Current news||Coming Independence day

in hive-111300 •  2 years ago 

Assalamualaikum steemians

How are you? Hope so everyone would be safe and sound just like me as I am also safe Alhamdulillah....

Today the topic and the news that I am going to share is very different and according to a coming date about which I am excited. This is the month of August and in this month my country celebrates Independence Day very warmly.


When in Pakistan independence day is celebrated?

Independence Day is celebrated on 14 of August at every year and it is the day when Pakistan separates from subcontinent and everyone want to be independent so Pakistan and people of Pakistan becomes independent at this day after a lot of sacrifices of different ancestors.

If I talk about exact date of independence of Pakistan then if we study History then in 1947 Pakistan becomes and independent Nation of Muslims mostly so that Muslims may have their religious independency to spend their life.

Before the separation of subcontinent and people living in subcontinent which were from different religions Muslims were not safe that's why the great leader Quaid-e-Azam demand for the separate home land for Pakistan so that Muslim may have freedom regarding their life decisions and hence that due to his sincerity and devotion to make a nation strong and separate.

Why I am excited about Independence day?

I am excited about Independence day because in my country this day is celebrated with too much devotion and love and there are different ways to show love for country Pakistan and I show my love by watching different shows related to sacrifices of the people due to which we are able to get a separate homeland.


This day that I really like there are other ways to celebrate and I also like to listen national songs with a lot of love for the celebration of my Independence Day and I also pray and my Independence Day for safety and success of Pakistan.

That was all about a news about which I was excited.

Thanks 🥰

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