The sciences of the pharaohs... the secrets of presence and disappearance

in hive-111300 •  2 years ago  (edited)

The priests monopolized the knowledge in their temples and withheld it from the common people. Did they do that on purpose?


The question of what happened to the civilization of the ancient Egyptians, or the Pharaonic civilization, still haunts the minds of researchers and thinkers, as how such greatness at the level of humans and stone, to disappear in this disturbing way, after it filled the world with a presence. Scientists have worked hard and are still trying to provide reasons and justifications, and the last of those voices was a group of Russian scientists, who argued that the reason for the end of the ancient Egyptian civilization was a volcanic eruption that changed the global climate, which caused the water level in the Nile to drop. According to the scientists, the solar explosions resulted in particles scattered in the air, which led to the reflection of the sun’s rays on the Earth’s atmosphere, which affected the change in the distribution of heat and rain throughout the Earth, and by referring to the history books, we find that those explosions actually occurred in 44 BC, That is, during the reign of Queen Cleopatra. But is this really the real reason for the extinction of the pharaonic civilization, or is there another hidden role connected to the absence of the sciences of the pharaohs, which was the main reason for the emergence and advancement of that civilization? About science in Pharaonic Egypt Talking about science in ancient Egypt needs volumes, not a few lines, and perhaps a quick review of some international encyclopedias, led by the British Encyclopedia, gives us an idea, even a brief, about the creations and discoveries of the ancient Egyptian, starting with paper, ink, cosmetics, toothbrushes and toothpaste. , up to creativity in engineering construction, medicine, astronomer, art and literature. Perhaps a quick look at the Great Pyramid, which human scientists have been unable to decipher until now, shows us how the ancient Egyptians were able to work against the laws of physics, which indicates that they had their own building theories, which remained a secret of their civilization yet to be discovered. From the ancient Egyptians, the philosopher Thales of Maltese (585 BC) took irrigation and agricultural techniques, and most of the time he brought these innovations back to Greece, and Egypt considered until the beginnings of the era of decay in the time of the Ptolemies, the bread basket of the Roman Empire. As for astronomy, the ancient Egyptian had an exciting and amazing story with the stars. There are even some scientific opinions that say that the Great Pyramid is nothing but an observatory for the pharaohs to follow what is outside the globe, and that its design was done at angles through which it can keep pace with the movement of the stars. Astronomy on the spiritual level was very important to the Pharaohs, as they had established an attitude that the land of Egypt is nothing but a perfect reflection of the land of the gods and the afterlife. The ancient Egyptian excelled in linking the movement of the stars with planting times, rainy seasons, planting dates, and harvest time. In the field of medicine, the clear fact remains that Hippocrates, nicknamed the father of medicine, took from the medicine of the Pharaonic papyri, just as Homer, the legendary Greek epic poet, indicated in his famous book "The Odyssey", that people in Egypt are more gifted in medicine than others, and that their medicine was superior to other sciences. As for Herodotus, the father of history, he says in his writings about the Egyptians: "They give medicine prudently, so no one was allowed to interfere with anything other than what was allocated to him." The secret of mummification remains one of the secrets hidden from the eyes of the world, east and west, and modern sciences and inventions have been unable to explain the ability of these people to preserve the bodies of their dead, which is connected to the idea of ​​immortality in the afterlife, which means that sciences were fundamentally linked to the religious system in the life and works of the ancient Egyptian over Earth, and his visions of life in the afterlife.


The sciences of the pharaohs... The secrets of attendance and disappearance The priests monopolized knowledge in their temples and withheld it from the public. Did they do that on purpose? Emile Amin is a writer and researcher @amen_emile Saturday July 3, 2021 10:11 The secrets of Pharaonic building engineering are still elusive to scientists (AFP) The question about what happened to the ancient Egyptian civilization, or the Pharaonic civilization, still troubles the minds of researchers and thinkers, as how Such greatness on the level of humans and stone, to disappear in this disturbing way, after it filled the world with a presence. Scientists have worked hard and are still trying to provide reasons and justifications, and the last of those voices was a group of Russian scientists, who argued that the reason for the end of the ancient Egyptian civilization was a volcanic eruption that changed the global climate, which caused the water level in the Nile to drop. According to the scientists, the solar explosions resulted in particles scattered in the air, which led to the reflection of the sun’s rays on the Earth’s atmosphere, which affected the change in the distribution of heat and rain throughout the Earth, and by referring to the history books, we find that those explosions actually occurred in 44 BC, That is, during the reign of Queen Cleopatra. But is this really the real reason for the extinction of the pharaonic civilization, or is there another hidden role connected to the absence of the sciences of the pharaohs, which was the main reason for the emergence and advancement of that civilization? About science in Pharaonic Egypt Talking about science in ancient Egypt needs volumes, not a few lines, and perhaps a quick review of some international encyclopedias, led by the British Encyclopedia, gives us an idea, even a brief, about the creations and discoveries of the ancient Egyptian, starting with paper, ink, cosmetics, toothbrushes and toothpaste. , up to creativity in engineering construction, medicine, astronomer, art and literature. Perhaps a quick look at the Great Pyramid, which human scientists have been unable to decipher until now, shows us how the ancient Egyptians were able to work against the laws of physics, which indicates that they had their own building theories, which remained a secret of their civilization yet to be discovered. From the ancient Egyptians, the philosopher Thales of Maltese (585 BC) took irrigation and agricultural techniques, and most of the time he brought these innovations back to Greece, and Egypt considered until the beginnings of the era of decay in the time of the Ptolemies, the bread basket of the Roman Empire. As for astronomy, the ancient Egyptian had an exciting and amazing story with the stars. There are even some scientific opinions that say that the Great Pyramid is nothing but an observatory for the pharaohs to follow what is outside the globe, and that its design was done at angles through which it can keep pace with the movement of the stars. Astronomy on the spiritual level was very important to the Pharaohs, as they had established an attitude that the land of Egypt is nothing but a perfect reflection of the land of the gods and the afterlife. The ancient Egyptian excelled in linking the movement of the stars with planting times, rainy seasons, planting dates, and harvest time. In the field of medicine, the clear fact remains that Hippocrates, nicknamed the father of medicine, took from the medicine of the Pharaonic papyri, just as Homer, the legendary Greek epic poet, indicated in his famous book "The Odyssey", that people in Egypt are more gifted in medicine than others, and that their medicine was superior to other sciences. As for Herodotus, the father of history, he says in his writings about the Egyptians: "They give medicine prudently, so no one was allowed to interfere with anything other than what was allocated to him." The secret of mummification remains one of the secrets hidden from the eyes of the world, east and west, and modern sciences and inventions have been unable to explain the ability of these people to preserve the bodies of their dead, which is connected to the idea of ​​immortality in the afterlife, which means that sciences were fundamentally linked to the religious system in the life and works of the ancient Egyptian over Earth, and his visions of life in the afterlife. UGUVXJPBGRIRZMHJPV7R45F2DIreuters.jpg Among the tools used by the ancient Egyptians (Reuters) about religious life in ancient Egypt Among Herodotus' writings, we also find an admission that the Egyptians were the most religious people, and they always believed that everything in the world belonged to the gods, and that they are the source of all good, and that the gods He is aware of humankind's worldly desires, and is able to intervene at any time they wish. It is proven from referring to most, if not all, of the books left by the Pharaohs, especially the book “Exit into the Light”, which is known by the wrong name “The Matn of the Dead”, that religion played an important role in the life of the ancient Egyptian man, as there was no force that controlled his life as it controlled his life. Debt. Religion was the ancient Egyptian's assistant in understanding the phenomena surrounding him, but more than that, the religious horizon was a path of desire for benefit or awe of the unknown and dangers. Perhaps the father of psychiatry, Sigmund Freud, raised a great controversy when he said that the Egyptians “are the ones who invented divinity.” The Egyptian Sinbad, and the great thinker Dr. Hussein Fawzy responded by saying that the Egyptians rediscovered the importance of religion for the human soul after a few thousand years. From a life far from urbanization and closer to barbarism than it to the pattern of human coexistence, which led to the building of a creative civilization in the manner of the ancient Egyptian civilization. However, the idea of ​​religion at the Pharaohs was not of a unified nature, and the Egyptians did not agree on a single god or a self-contained deity, and for this we see a plurality of gods, there is Amun and there are Aten, and between them there are dozens and perhaps hundreds of deities. Perhaps one of the best things mentioned in this context is that the Pharaonic Egyptian did not want to resort to a bond that would protect him, but rather wanted to find an idol for himself if he thought about it, he would transcend himself, above all the various disturbances that man suffers in his daily life. To create for himself deities he gave them different forms, and when this religion reached the height of glory and holiness and penetrated the souls of the ancient Egyptians, it seems that the priests of the temples had taken control of them and made them their property, and thus the direct communication with the common people was cut off, and mediation between the gods and members of the people became necessary. From here begins to talk about the mediator who put his hands on the sciences of the ancient Egyptians, which could be the cause of the extinction of the Pharaonic civilization, not its spread. The priests of the temples and the sciences of Thoth, the god of wisdom, among many accounts of the Pharaonic civilization, that its very distant roots arose from Thoth, the god of wisdom, who was known by the followers of the sunken civilization of Atlantis, who landed on the mountains of Africa and from there crawled to the Nile Valley and cultivated it, and then the civilization of the pharaohs rose . However, the narratives are one thing, and the facts about the priests of the pharaohs and their role in ancient Egypt is something else. They were the striking introduction to the ancient Egyptian sciences, even if they hid behind their religious rituals, and mediation between heaven and earth, between the gods worshiped and human servants. However, one of the most important tasks entrusted to the priests of Pharaonic temples is the preservation of religious texts and knowledge of hidden objects. The chief reciter of the temple was the custodian of the sacred manuscripts and ritual texts. Egyptian priests excelled in many fields and different knowledge throughout ancient Egyptian times, and evidence of this is the saying of an old man in the late era of the famous Athenian legislator and jurist, Solon: “You Greeks are still children, there are no elders in Greece”... Solon asked, "What do you mean?" The Egyptian priest replied to him: "Your perceptions are still young, because you do not possess ancient traditions and knowledge that have been marred by time." The ruler was the one who appointed the priests, but he left them the tasks of worship, meaning performing the rituals necessary to perform the rituals according to each deity in his temple, but the hidden aspect of his role was always related to preserving the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, and what reached them from their ancestors, and it was natural for the An agricultural people like the Egyptian people had to adhere to all their beliefs, but to keep them with all their different simple minutes, was only the result of those priests' understanding in the world of the pharaonic priesthood.

The Houses of Life... Temples with the Degree of Scientific Universities In a research paper by the Egyptian archaeologist Mahmoud Mandrawi, we read about the relationship between science and the priests of the Pharaonic temples, and he pauses before the priests of Heliopolis, who are considered the most knowledgeable priests in Egypt. The priests of the Pharaohs were the first to know the division of the solar year, in order to organize agricultural life, religious events and holidays, and they were guided to this division because of their contemplation of the stars. However, what Mandrawi calls "the priestly science", he ordered him to search in ancient writings and to believe in the power of influence of voices and the specialization included in hieroglyphic writing for the purpose of religious use, and then search in this writing for multiple ways of expression. Perhaps the latest studies in Egyptology tell us that ancient Egypt had known multifunctional educational institutes, and the study was issued by the Luxor Center for Studies, Dialogue and Development, and those institutes were called “the house of life”, and they resemble the university today. Among the priests' duties, in addition to performing their religious rites and performing their priestly duties, was the supreme interest in knowledge and the care of the sacred divine science. In the houses of life that served as libraries for temples, one could see the processes of preserving and codifying all the sciences. The priests and scribes specialized in developing their sciences in these fields. The sciences of divination and rituals had the greatest share. Helps in matters of divination and omen. According to the study of the Luxor Center, thousands of books of the dead were copied in those temples, which were among the necessities that the deceased needed on his journey to the other world, according to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. And the witness is that inside those temples and the homes of life, all the sciences of previous civilizations were recorded and stored, and they wrote down a lot and a lot of information related to the geography of Egypt, and even the entire universe, and the sciences that were stored in those houses included explanations of astronomy and engineering, and texts of astrology, As well as engineering sciences and architecture. As for medical sciences, it was one of the most important sacred sciences, and it included mummification, mixed with ancient magic and the arts of surgery, and animal sciences developed, and many blogs appeared to explain dreams, magic, and drugs... So does what has been said mean anything specific? In short, the pharaonic temples were global universities, and the priests were material and spiritual scholars at the same time, and the last part opens the door to discussion about what has become known as the curse of the pharaohs or black magic.
It is rare that one does not hear anything new about the story of the curse of the pharaohs if the ancient Egyptian is mentioned, and many tales, some of which are well-known and published, such as the death of Howard Carter, the discoverer of Tutankhamun's tomb, who was bitten by a mosquito. There is a more famous incident, and if one wants, let him say more catastrophic, which is the incident of the Titanic, and it is promoted that a mummy was placed on it to be transported to the United States of America, after it caused successive disasters in Britain, and ignited fires in more than one location or place in which it was placed. Perhaps the closest thing to talking about the curse of the pharaohs is what happened in Egypt about two months ago, and on the sidelines of the transfer of royal mummies from the Egyptian Museum located in Tahrir Square in central Cairo, to the Royal Mummies Museum in the Fustat area, and the subsequent series of train accidents and fires. Some between them and change the location of those mummies. Although the idea of ​​the curse of the pharaohs is denied, this does not negate the fact that there is a wide area of ​​ambiguity around a number of ancient Egyptian texts and papyri, which stated that death will afflict everyone who disturbs the sleeping pharaoh in the tomb, and these are warning texts that may be in the future. In this context, Dr. Khaled Saad, an Egyptian tourism and archaeologist, stated that it is not excluded that the ancient Egyptians knew secret sciences such as magic. What is proven is that the ancient Egyptian was very proficient in a number of sciences, and there is talk of him reaching what we can metaphorically call now “poisoning the atmosphere”, which is the approach that was followed in all the burial ceremonies that took place in ancient history, through the use of “arsenic”, With the cemetery closed, it was suspended in the air for a very long time, and if the place was opened in an unscientific way, the person would develop an epidemic, blood poisoning, or skin ulcers. In all cases, the question remains, did the Egyptians know the path of black magic or did they excel in the world of white magic or scientific magic? The worlds of magic and their intersections with the sciences of the pharaohs attributed the first man many incomprehensible or justified phenomena to the unseen, and linked this to magic, especially in the field of medicine and medicine. The ancient Egyptian believed that disease is about evil spirits inhabiting the body, and that healing must take place by being expelled. The ancient Egyptian excelled in the sciences of alchemy, which is what the English scientist Newton talked about in particular in newly discovered papers. For example, the Pharaohs knew the substance of anaesthesia, which is used in anesthesia, and they used to prepare it by crushing marble stone and mixing it with vinegar, as Professor Mandrawi shows us in His previous research referred to it. Later, in modern times, chemical sciences proved the action of this drug, as marble is a compound of calcium carbonate that is affected by the acetic acid present in vinegar and forms carbonic acid.
What is certain is that it is not possible to be certain whether the ancient Egyptians had a relationship with the world of black magic, and the connection of the pharaohs with spiritual forces in the other world, as facts were mixed with myths over a few thousand years. However, it is certain that the pharaohs excelled in what we can call white magic, that is, magic based on scientific foundations that no one has been able to discover until now, including, for example, the way in which the stones of the Great Pyramid were glued without an adhesive substance. Stones, some of which weigh two tons, through complex physical processes that modern science has not yet known and have not yet been discovered by natural sciences? The confirmed fact is that the walls of the temples of the Pharaohs, including what remains until now, were recorded by the inventions of the twentieth century, such as hovercraft, for example, and the methods of building enormous temples in the city of Luxor show how the ancient Egyptians were able to harness nature by mechanical and mechanical means and methods, and physical and chemical scientific theories for the benefit of man And mankind, and they called this type of scientific magic talismans and semiotics, and for this reason the Pharaonic priest was often called the magician, as in the Qur’anic narration about Pharaoh’s magicians or scholars according to religious narrations, including the Torah.

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