pyramidal top of the obelisk plays the same role that the pyramid plays as a tomb, since it is the eternal hill on which creation began? Other researchers hypothesized that the obelisk is nothing but the conical rock that was atop the eternal hill in Heliopolis, and on top of which “Atum” appeared for the first time when he emerged from “Noun” in the form of a bird (Phoenix-Phoenix). The witness is that others have linked the obelisk with the god Ra, considering that the sun disk (the oldest symbol of the god Ra) was depicted in the form of an obelisk, as it was stated in the Pyramids texts: “It is Bibi who belongs to the two obelisks of Ra that are on earth.” In addition to the strong relationship between the obelisk and the doctrine of the sun, there is a connection of some kind between the obelisk and the moon. It was mentioned in the legend of “Osiris” (Osiris) that the full moon after 14 days, symbolizes the fourteen parts to which the body of Osiris (Osiris) was cut The crescent symbolized the leg of Osiris, and it is believed that this leg rests in the leg of the leg in the city of Edfu in southern Egypt in a coffin that takes the form of an obelisk, and that Khonsu, the god of the moon, is the one who protects this obelisk. The Genius Behind the Obelisks Questions about Obelisks No It ends, and the stories do not stop, and day after day, facts appear to us that were not previously understood... The Freemasons who owe their doctrine to the Great Builder or the Great Engineer, do not stop saying about a relationship that binds their ancestors to the ancient Egyptians, and even indirectly, and through their symbols, which They are engineering tools, especially calipers. They assert that they are the true makers of the ancient Egyptian civilization, which is the product of intermarriage between the inhabitants of the Earth and the inhabitants of space, or between human forces and those hidden and spiritual forces around the world.. How is that? Perhaps the one who is familiar with scientific publications, especially those related to space affairs, will realize that there are hidden secrets that no one has approached with research or study. Some made one of two possibilities: the first is that the pharaohs were at the top and then went down, or they were at the bottom and rose to the top, and the second is that those who erected obelisks and pyramids were people who were on the moon, or were on the earth and headed for the moon before they deserted it to other planets fit for life. Do obelisks play roles that go beyond writing the autobiography of a person or a particular building in a particular era? The answer raises a lot of astonishment, as obelisks were used as sundial and management to measure the globe and to determine the dates of the four seasons... and with the extensive explanation and analysis of what was stated in the books of historians And the Arab and Greek travelers and the Pharaonic papyri about obelisks, it became clear how the pharaohs placed these obelisks in specific places on the earth, such as the two obelisks of the northern and southern temples of Aon “Ain Shams”, and one of them referred to the point or location where the sun is in the sky at the arrival or moment From the moments of winter, the sun falls perpendicular to the southern obelisk at that moment, and the northern obelisk indicates the location of the sun at the beginning of the summer, in addition to the use of obelisks as pillars for lighting lamps, where they covered its top with a small triangle made of a secret sacred metal called “electrum” And this metal was making this pyramid work as a light bulb at night, and they also used the shadows of some obelisks that they put in specific places in the land of Egypt to measure the circumference of the globe, which is the method followed by the scientist of Alexandria “Eratossin” in measuring the circumference of the globe after reading what came In one of the Pharaonic papyri, based on a mathematical equation, the circumference of the globe was calculated by 39,690 km, which is 430 km less than the currently estimated figure for the circumference of the globe using modern technological means, which is 40,120 km. The Eye of Horus means that we ask: Where are the Pharaonic obelisks spread around the world? The answer is long, but those who were destined to visit most capitals of the world were astonished by the “inevitability” of the presence of a Pharaonic obelisk in the largest square of these international capitals. , then Emperor Augustus moved them and settled in front of the Temple of Caesar in the tenth year BC, then one of the two obelisks was transferred to London, and the other was transferred to New York.. There are four obelisks in France, one in Constantinople, and one in Constantinople. In Italy, and others around the world... The question here is, were there hidden hands that worked to spread these obelisks around the world? Some narrations, although not based on in-depth research roots, argue that the spread of obelisks in this way was not random, but rather a deliberate intention of the global Masonic groups, which have established their hidden roots around the world for more than two thousand years, and according to the owners of that reading that if Solomon’s Temple was the intellectual basis of the Free Masons, i.e. the Freemasons, the pyramids come in second importance, and it is the site where their first guide, Horus, was buried. It is not in vain that it is based on the currency that rules the world, that is, the dollar next to a picture of the pyramids. The American Obelisk and Control Was it necessary for the United States of America in a special way to link its future to the Pharaonic civilization in order to dominate the world? And where does the subject of the Pharaonic obelisk intersect, with American hegemony and control, and the role of Freemasonry in particular in this context? Talking about Freemasonry and its role in the founding of the United States of America needs an adequate study and perhaps a comprehensive volume, but we refer first to two names that serve as the ideological basis for “New Canaan,” meaning the American lands. The first is “Adam Weishaupt”, that German monk who reversed his Christianity and was attracted by global Freemasonry in 1770 AD, and he found in the United States of America his desired destination, as it was a newly born country free from the tyranny of European religious institutions in the Middle Ages, and in the United States began “ Weishaupt" in implementing his modern plan of Freemasonry with the aim of controlling the world, and in the year 1776 he had crystallized the first lodge of the Illuminati, and the word refers to "Lucifor", meaning the bearer of light, one of the names of Satan. Weizhaupt's efforts met with the inclinations and tendencies of General Albert Pike, who was dismissed from the American army, and so he poured out his anger on the Americans, and proceeded to activate the role of global Freemasonry in the states The United States of America, and in this context, it was not surprising that the country’s first president, “George Washington” and a number of senior American thinkers and theorists such as “Benjamin Franklin” were among the leading advocates of Freemasonry and its founders in the new American countries... But what about the obelisk of George Washington in particular? ? Did the founding fathers of the United States of America have any conviction about the pharaonic “obelisks” and the belief that they, the “eye of Horus” and the features of the Great Pyramid were protecting the new empire? We cannot separate the beliefs of those Masonic fathers from the founding actions of that country. Take, for example, the “George Washington” memorial in the American capital, Washington, which is a huge obelisk that was erected in honor of the first president of the country, near the Potomac River at about halfway. Between the US Capitol and the Abraham Lincoln Memorial. The Americans officially argue that the idea is not taken from the obelisks of the pharaohs, but the picture in fact confirms, beyond any doubt, the existence of an authentic quotation of the pharaonic idea, and the American architect “Robert Mills” designed this monument in the year 1848 and the construction was completed on December 6, 1884 AD. The imitation "George Washington" obelisk, with a height of about 170 meters and a diameter of about four and a half meters, is called the "Washington Moment" by the Americans. What is striking is what is written at the top, where there are two words in Latin, Laus deo, which correspond to the English “Praise be to god,” meaning “Glory to God.” However, the question remains about which god is speaking who made the imitation “Washington Obelisk” ? Many narrations we have heard throughout the years of work, research and study in Washington confirm that the intended deity is “Ra”, the sun god, who shines with his face on the “Washington” obelisk every morning, as was the case in ancient Egypt several thousand years ago. Therefore, it is not permissible in Washington, architecturally, to have buildings that reach heights higher than the height of the Washington Monument, that is, the imitation obelisk, so as not to block sunlight from the obelisk, and from the “Eye of Horus” that Washington protects and preserves. Something also connects "George Washington" with the ancient and secret history of the pharaohs. Inside the White House, the visitor sees a picture of George Washington inside a rainbow and around it a circle containing 72 stars, a pharaonic symbol and a secret name for the god "Ra", the sun god of the ancient Egyptians. The inauguration ceremony of the American president was a kind of necessity to mix the exciting and strange between Pharaonic Egypt and Freemasonry, and the obelisk is always in the middle... How is that? On the twentieth of January, the inauguration of the newly elected US president usually takes place, as the procession moves from the White House, through the imitation Pharaonic obelisk, to the Capitol Building (Congress). From here, the new president ascends the stairs, numbering 33 steps, and then turns into a god according to the ancient Pharaonic beliefs, which were taken from her by Freemasonry, and the number (33) comes to remain a great mystery, as some say that it is the number of vertebrae of the human backbone, which ends with the head, which demonstrates On the same meaning, and others indicate that it is the number of years that Jesus spent on earth before his ascension or resurrection, then the American president goes back to the White House to close the three sides of the pyramid, and the number three also symbolizes the belief in life and death and then resurrection, as well as the father mother and childbearing. Is there such a degree of reliability between the American Freemasonry and the Egyptian Pharaonic? If we admit that the world Marketed with the power of the dollar, the incomplete pyramid is located on the background of the dollar bill, and the stones of the pyramid are 72 stones, and above the pyramid is the eye of Horus, as if it monitors the world through a luminous circle to indicate that America rules the world with the power of the god “Ra” the sun god, and his eye of Horus that is above an obelisk The unreal Washington in the American capital... The question remains: Will Dan Brown and his novels come to slowly unveil the secrets of Freemasonry and its relationship with Pharaonicism, or what is intended to be a relationship even if it has nothing to do with the truth? Is Dan Brown a Freemason? The American author, writer, novelist, teacher and journalist Dan Brown, born in 1964, presented several fictional and controversial novels, foremost of which are: “The Digital Fortress, The Truth of Deception, Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, The Lost Symbol, Hell.” Dan graduated from Amherst University and the Phelps Custer Academy, and worked as an English language teacher before directing all his energy to writing, where he specialized in deciphering the secrets and secrets of hidden and overt global organizations, so the question was: “Is Dan Brown a Freemason and go to Freemasonry?” The question prompted him to see many times in novels, many of them related to obelisks, and he made it, for example, in the novel “Angels and Demons,” the key through which he understood the encrypted messages of the group of Illuminati who kidnapped cardinals nominated for the position of the papacy, the same thing that was repeated in his last movie “Hell.” . In response to a question: Are you a Christian? Brown replied: “Yes, I am.” It is known that Christianity, especially Roman Catholicism, absolutely forbids its faithful followers to belong to Freemasonry because it contradicts the foundations of sound and orthodox faith. In an interview in November of 2014, Dan Brown told Al-Hayat newspaper that he is not a Freemason, and he said: “I greatly respect Masonic philosophies, history and principles, but I am not a Freemason. Secrets, but I prefer to have the freedom to write about everything, even the traditions of the Freemasons and their rich use of symbols ». However, previous statements are subject to intellectual vibrations. In May 2013, Dan Brown met with about 1,500 of his fans in London, to discuss his book “Inferno.. the volume”, and chose for the event the most famous Masonic Hall in England “Free Mason Hall” At the Grand Lodge. In a statement "I would be honored to be a Freemason," Brown told the British newspaper The Independent. "You don't get an invitation from Freemasonry, but it sent a clear message that the door is open to me whenever you want to join." Is Brown a Christian or a Freemason? He answers: "I have nothing but admiration for the organization that basically brings people of different faiths together. Freemasonry is not a religion but a place for spiritual people to work together, and their religions and beliefs overlap to fuse together"... Is there an answer more elusive and ambiguous than this one? A deep pharaonic mystery, what should be pointed out before leaving? It can be definitively stated that the “Hadith of Obelisks” is part of the deep conversations of the Pharaonic civilization, which has not yet discovered all its aspects. And perhaps those who built it, the theories are numerous, and what has been recently discovered is very exciting. Despite the importance of the obelisk as an architectural element and as a religious symbol, the Egyptian did not record for us how he cut it, nor how he moved it, nor how he built it, and that is why the obelisk remains, with all that it represents, a mystery of the Egyptian civilization, a mystery that represents an element of fascination and miraculousness of the ancient Egyptian civilization, and the talk here of the Egyptian Minister of Antiquities The late Dr. Abdel Halim Noureddine. As for the French writer, of Egyptian origin, “Robert Soleil”, author of the book “The Great Journey of the Obelisk”, in which he explains the story of the departure of the famous “Concorde” obelisk from Egypt to the heart of Paris, he tells us that in 1893, in a detailed study of the Luxor Temple, The Egyptologist "George Daris" wondered if it was not simply the function of these obelisks to show from afar the locations of the chapels: the obelisks played the same role as the minarets of mosques and church bells, especially that their top (or pyramid) was often covered with shiny gold or silver metal, not Half a century later, Pierre Lacaux, the former director of the Department of Antiquities and the French Institute of Oriental Antiquities, admits his ignorance of the issue. He says that the Egyptians did not leave us any theory about the obelisk. “We do not know anything about the origin or meaning of the legend of this sacred room.” However, this acknowledgment, in conjunction with the novels of Dan Brown, and the interpretations of the Freemasons, seems very excessive... Why? Because many Egyptologists do not hesitate to provide definitions and explanations Fairly accurate, even if it still requires proof. After all, the obelisk is an extension of the prehistoric cult of stone figures (monument), which was practiced in various parts of the world. France, not to mention any other, has known “Al-Munir and Al-Dolbin.” In Egypt, the engineering use of these stones began in Heliopolis, the city of the sun, before it spread to the rest of the country, and ended up giving it a geometric shape. In the beginning, the sun was shining on its summit called “Ben” according to ancient beliefs, and on this top the sun was shining and resting on it to light the world every day at dawn, so the obelisk was taking the energy of the creator planets, and perhaps the obelisk represented a petrified ray. The open question to every reader: Is the obelisk just a historical monument? This leads us to the final proposition: Could it have another job that Egyptologists or Egyptologists have not been able to know until now, and this is why the Masons and other accounts revolt about her around the world? The dazzling secret, “The Talk of Obelisks” is part of the deep conversations of the Pharaonic civilization, which has not yet discovered all its aspects. And perhaps those who built it, the theories are numerous, and what was discovered recently is very exciting. Despite the importance of the obelisk as an architectural element and as a religious symbol, the Egyptian did not record how he cut it, nor how he moved it, nor how he erected it. Therefore, the obelisk, with all it represents, remains a mystery of the Egyptian civilization, a mystery that is an element of fascination and miraculousness of the ancient Egyptian civilization..

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